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Compassionate Police Officer Cares For Dog While Owner Rushed to Hospital

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Blondie was treated to a police “ride-along” after her owner was injured in an auto accident. Photo courtesy Tampa Police Department.

When Tampa Police officer Erica Collum responded to a traffic accident involving a dog owner, the officer stepped up and cared for the dog while the driver was rushed to the ER by ambulance.

An animal lover herself, Officer Collum decided to take Blondie, a white German Shepherd who was not injured in the accident, on a “ride-along” in the back of her police cruiser until the injured owner could make arrangements for her care.

Tampa Police Department posted a photo of the sweet 2-year old dog riding in the cruiser for their Facebook page along with the caption, “Tampa Fire Rescue helped a motorist who needed to be transported to the hospital and they had their dog in the car with them. A animal loving officer has the dog on a “ride-a-long” until the owner can make arrangements for her. She’s being a very good girl.

A witness to the accident who helped keep Blondie safe until help arrived commented that Officer Collum was excellent with with the dog. “The officer that picked Blondie up at my place of employment where we were watching her was sooo good with her. Petting her and talking to her. Another animal lover like us!”

Hillsborough County Animal Control Services is now caring for Blondie until a family member from out of state arrives to give her a temporary home until her owner is recovered and well enough to bring her back home.

Isn’t it wonderful to see police willing to serve and protect, even for our four-legged citizens! Well done, Tampa P.D.!



  1. Smisprome

    Nov 6, 2013 at 3:35 pm

    S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g a­t h­o­m­e w­i­t­h G­o­o­g­l­e­! I­t­¿­s b­y­-­f­a­r t­h­e b­e­s­t j­o­b I­v­e h­a­d. L­a­s­t M­o­n­d­a­y I­ g­o­t a n­e­w A­l­f­a R­o­m­e­o f­r­o­m b­r­i­n­g­i­n­g i­n $­7­­7­7­8­­. I s­t­a­r­t­e­d t­h­i­s 9 m­o­n­th­s ­a­g­o a­n­d p­r­act­i­c­a­l­l­y ­s­t­r­a­i­g­h­t a­w­a­y s­t­a­r­t­e­d m­a­k­i­n­g m­o­r­e t­h­a­n $­8­3 p­e­r ­h­o­u­r­. I w­o­r­k t­h­r­o­u­g­h ­­t­h­i­s l­i­n­k—–>

  2. diane smart

    Oct 31, 2013 at 6:55 pm

    it seems so good to see something positive for the rest of the u.s. to see coming out of tampa. seems all they ever write about is our crime here in florida. well, i’m going to stay right where i’m at! love you all who take care of us. you put your lives on the line every hour of the day and night., and I for one feel safer for it. I think you get all the …..shoveled on you, and none of the praise. I would hate to have to make the decision to shoot or not, i’m afraid there would be a lot fewer people in this fair state, I hope that i’m getting this spelled right on the right side of this page, I have a ragdoll cat, who has to be as close to me as possible, and she nowhas her head on the keyboard, this a.m., I had her tail slapping me in the face, trying to type….love my kitties, she weighs in at 15 lbs, my maine coon is 17 lbs! he’s all black with a white belly & she is a tortie. hey, guys and gals, love ya, happy Halloween, know you’ll have your job cut out for you tonite!

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