Animal Advocates

Colorado Bans Animal Abusers From Owning Pets

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Newly signed legislation in Colorado bans convicted animal abusers in the state from owning any pets for up to five years.

animal abusers

Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed  House Bill 19-1092, more commonly known as Animal Ban For Cruelty To Animals Conviction last week. Under the new law, a court can enter an “order prohibiting a person convicted of felony animal cruelty from owning a pet animal for a period of 3 to 5 years.”

The bill also states that a juvenile convicted of animal cruelty can be “adjudicated a delinquent for an animal cruelty crime from owning a pet animal.”

The new legislation was part of a larger program dubbed the People for Animal Welfare (PAW) Committee which Polis said creates “an opportunity to look at what Colorado can do to protect our animals from cruelty and ensure their wellbeing.”

The Governor also signed House Bill 19-1220, which allows a court facility dog to accompany witnesses testifying during criminal proceedings if certain conditions are met. It’s been proven that dogs help reduce the anxiety of traumatized victims, especially children, so they can overcome the stress of telling their stories in a deposition room or courtroom.

The PAWS Committee hopes to give Colorado’s animals a voice and to help the state become a national leader in animal protection and welfare.

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