
Leslie May & Johann

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As dogs face more and more environmental and health risks living their daily lives, it’s become increasingly important to understand and be aware of how your dog can live a healthier and more environmentally friendly life. Leslie May and Johann The Dog, the authors of the popular website and blog, Raise A Green Dog, will discuss lots of ideas about how you can help your dog be more green and healthy, and help the environment at the same time.

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If you missed Leslie May & Johann’s insightful webinar, you can catch the replay here!

Johann Leslie and Gracie
Leslie May with Johann (left) and Gracie (right)

Raise a Green Dog, with authors Leslie May and Johann The Dog, began in November 2007 and quickly became a very popular blog that has grown over the years into a complete website, with educational pages, tips, tricks and product information to help dog lovers learn more about being green and helping their dog live a healthier, happier life. Their mission is to help other dog lovers learn how they can have a healthier pup and environment by sharing information about their own green, organic lifestyle through articles, and the products and services they find that that they would welcome into their green life.

Founder Leslie May grew up in a green and organic family, before being green was popular. After adopting Johann as a puppy from a no-kill animal shelter in the Indianapolis area in September of 2004, she wanted to be sure that he was not only safe from the environmental dangers that he may encounter in his life, she also wanted eco-friendly, healthy and safe products for him to eat, play with, sleep in, and be and live around, inside and out.

Fortunately knowing how to live an eco-friendly, healthy and organic lifestyle gave her a ‘leg up’ in helping find information, tips and products that would keep Johann the happiest and healthiest dog he could be. She quickly discovered that healthy and green information and products were not easy to find for other dog lovers. That’s when Raise A Green Dog was born….with one goal in mind: to bring valuable, green lifestyle information to dog lovers, so they can enjoy a long and happy life with their dogs, and help the environment at the same time.

Over the past few years the site and blog have been featured in a wide variety of publications including The Washington Post, USAToday, Chicago Tribune, Modern Dog, Dog World Magazine, Dog Fancy’s Natural Dog Magazine, Dog Sport Magazine, Pet Style Magazine, Tails Inc., publications, on Internet radio and in countless blogs and newspaper articles across the world.

When not writing about being green, Leslie runs Pawsible Marketing, a pet business marketing consulting firm that helps pet businesses with all their marketing needs. In her spare time, she enjoys life in the mountains of NE Georgia with her dogs, Johann (YoYo) and Gracie, and her kitties, Wolfie and Wiggy; and enjoys competing in dog agility and hiking the many mountain trails with Johann and Gracie.

For more information about Leslie, Johann, and helping your dog live a healthier, happier life, visit the Raise A Green Dog website ( and the Raise A Green Dog blog (

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