
8 Quick Tips to Prevent Your House Smelling Like Dog

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by James Hall

There are plenty of wonderful benefits to having a dog companion – but an unpleasant odor isn’t one of them! If you’ve noticed an unmistakable smell of dog, or if friends have started to avoid breathing through their nose at your house, it might be time to take action.

Fortunately, fighting a dog odor isn’t difficult. In this article, I’ll take you through eight ways you can eliminate doggy smells.

But before I get to the tips, here’s an important disclaimer: please make sure any products you use are dog-friendly. Many chemicals that are fine for humans can harm your pet, so don’t use any products unless you’re sure they are safe.

With that out of the way, let’s get rid of that nasty dog aroma!

1. Clean Your Dog’s Bed Once a Week

The first tip is also the simplest – wash your dog’s bed at least once a week. The fabric retains odors, so your house will never smell fresh if you don’t wash it often.

If your dog bed has a removable cover, machine-wash the cover and use a pet vacuum on the cushion. For stubborn odors, or beds without a cover, you may want to leave baking soda on the cushion overnight.

2. Vacuum All Furniture

Many of us love to snuggle with our pets on the sofa, but this means nowhere is safe from that “doggy” smell. If your dog sleeps on furniture, it should be cleaned as often as a dog bed.

In fact, one of the fastest ways to eliminate a dog odor is to take apart all your furniture and give it a thorough clean. Start by removing all covers and washing them on a high heat to kill bacteria. Then vacuum all cushions, sofas, mattresses and other furniture. Don’t forget to clean under furniture too.

3. Get Your Dog Regularly Groomed

Having your dog bathed and groomed isn’t going to get rid of a pet smell forever – but it can help reduce it. A thorough bath removes dead skin cells and gets rid of bacteria, so your dog is more hygienic and less smelly. Grooming is also vital for a dog’s health.

It’s important not to wash your dog too often though, as this can dry out skin. For most breeds, a monthly clean with a professional groomer is more than enough to notice a reduced aroma.

4. Buy an Air Purifier

An air purifier with a carbon filter can reduce odors. Buying one doesn’t mean you can ignore the other tips on this list, but a purifier is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make your home smell fresher.

While air purifiers are one of the best “hands off” ways to reduce an odor, it’s important to regularly clean the filter. Filters can become clogged with pet hair which reduces the purifier’s effectiveness.

5. Deodorize Carpets and Beds with Natural Products

One of the cheapest ways to deodorize your carpets or beds is with baking soda. Simply sprinkle it over fabric or carpet fibers and allow it to work its magic overnight. In the morning, vacuum it up and enjoy your fresh-smelling carpets. This isn’t as effective as a professional carpet clean, but does a great job considering how little it costs.

A similar trick can also be used for cushion covers and blankets. Washing them in a mixture of laundry powder and apple cider vinegar can remove odors without spending a fortune on expensive products.

6. Use a HEPA Vacuum with a Charcoal Filter

Have you ever noticed that a dog odor gets worse after vacuuming? If so, your vacuum may not be filtering the air effectively.

Most vacuums come with a standard filter that works in a similar way to a sieve. These remove larger dust particles, but smaller particles pass through the gaps.

HEPA vacuums, on the other hand, use a complex network of glass fibres to trap dirt and dust. This makes them more effective at preventing particles escaping. While HEPA filters don’t eliminate odors directly, they can prevent the spread of bacteria and pet dander around the home.

If you really want to reduce odours when cleaning, some vacuums also come with a charcoal filter. These absorb odors and prevent your home smelling like a kennel.

7. Buy an Odor-Resistant Dog Bed

Your dog probably spends a lot of time on a bed, so it can be one of the smelliest items in the house. While washing can help, a better alternative might be to buy a bed with anti-microbial properties. These prevent bacteria from breeding which can reduce odors – at a cost.

8. Remove Carpets

The final tip also is the most extreme, but can be effective at reducing dog odors. Carpet fibers trap pet dander, mud, dirt, vomit and feces, making them difficult to clean. They also retain odors, so your house smells even when you’ve thoroughly cleaned. Replacing carpets with hard floors instantly solves this problem.

As a bonus, removing carpets can relieve dust or pet allergies. Allergens become trapped in fibers and are released as people walk on the carpet. Removing carpets, especially in a bedroom, can greatly reduce symptoms.

About the author:
James Hall is head writer and editor of Away from writing, James has always had a passion for dogs and loves hiking with his Golden Retrievers.


  1. Roscoe

    Jul 9, 2021 at 9:26 am

    Liked the tip of odor resistant dog beds. Didn’t really know those existed till just now!

  2. air purifier

    Feb 24, 2020 at 4:03 am

    Is it good to buy honey well humidifier instead of herpa filter because they doesn’t help in removing odur from the room

  3. Franklin

    Feb 12, 2020 at 5:36 am

    I like what you said about cleaning your home on a weekly basis to prevent it from smelling like your pet. My wife and I would like to get a dog soon, and we want to make sure that our home can still smell nice. We’ll be sure to look into our options for professionals who can help us properly clean and deodorize our home in the future.

  4. Janet Brey

    Jul 3, 2019 at 11:49 am

    Great information. Just wanted to add to #1 – which can be a real pain to do if your dog bed cover is difficult to remove or put back on. Try a fitted dog bed sheet as a cover. Easy to wash and put back on. I used PawSheets and they are great.

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