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Backyard Dangers for Dogs

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Your backyard may seem like a serene dog sanctuary, but that may not actually be the case. Before unleashing your pet into his amazing outdoor space, try to get rid of as many dangers lying in wait outdoors as you can. In most cases, the hazards will be right before your eyes, but you may not be fully aware of their harm. Before letting your pooch run freely to explore his new surroundings, here’s what you can do to spot and do away with these backyard perils.

Ways to Protect your Pooch

1. Get rid of toxic plants. Unfortunately, some of nature’s loveliest creations can actually be deadly to our four-legged friends if ingested. Because of this, it’s crucial that as a responsible dog parent you’re able to run through your yard and spot each type of vegetation that you can find. Seemingly risk-free flowers and plants like daisies and daffodils are poisonous to pets and can trigger a number of serious reactions including diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration.

2. Keep away pesticides, fertilizers, and other soil additives. While some fertilizers can be harmless for animals, those that are combined with bone meal, blood meal, and iron, which may be particularly tasty by the way, can be dangerous to dogs. Ingesting large amounts of these products can cause blockage in your dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Those that are made of iron, on the other hand, can lead to poisoning.

3. Do away with stagnant water. Mosquitoes generally breed and thrive in damp areas, and usually lay their eggs in stagnant water. Although most dogs rarely fall victim to the West Nile Virus, the risk is always there. Besides, mosquito bites can also be a medium for which heartworm disease can be transferred from one pooch to another. Further, standing water can be a breeding ground for parasites, bacteria, and worms. Should your dog go for a dip or take a sip, he runs the risk of serious illness. In order to keep Fido healthy, make it your habit to dump standing water and refresh all of your outdoor water dishes every day.

4. Remove exposed electrical wiring.  Your pet’s insatiable curiosity can get him into lots of trouble, but few things actually pose as urgent a peril as bare and unprotected electrical cables. This becomes even more dangerous once mixed with your dog’s tendency to chew. Examine all sides of your home for any exposed cables or wiring that could be within reach of Fido. This way, you can protect him from getting tangled up or being injured by shock.

 As a faithful dog owner, it is your primary duty to provide a safe and secure environment for your pets. The first step is being able to understand that even the most fine-looking of backyards can actually house some of the most serious dangers. Taking all these hazards earnestly can help Fido to lead a happy, long life.




  1. Marta Young

    Jun 14, 2013 at 3:59 am

  2. Pam Brafdley

    Jun 13, 2013 at 6:11 pm

    I would value all information on dangerous plants in my garden towards my dogs I dont want any of my dogs hurt in anyway at all .

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