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Colorado Mailman Builds Ramp for Aging Dog Along His Route

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Boulder, Colorado USPS mail carrier, Jeff Kramer first met Tashi the Black Lab several years ago when he came bounding outside to say hello on the first day of Kramer’s new mail route. The pair became fast friends, and Tashi made a routine of running outside to meet Kramer every day.

Over the years, Kramer watched Tashi grow older. He started having trouble making it up and down the Dimetrosky family’s front porch steps to greet his mailman pal and, eventually, had to be carried up and down.

Watching Tashi struggle with the steps reminded Kramer of his own dog who’d passed away five years ago. He had built a ramp for his elderly dog, Odie. But since Odie passed away, the ramp has just been sitting in Kramer’s backyard. So, the dog-loving mailman brought over all of the lumber from his dog’s ramp and left it for the Dimetrosky family to use.

Unfortunately, the Dimetrosky’s “aren’t very handy,” and the lumber sat, untouched, on the side of the house for several months. That’s when, without them asking, Kramer stopped by on his day off and built the ramp for Tashi.

“It’s incredible,” Dimetrosky explained to the Daily Camera. “I can’t imagine not having the ramp now. It’s the only way he gets in and out.”

Kramer, an admitted “dog person” says there are a lot of great dogs along his route in addition to Tashi. “I’ve got about 30 or 40 that enthusiastically greet me,” Kramer said. “Then I’ve got three or four that enthusiastically want to eat me.”

But Kramer said Tashi is one of his favorites. In fact, he even attended the dog’s 14th birthday party!

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. deborah lariscy

    Mar 3, 2017 at 1:23 am

    Lovely story. SO nice to read that people still are kind to one another and reach out. I was a letter carrier and had many dog friends on my route, some didn't get a lot of people time and loved my bit of attention. There were, of course, a few that wanted to maim me, but only got bit twice in 30 years. Love me some dogs.

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