
Barkitecture: The World’s Most Expensive Doghouse

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It’s a good time to be in the doghouse – at least for the pampered pair of Great Danes that will call this new puppy palace home. An anonymous surgeon in Gloucestershire in the UK has commissioned UK’s top architect, Andy Ramus, for the incredible doghouse at an estimated $400,000 price tag, making it the world’s most expensive doghouse. As reported by Julie-Ann Amos for hubpages.com, building of the palace will commence in the Spring.

Barkitecture: The World’s Most Expensive Doghouse

The pair of Great Danes can whimper longingly at the prospect of each having their very own bedrooms. The rooms will come equipped with sheepskin-lined, temperature controlled beds, which the dogs will be able to elevate accordingly, in order to survey their kingdom. They will also have large windows which will afford views on to their own private playgrounds. This is the world’s most expensive doghouse, after all.

Refreshments will be just a touch of the paw away and will provide chilled and filtered water and doggylicious deluxe dried food. The owner really has thought of everything by planning to include self-clean bowls for this pampered pair. When the dogs fancy a few tunes, or want to watch some specially selected canine clips on a 52-inch plasma television, they can take advantage of their £150,000 state of the art sound and entertainment system.Yes that’s right the world’s most expensive doghouse boasts a stereo system that costs more than many people’s homes.

There will also be a day lounge and a spa bath with saline treatment intended to optimise the condition of their coats.

Unfortunately for the dogs, the owner is not planning to allow them to extend social invitations to others within the area, as a retina scanner is being installed which will prevent other dogs from entering.

We’re sure the pampered Danes will feel cozy and comfortable in their new home – though even the grandest of estates and the plushest accoutrements can’t possibly make them happier than special time with their family. To read more, and see pictures of the world’s most expensive doghouse, click here. What do you think about this massive puppy pad? How do you spoil your dogs? Join the discussion below!

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1 Comment

  1. www.alexa.com

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