Boarding/Day Care

Consider Doggy Day Care

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If your daily life does not allow time to walk or spend much time with your dog, a great alternative is to consider doggy day care for your pooch. These facilities are much like a day care for your young children, only dogs are the “youngsters” who spend their day there. Doggy day care centers first began in California in the mid 1980’s and they are now found virtually everywhere and benefit the dog as well as their busy owners.

Consider doggy day care

For those who are going to consider doggy day care they can rest assured their beloved Canine will receive plenty of attention, get to interact with many other dogs, and also be provided with plenty of healthy activities for exercise. When you go to pick up your pooch, he or she will be relaxed and of course happy to see you. This wonderful service is great for those days off when you are spending the day with friends where it is not practical to being a dog with you.

If your dog has separation anxiety issues I would recommend you consider doggy day care. Your dog will be around trained dog care individuals, as well as other pets, so they will not become stressed out because you are not at home with them. This peace of mind on your part is well worth taking advantage of what these dog care centers have to offer.

Additional benefits for your dog are the many activities to keep them busy and occupied. They will not be focused on you being gone. Plenty of play time with the employees and other dogs, which is good training for dogs who need socialized. Dogs that are naturally very active will love this type of busy environment.

These dog care centers are normally built with plenty of room for the dogs to play as well as keep the more aggressive dogs separated from the other dogs. A well trained staff will ensure your dog is not put in any type of harmful situation yet receive plenty of attention and activities to keep them busy.

A few things to look for when you consider doggy day care must be the reputation of the center. How long have they been in business and ask for references. Look the facility over to see if it is clean and well maintained. Ask the staff questions and see how they respond. If you feel they are professional then give this dog care a try and have peace of mind while away from your dog.

Do you use a dog care facility? Please leave comments below



  1. Professional Pet Sitting Etc

    May 21, 2015 at 5:59 am

    Yeah, doggy day care is the right option for those who do not have time to take care of their dog. But before leaving your dog to doggy day care, one must make sure that the place is fully secure, clean and comfortable for your pet.

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