Staying Healthy

Are All Vaccinations Necessary?

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All states have sets of regulations governing what types of dog vaccinations are required for all canines residing within the particular state. But some of these shots are not in the best interest of the dog’s long term health and have little preventive effect. This has caught the attention of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and evidence is beginning to reveal all the required dog vaccinations may not be necessary. Below is information all dog owners need to be aware of concerning this issue.

Puppies DO need vaccinated at six to eight weeks of age as the immunity they inherited from their mother wears off. Then they will require a series of shots during their first year but beyond this age many vets and concerned animal groups are questioning the need for yearly booster shots. These additional dog vaccinations are now very advanced and often given in one shot. This shot has the vaccines in an all in one combination the AAHA has been looking into since 2003. They are seeing results from their studies that show these booster all in one shots may actually be hurting the dog as far as the dogs overall health.

The traditional shots most vets recommend are for Distemper, Canine parvovirus, Rabies, and the Canine pararinfluenza virus and these are continuing to be recommended by the AAHA. What has the AAHA, vets, animal care providers, breeders, and scientists conducting clinical studies are the need for several other vaccinations we now consider to be essential for the safety of our dogs.

These vaccinations have now been classed into two groups: The core shots a canine should have every three to five years. The above listed preventive shots fall into this core grouping. Next are the non-core shots the tests and studies are now revealing are not necessary except in special cases. These would be the vaccinations for Canine adenovirus number 1. This shot is for hepatitis and is already given by the type 2 shot for pararinfluenza your dog receives as a puppy. When the type one vaccine is given on its own later in the dog’s life the studies are concluding the dog is highly likely to sufferer from visual impairment.

The Giardia shot has been shown to have little effect in preventing the dog from contracting the infection.

It is important for your dog’s health to know what shots are and are not needed when dog vaccinations are being administered to your dog. Question your vet whenever vaccinations are scheduled: “Is this really necessary?”

Personally, I hadn’t thought about this before, but I will be asking the questions in the future. What are your opinions about the vaccinations your dog receives? Please leave comments below.



  1. げぽれざ

    Aug 7, 2013 at 11:29 pm

    thanks for this matter. i understand to be able to succeed well in writing articles and my inspirati

  2. Amanda

    Jun 17, 2013 at 12:49 am

    I prefer using 3-year shots for the distemper combo and rabies, and I don’t get bordatella (kennel cough) more than once a year. If you read the manufacturer’s recommendations for bordatella, they say that it is good for one year. Lepto and lyme are possible where I live, but I still only recommend these shots to dogs who spend a lot of time in wooded areas.

  3. Lenora KIng

    Jun 14, 2013 at 10:24 pm

    if you ask the vet if they are necessary, there are not a whole lot who will drift away from the standard thought process at any given time.

  4. Angela

    Jun 14, 2013 at 3:17 pm

    Just curious if anyone has ever had the titer test done for their pups and what their vets/boarding facilities have had to say about it?

  5. Rebecca

    Jun 14, 2013 at 10:07 am

    I’m sure all of the information you impart is correct but it would be helpful if you would provide references for your statements (either journal articles or a URL). If I’m to bring this to my vet, it helps to have read the studies so I can discuss them with her intelligently or to at least be able to point her to them in the event that she isn’t familiar with a particular study. Much thanks!

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