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2. Berger Picard
The Berger Picard (bare ZHAY pee CARR) or Picardy Shepherd is one of the oldest French herding breeds. With World War I and World War II being fought in the Picard’s home territory of northern France, the Berger Picard nearly became extinct and is still rare today. The movie, Because of Winn Dixie, introduced America to the Berger Picard but the public primarily thought it was a mixed breed. This delightful medium-sized dog is people-oriented, loyal, and can make a good family pet if properly socialized. Their rustic coat does not require hours of maintenance.

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ritamarie soussa
Feb 22, 2016 at 11:06 pm
The miniature American Shepherd. I had a rescue that was an Australian Shepherd and German short haired pointer mix. Lived 17 years great dog!