Celebrity Pets

Actor Arrested for Animal Cruelty, Charges Dropped

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A bit actor and former bodybuilder, Andrew Bryniarski was arrested at his Santa Monica mobile home last month after police found that he was keeping 25 starving dogs in cramped kennels inside.

Andrew Bryniarski was arrested on charges of animal cruelty last month. Charges were later dropped and all dogs were returned to the actor who was planning a mobile adoption drive when the arrests occurred.

Bryniarski, 43, is most famous for his role as “Leatherface” in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and for his role as “Lattimer” in The Program. The bit actor also appeared in Batman Returns, Any Given Sunday, and Scooby Doo, playing small roles.

TMZ reported that police were dispatched to the actor’s home at 10:30pm on September 8th after multiple calls from concerned neighbors regarding the sounds of crying dogs coming from the home. When police arrived, no one was home, but officers were able to see several metal dog kennels filled with small dogs, Pomeranians, with no visible food or water. Police also reported that the home smelled strongly of urine.

Bryniarski and a female companion arrived home and admitted to police that the dogs were theirs. Police entered the home and found 25 dogs that they suspected were not being properly taken care of. Both Bryniarski and the female were arrested for animal cruelty.

Bryniarski vehemently denied any and all charges of animal cruelty. He claimed that he and his girlfriend had just purchased the mobile home in order to carry out mobile dog adoptions, that each and every Pomeranian on board was well loved, healthy, and cared for, and that he had spared no expense making sure the pups had everything they needed on board.

Animal Control was called to the scene to safely remove and assess the dogs.

After medical examination of the Pomeranians, thankfully, not a single dog was found to be sick or unhealthy. All 25 dogs were returned to Bryniarski, and all animal cruelty charges dropped.



  1. Liza Null

    Nov 13, 2013 at 12:59 pm

    Not one dog found to be unhealthy or treated cruelly. Yet this man’s life is ruined by people jumping to conclusions before the FACTS are found.

    Media is a two-edged sword, and cuts both ways.

    And all too often, waaayyy too out of control.

  2. Dave and Rita Cross

    Nov 10, 2013 at 6:43 pm

    Looks like this guy is a good liar and the police bought it! Having that many dogs in cages looks much like a puppy mill, and he is probably trying to sell them! The police better check on this again and again to see if the dogs are finding homes and, for God’s sake, that the dogs have plenty of food and water!!!

  3. Pat P.

    Nov 7, 2013 at 7:02 am

    Since when is having 25 dogs in a trailer a proper way to keep them, and in cages? Most states have a limit–mine is 3 in a house, without a kennel license. I would think that one dog is enough in that limited space–and not in a cage!

    Was there any evidence they were going to be adopted, and if so, when? This looks like a potential puppy mill.

    What’s wrong with these police? Can’t they see that dogs can’t live this way? Just because, they don’t look unhealthy, yet, doesn’t mean this isn’t an abusive situation. It is. This couple should be monitored closely. They should also not be allowed to have so many animals.

    This makes me sick and angry!

  4. Maureen

    Oct 16, 2013 at 9:07 am

    My question is what kind of screening process is this guy using for the people adopting these poor babies? I don’t care if these pups look healthy, this guy should NOT be adopting out animals without some kind of license to do so. Who knows who these little things are going to. This is just the type of situation that psycho animal abusers look for! He should be stopped immediately!

  5. Tom Kirk

    Oct 15, 2013 at 10:43 am

    This is the guy Mal kicked into a jet engine on the “Firefly” The Train Job episode!

  6. AB55

    Oct 13, 2013 at 7:17 pm

    I just think the police and animal control should keep an eye on these pups. If the guys and actor then let him pay someone to keep the dogs company and take care of them.

  7. Allegra Agenda

    Sep 27, 2013 at 12:22 pm

    If you aren’t suppose to leave an animal in a hot car, surely 25 in a hot RV is cruelty!!! I live in a double wide trailer with air conditioner, but when the AC is off… it gets hot in here. I cannot imagine that leaving the animals inside the RV is the right answer. A real mobile adoption unit wouldn’t let the animals live there 24/7. They would have facilities including doghouses and a fenced yard. I agree with those of you who say “puppy mill”. Most kennels don’t specialize in one breed. And they don’t just have puppies!

  8. C. Fowler

    Sep 24, 2013 at 10:57 am

    Dang! Even if he “said” he was going to get these dogs adopted out, under
    the circumstances presented, the poor dogs should have been taken from him.
    What is wrong with these people?!

  9. Tom Steele

    Sep 12, 2013 at 9:57 am

    So, essentially, this is a “non-story?” Good reporting. Keep up the Murdoch work!

    • Kathryn DeLongchamp

      Sep 16, 2013 at 11:11 am

      yeah. and it was one year ago. huh.

  10. maryann laukaitis

    Sep 8, 2013 at 8:37 am

    People hurting any animal should be punished to the fullest extent.

  11. Nena Miller

    Aug 30, 2013 at 7:35 am

    Mobile adoptions? Sounds to me like the beginning of a Pomeranian puppy mill. How can 25 dogs live in a space that small, that’s going to be his income as he breeds them. I’ve never heard of such nonsense.

  12. Jeanne T

    Aug 27, 2013 at 9:32 am

    If you only skimmed the article please raise your hand. No VISABLE food or water is what the article said because wording it that way creates so much more controvercy than stating that the food and water could not be seen from the window or where ever they were looking from. All the dogs were checked out medically, that means they were checked for disease, parasites, and general health. General health includes hydration, appetite, weight, ect…
    The dogs were obviously being kept indoors away from the heat or the author of the article would have definitely mentioned it, so the oly thig this guy did was have a lot of dogs that he’s probably breeding. If all puppy mill people took this kind of care with the dogs in their custody puppy mills wouldn’t have such a bad reputation.

  13. bess moore

    Jun 19, 2013 at 8:17 am

    25 dogs in cages, in a trailer? How is this safe or sanitary? Omg! Just because they weren’t abused doesn’t make this ok? A trailer yet! No neighbors?

    • GG

      Aug 27, 2013 at 10:10 am

      I’m sickened to see this abuse of our most innocent creature going on so often. How can obvious neglect such as this get away with it?? These poor animals were crying and found without water or care which obviously is a sign of neglect… We are the only ones that can speak to protect our most loyal friends and demand that stricter laws hand down harsher punishments for the abuse of any animals and not let the offender get away with inflicting more pain and suffering..

  14. Mary Beth Bowie

    Jun 14, 2013 at 5:36 pm


    • bess moore

      Jun 19, 2013 at 8:20 am

      Yes indeed! I don’t get it! Someone got paid off. You think?

  15. Mm

    Apr 18, 2013 at 3:39 am

    No shock to me Man is one Evil POS!

  16. Slinkiee

    Apr 9, 2013 at 9:30 am

    The story obviously does not give all of the details as most internet news story are prone to do. They always write them with many details missing so it will get people talking. The neighbors were right to file the complaint since this could well have been an instance of cruelty. Mr. Bryniarski should have let the local animal authorities know what he had planned to do. Wouldn’t have hurt to let the neighbors know as well. Animal Rescue/Adoption requires a license which again the story leaves out any mention of. Plus where are the adoptions taking place? What is the name of his organization? Does he have a license to do this? Yes, many details are left out. I would also like to add that TMZ sucks the big one. Fake, fake, fake. No entertainment value whatsoever.

    • bess moore

      Jun 19, 2013 at 8:30 am

      Excellent! You don’t just adopt dogs out! More involved than that. I smell a rat! A two legged one! Sad!

  17. Kristi Thorpe

    Oct 2, 2012 at 8:50 am

    OK the police investigated but maybe they should investigate more. Like where does one get 25 dogs and why would they have no water? I think it needs investigated further.

  18. June phillips

    Oct 1, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    This is sick….jus because he is Hollywood and a fat wallet the can pull it off. I have 2 Pomus, and believe me, all the care and loving they get fills a major part of my day. I don’t buy this one..25? No way.

  19. nic

    Oct 1, 2012 at 5:13 pm

    So I all the dogs were up for adoption? All the dogs should have water. If he is trying to do a good deed, thats great..but maybe he needs some help.

  20. Eleanor Baker

    Oct 1, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    I hope they keep a close eye on him.If he proves worthy to keep them healthy and well cared for and happy that will be great,if not then he needs to be held acountable.

  21. Lori

    Oct 1, 2012 at 12:53 pm

    what the hell just because they think they are someone doesn’t and shouldn’t get them off the hook put them in a cage and do that to them see how it feels people should get done to them what they do to the animnals no
    matter what it is it makes me sick that people can do this kind of thing

    • RON

      May 20, 2013 at 7:33 am

      what kind of a life did they get to live in a cage I think they should have died than live in a small cage.

  22. robert

    Oct 1, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    Hopefully, at least, they are keeping a close eye on him and monitoring the dogs on a regular basis.

    • Nick Palun

      Jul 4, 2013 at 9:51 am

      Exactly, think FIRST, act accordingly, not on impulse.

  23. Aimee

    Oct 1, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    I can’t belive this has happened just because he is a big movie star he should be punished just like anybody elese should

    • Taz Hoffman

      Oct 1, 2012 at 12:52 pm

      You obviously did not read the article. They arrested him without first investigating. The reason the charges were dropped and the dogs returned is that they were not being abused. And they were very healthy and well cared for. If you do not take the time to read the article fully then do not comment. THE POLICE WERE IN THE WRONG ON THIS ONE!!!!!!

      • ella jay

        Sep 18, 2013 at 1:17 am

        looks like the person who wrote your headline is in the wrong. how about actor “wrongly” arrested for animal cruelty. then people will read it. just “actor arrested for animal cruelty” and you have folks jumping down to make comments.

        stop purposely misleading us with sensational headlines.

        sheesh, whatever happened to accuracy and integrity in the NEWS??? not that this joint is NEWS …

    • romie

      Apr 17, 2013 at 7:33 am

      prosecuted for what? his animals were healthy and clean. his story is that he is trying to get them adopted. maybe he rescued them from the gas chamber in Santa Monica?

      All you folks willing to rescue one dog should understand there may be 10 more dogs killed that day due to lack of homes. Sounds like this guy and his girlfriend were just trying to save a few more.

      • Cynthia S.

        Oct 2, 2013 at 7:03 am

        But they were being abused. The article said they had no water. Who knows when he fed them last.

    • Nick Palun

      Jul 4, 2013 at 9:49 am

      First, nobody knows this walk-on cast guy, he’s as famous as your uncle Joe! You are still bound by local laws to supply: FOOD, WATER, SHELTER and humane conditions. He should have set it up B4 bringing animals home and advised animal control. You wouldn’t stick five people in a closet! Police should ticket him and alert him. Not like the guy in PIT whose 4 ducks live in great surroundings but is fined $500/day cuz someone disagrees or people in CLE imprison women for 10 years and no one notices! Sounds like something Catherine Sibelius wud have her pinnochio nose into.

  24. Nellie

    Oct 1, 2012 at 11:48 am

    I can’t take reading all these horrific stories of these poor animals!! Y isn’t there something done about this???

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