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If you’ve got a dog (or, is it that the dog has you?) this is one list you’ll want to print out and keep near the phone. In an emergency, when the internet is down, or if you simply need assistance with your dog from a real, live person, these 5 phone numbers should be in the Rolodex of every dog owner:

National Animal Poison Control Center: 1 888 426 4435. In an emergency every second counts. The National Animal Poison Control Center is a 24-hour manned emergency hotline sponsored in part by 36 different companies. While there is sometimes a charge for consultation, this call could save the life of your dog.
Spay/Neuter Helpline: 1 800 248 SPAY. Irresponsible breeding results in the abandonment and euthanization of thousands of dogs each year. SPAY USA is a national referral service that helps connect pet parents with free or low cost spay and neuter services in their area. With partnerships at over 950 programs and clinics nationwide, they eliminate finances as an excuse for not spaying or neutering your pets.
Emergency Disaster Information Line: 1 800 227 4645. Provided by the American Humane Association, this number provides support and relief information for pet owners living in areas affected by disasters including earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, fire and more. While not an official “hotline,” this number is manned by live persons able to direct pet owners in the event of a natural disaster or emergency.
Pet Travel Hotline: 1 800 545 USDA. If you plan on traveling by plane with your dog, a quick call to this number will ensure you are prepared for any bumps in the road where your dog is concerned. Run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, this hotline provides travel resources, licensed pet transporter contact information, rules and regulations, and also assists those that believe their animal was treated inhumanely during travel.
Your Veterinarian: One of the most important numbers in every dog owner’s phonebook will be that of your usual, trusted veterinarian. If that number isn’t already in your phone, add it now. In an emergency, during times of stress or panic, precious moments may be wasted trying to look up your vet’s phone number – and many veterinary offices have similar names.
In addition to these national helpline and hotline numbers, make sure you’ve got the numbers for your nearest emergency veterinarian, and your local animal control services handy, too.
Additional resources: Do you suspect your neighbors are abusing their dog? Are you having issues with your landlord or tenants over a companion animal? Do you want to report a veterinarian that you believe is operating unethically or illegally? The Animal Legal Defense Fund offers an amazing list of additional resources for pet owners in need of help. Find it here: www.aldf.org/resources/
Do you have another can’t-live-without-it resource for dog owners? Comment below!

Alicia Weinrich
May 27, 2016 at 12:18 pm
I would like a number or better yet a website to go to that could track my location and then send me a list of the closest 24 HOUR EMERGENCY PET HOSPITAL. Right now when I try this SO MANY are not TRUE and actual 24 hour emergency hospitals for pets.
Teresa Allen
Jan 4, 2016 at 2:25 pm
As a pet sitter, my clients have me on their “emergency” list. Even if they can’t contact me themselves, their family has my info. I also either have a spare key, or know where one is kept-this has come in handy on more than one occasion.
Teresa Allen
Jan 4, 2016 at 2:17 pm
I’m a pet sitter, and my clients have me on the “emergency” list. Even if they are unable to contact me themselves, family members know how to reach me. I also either have a spare key, or know where the “hiding place” is-and this has come in handy on more than one occasion!!
Oct 10, 2014 at 1:36 pm
Thank you so much for this much needed info. I’ve printed out copies for me and my friend who owns a dogsitting/boarding business. Thanks also to Mary, Dee & Gaylene for the additional suggestions.
Gwynn Wallace
Jun 22, 2014 at 10:42 pm
Thank you for this vital information , i will share .
Ruth DeLucia
May 21, 2014 at 4:21 pm
Thanks for the info. I shared on Facebook and plan on giving them to a friend who may be moving in the near future.
Mar 18, 2014 at 10:58 pm
Doggy lawyers? Really? You people are silly.Does your dog have a will? They are smelly, four legged animals.
May 21, 2014 at 5:52 pm
Really? What about people who have companion animals for physical or mental disabilities? There are many legal issues around that for which a lawyer may be necessary. If someone is mistreating or abusing animals, that involves legal issues. If you think dogs are smelly animals, I’m assuming you don’t bathe them. I don’t have a dog, but if I ran into legal issues regarding the animals I do have, I would call a lawyer.
Mary Blackburn
Mar 7, 2014 at 12:42 pm
it might be useful to add the phone # of your pet’s microchip company as well…
Mar 7, 2014 at 12:07 am
I would include my Vet’s number, the number of the Emergency Vet ( North Star) and Home Again .
Irish Carlisle
Feb 27, 2014 at 4:17 pm
Excellent information. Thank you so much!!!
Gaylene Smith
Feb 26, 2014 at 10:44 pm
I immediately took the time to log these numbers into my phone, along with my vets number. It was mentioned to me that it would be a good idea to look up Vet emergency numbers along the routes of National travel when one vacations with their animals. This would be a nice 24/7 service to have, like 911.
sandy riddle
Feb 26, 2014 at 9:47 pm
Thank You
Lenore Reynolds
Feb 26, 2014 at 5:50 pm
Thank u so much for these numbers. Will be telling friends and family about them.
Katherine Scarlett
Feb 26, 2014 at 4:40 pm
Thank you so much for this info. Important, perhaps vital. 🙂
Kathy Hartlieb
May 13, 2013 at 10:36 pm
I am really happy to have these numbers, Because I wouldn’t have
known where to go to find them. Thank you, good job and I hope
that there are other people who copy these down too.