Dog Law

CEO of Major Catering Company Caught on Video Abusing Puppy

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If you’ve been to a major sporting event at a stadium, watched a performance at an ampitheater, or been to a ski resort, chances are you’ve eaten food made by Centerplate, one of the largest catering companies in the world.

It’s surprising, then, that a company that claims to offer the most extraordinary hospitality to its guests is run by a CEO that doesn’t hold the same regard for animals.

Desmond Hague, CEO of the Stamford-based catering company, was caught on surveillance video inside the elevator of a Vancouver hotel kicking a young Doberman, yanking on the dog’s leash so hard that the dog lifted off the floor by its neck, and dragging the terrified dog behind him as he exited the elevator.

When the British Columbia SPCA saw the video, they began an investigation into Hague. Officers reportedly found the dog, Sade, who is less than a year old, inside a crate, in distress, and surrounded by her own urine. Officers removed the dog after she exhibited behaviors that indicate abuse during their search.

The BC SPCA is currently caring for Sade, who did not require immediate veterinary care.

Hague said in a statement to Global News,”I take full responsibility for my actions. This incident is completely and utterly out of character and I am ashamed and deeply embarrassed. Under the circumstances of the evening in question, a minor frustration with a friend’s pet caused me to lose control of my emotional response. Unfortunately, I acted inappropriately, and I am deeply sorry for that and am very grateful that no harm was caused to the animal. I have reached out to the SPCA and have personally apologized to the dog’s owner. At this time, I would like to extend my apology to my family, company and clients, as I understand that this has also reflected negatively on them.”

Charges have no yet been filed.



  1. doris

    Aug 28, 2014 at 3:25 pm

    he should be put in jail or worse,let someone kick him in the ribs,hes a sorry excuse for a man

  2. Carol

    Aug 28, 2014 at 9:36 am

    I don’t believe that he is sorry………………..I believe he is sorry he was caught.

  3. Julieta

    Aug 28, 2014 at 4:01 am

    This is no way to treat an animal and he should be fined heftily. And I am sorry but the article and the video are confusing, this is poor journalism. Is Hague the owner or not? If not, what was he doing with the dog (since he apologized to the owner)? Or is the owner still trying to be located (as suggested in the video)?

  4. Linda

    Aug 27, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    Not even his dog according to what he said???

    • Pierre Cocknballs

      Mar 16, 2016 at 7:28 am

      He looks like a skinny weak immature loser. I would like to throw him onto the ground and kick him until he shits himself.

  5. Dee

    Aug 27, 2014 at 4:05 pm

    People who are caught abusing animals should get a hefty fine, jail time, and should not be allowed to own any more pets. They should be put on some kind of a animal abuse database watch list.

  6. Barbara

    Aug 27, 2014 at 3:44 pm

    Apology is not enough. Charges need to be filed with no slap on the wrist. I couldn’t bring myself to view the video, the article was almost too much for me.

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