Celebrity Pets

Actress Salma Hayek Mourns After Fatal Shooting of Beloved Dog

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Thurston County, Washington police are investigating what appears to be an unintentional, but fatal shooting of Mozart, the 9-year old Belgian Malinois belonging to actress Salma Hayek, on her ranch in Yelm.

According to a police report, Kelly Littlejohn, a caretaker at the ranch, called police on February 19th to report finding Mozart dead on the property.

Earlier that day, Littlejohn went for a horseback ride on the property, along with several of Hayek’s dogs. At one point during the ride, two of Hayek’s dogs took off running after hearing dogs barking from an adjacent property. She collected the dogs and returned home to find that Mozart had taken off again. Littlejohn re-traced her steps and found the 9-year old dog deceased on a trail.

Hayek requested a necropsy. It was determined that a .177 cal. lead pellet was found to have traveled between two ribs and nicked a pulmonary artery causing Mozart to internally bleed out.

A neighbor admitted to shooting the dog with a pellet gun when he entered his garage and began fighting with his own two dogs. He only intended to scare the dogs away and, in fact, did not believe he had struck the dog, as he took off running after the neighbor fired.

The Sheriff’s office does not expect to file charges against the neighbor, but an investigation is still pending.


I haven’t posted for a week as I been mourning the death of my dog, Mozart who I personally delivered out of his mother’s womb. He was found dead in my ranch last Friday with a shot close to his heart. I am hoping that the Washington State authorities do justice to this wonderful dog whom in 9 years never bit or attacked anyone. He loved his territory and never strayed away…he was the most loving and loyal companion. He didn’t deserve a slow and painful death. #doglover #animalrights #dog #dogoftheday #rip #delivery #washingtonstateauthorities Hace una semana que no pongo nada ya que he estado de duelo por la muerte de mi perro Mozart. De quién fui la partera, lo encontramos el viernes pasado con un tiro cerca del corazón. Espero que las autoridades del estado de Washington le hagan justicia a este extraordinario perro que durante 9 años nunca mordió o atacó a nadie, adoraba su territorio y nunca se escapó. Era el compañero más leal y no se merecía una muerte lenta y dolorosa. #muerte #perro #justiciaporlosanimales

A photo posted by Salma Hayek Pinault (@salmahayek) on

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Joyce Soldo

    Mar 13, 2016 at 3:48 pm

    R.I.P. beautiful Mozart. Your Mom misses you, but I’m sure you are with lots of new friends after crossing the Rainbow Bridge. My heartfelt condolences to you Salma Hayek.

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