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As dog parents, we’ve all learned (the hard way!) that dogs will eat whatever they can get their paws on.
In the case of one Reddit user, it was an entire box of crayons. And, in case you were curious, the result of this colorful snack was exactly what you’d expect.
Click NEXT to see the magical result. You know you want to.

Bryanna Sanchez
Oct 31, 2017 at 9:40 am
My dog ate a ton of Vaseline once. He found the and took off the top and just had at it. For several days his stool was the color of Vaseline and smelled incredibly foul and I thought he was sick. Until I looked under my bed and found out he had been stashing it away and snacking on it. Safe to say we always leave the Vaseline where he can't reach it from now on