Dogs & Laws

Caught on Tape! Woman Admittedly Tries Buying Anti-freeze to Kill Dog

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One woman’s plan to kill a dog was stopped when the cashier refused to sell her a jug of anti-freeze and instead recorded the conversation with his cell phone camera and sent it to Fox26 in Houston.

You’re trying to kill a dog?” cashier Justin Weynandt can be heard in the video asking the woman trying to buy a gallon of anti-freeze.

“There is a vicious dog that has been loose for a week and animal control won’t get it,” the would-be dog killer replies.

Upon learning her plans, Justin refuses to sell the woman the anti-freeze, letting her know that not only is it a horrible thing to do, but it’s also illegal.

News investigators were able to track down the woman on Facebook where she had posted, “I never acted on anything and the owner finally came and got his dog.”

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Angie

    Jul 18, 2015 at 8:33 pm

    I just want to know why are some people so evil I mean animal they don’t ask nothing to you but you best beleave this god is looking and you will get it before you go and go to die..

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