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An “incredibly vicious” bait dog that has been abandoned in the jungle along with her five puppies gets a second chance in life.
Niall Harbison, the CEO of Happy Doggo, shares the story of Britney Spears – a dog he rescued in Thailand two years ago.
“She had been used for fighting or possibly as a bait dog. She was dumped in the jungle with a padlock around her neck and with her 5 puppies,” Harbison wrote.
Harbison said that Britney was incredibly vicious. And prior to him rescuing the pooch, she has already bitten two volunteers badly.
He explained, “The only way I could get them food at first was with a big stick. Mum kept lunging at me. The puppies were in a horrific state with ticks.”
But Harbison understood that Britney’s aggressiveness was just the pooch’s way to protect her children. “She was just being protective of them,” he wrote.
Harbison revealed that it took him a total of 2 weeks to carry out the rescue of Britney and her puppies.
“Taking her to the vets and taking the padlock off was the best feeling ever,” he wrote.
Harbison also said that they got all Britney’s puppies treated for ticks and that she “completely changed” after.
Luckily, after all of Britney’s puppies became healthy again, Harbison was able to get them adopted. “All 5 turned out great and are living great lives and have been sterilized,” he reveals.
As for Britney, she has learned to trust Harbison and has been living with him since. However, Harbison said that she was a hard case because she couldn’t trust anyone and would attack both humans and other dogs that she didn’t trust.
“I nearly gave up so many times in frustration,” Harbison said. But knowing the life she lived, Harbison was extremely patient with Britney.
He said, “Britney came around slowly. She would try to play but she’d always let herself down. She has no off button from her previous life.”
Today, while Britney isn’t still as trusting, Harbison reveals that she has come so far. Britney now trusts bout six to seven people to walk her and interact with and has also made two dog friends!
Harbison said, “Not all rescues are perfect neat little happy endings”, giving us a small glimpse of how rescuing dogs is not all rainbows and unicorns.
“It’s been so hard but I’m very proud of Britney,” Harbison wrote. “She has seen horrible things in her life. I look at her now and see a dog that is as happy and content as possible.”
Social media users were touched to learn Britney and the second chance she got in life. One X user wrote, “Britney is doing great considering what she went through. Unfortunately, like people, some wounds never heal and we always carry them with us.”
“I’m impressed how far Britney has come! You offered hope. Your patience w/her is her success,” Another user wrote.
Another one said, “Brittany is a reminder that there are no bad dogs, only bad humans.”
Furthermore, Harbison reveals, “I’d love to get her a home but I still worry. Her life needs structure and safety for her.”
However, social media users were all in agreement when they said Britney is right where she belongs. One X user said, “I think she’s in her forever home, she’s clearly happy with you, her suite, and her toys.”