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After being struck by a car on Wednesday night, a dog died at the scene after lying in pain for nearly 90 minutes at the scene.
What’s more, Denver Police refused to allow bystanders to help the dog, threatening arrest to anyone that tried.
Ross Knapp, an area resident and witness to the event told ABC’s 7NEWS, “It was in shock, its pupils were totally dilated. It couldn’t really move.” Knapp desperately attempted to give the dog water and to comfort him, but was threatened by police.
“I had one of the officers tell me I had to leave and couldn’t be near it. I tried a couple of times to go back and he just finally said I’m impeding on an investigation and if I came back I’d be arrested,” he explained.
In a 7NEWS video (images intentionally blurred), the dog, who was wearing a collar and leash, but no identification tags, can be seen laying in the middle of the street for almost an hour and a half, gasping for air and unable to move, very clearly in excruciating pain and dying, while police refused to allow anyone to help.
Meanwhile, Denver Police say they acted according to policy.
“It’s always about the personal safety of that individual. It’s not trying to be cruel to the animal or cruel to the individual. It’s best if we get the Animal Control people in there, let them do what they do as experts and let them take the actions,” said a police spokesman.
According to records, police called Animal Control to the scene about 15 minutes after arriving. It took Animal Control over an hour to arrive. The dog died shortly before Animal Control’s arrival, after suffering for nearly 90 minutes.
A Denver resident, devastated by the dog’s suffering, created an online petition at Change.org to force Denver Police to apologize. The petition can be found here: ch7ne.ws/1gec4Dt.

Clarissa W Dalloway
Aug 15, 2014 at 9:45 pm
Take your “policy” or your “protocol” and with all due resentment and hate, stick it up your lowlife ass…you will never live this down because even people who don’t like to have a dog as a pet will see this as cruel and if they don’t …then they are just like you..
I bet you would have been GREAT ..back in the days when slavery was about …you would have just let someone lay there and die ..because you thought they were beneath you with no feelings ..YOU sir, are the one with no feelings and no heart ..i hope if you have KIDS that they got to see just what you did ..if they are school age, sad to say..the other kids will diss them for your actions ..i hope that everywhere you dine out , someone spits in your food ..as i would spit in your FACE if i could.
I don’t know..thinking you are an ex army lad eh? Follow orders down to a T? I don’t believe in organized religion with people using scripture written by other people..to damn others to hell…if there is a hell..there will be no forgiveness when people die, your spirit will go in the direction you chose in your life, so you can bet that every chance you get to help another ..be it animal or person, any form of life, if you pass it up, or in your case, standing there, just watching..your energy is tainted already. Anyone who cares about you will be scarred for life because you showed the sensitivity and conscience of a rock ..and rocks have no soul. There are not enough words for me to fully bitch you out and there aren’t enough tears for me to cry to have spared that poor sweet soul the suffering he went through. i would imagine you would do the same to a homeless person…we don’t need people like you out there telling us what to do…one day it will come back on you, and i hope when it does, the face of that dying animal, flashes up in front of you with the fires of your bad energy hell behind his face. I do not blame or hold responsible other cops for what you did , although i am doing a research project right now on how many family pets have been shot meaninglessly by officers who smugly and arrogantly just laughed about it ..you konw there’s an officer down here in SAn Antonio, TX who might just be wonderful friends with you ..you could start your own little support group for assholes who must have been abused as a child..oh no no ..wait ..psychopaths usually torture animals before they begin on people …you just never got enough? F you and F you again ..
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Jul 14, 2014 at 5:05 am
Why? Why u leave a dog dying 90 minutes??? Dont you know that he felt pain for 90 minutes? He could been saved… :'( You people make me SICK that I am a human! Investigation and sh**… If it was a human you take him rescue him and mark the spot where he/she was … 🙁 No heart… I feel ashamed.. I feel like we (human) should leave this planet asap and leave the animals behind.. they know what to do… 🙁 that dog… watching him dying… was…
Sorry for the … I just cant find any words. Rules or no rules , law or no law.. it was a LIFE in stake. 🙁
Apr 17, 2014 at 6:15 pm
Karma baby, their time will come, let them be left in the street gasping for air and people stand over them watching….truly asshole cops
Apr 14, 2014 at 2:26 pm
It was probable that this poor dog was to far gone. But why couldn’t the police show a little compasion. Maybe cover the poor dog to keep him warm. Something soft to keep his head off of the pavement. Some water to quench his thirst. Some kind soothing words and a gentle pat on the head (Its doubltful this dog was in a condition to bite.) So the dog knows he is not alone. This is not only for the dog but for the owners. I bet they are devestated. It could have at least brought some comfort to know that the dog was surrounded by caring compasionate people in the end..
A video of heartless police yelling at a good samaritin trying to give comfort to a dying pet. Just makes this just makes the healing more difficult and painful.The police should have treated this dog like it was their own. They truly messed up.
Regret A Vet
Apr 14, 2014 at 10:11 pm
No doubt!
Lanette Larson
Apr 14, 2014 at 2:02 pm
This is out and out ANIMAL ABUSE. Why would any human stand there and WATCH A SUFFERING ANIMAL DIE??? What is it with the Denver Police and dogs. Do they ALL NEED MORE TRAINING in this area of handling/treatment of dogs. Police personnel involved need to be charged and prosecuted for animal abuse as well as a face to face apology to the family of the pet, which they refused to help AND denied others the offer of help. This is another DISGRACE in the face of the Denver Police Department. If it were my Pet…. I WOULD DEMAND JUSTICE of all involved. There are several emergency pet care assistance here in Colorado Springs and I know they have them in Denver too. WHY WAS THIS DOG ALLOWED TO SUFFER AT ALL AND FOR THAT LONG….there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for their actions, or should I say their LACK of action by the Police Department. SHAME – SHAME – SHAME ON EVERYONE OF THEM!!! How very sad for the pet owner.
President of the Denver Police Union
Apr 14, 2014 at 1:37 pm
Next time you hear “officer down” just grab a lawn chair and watch —- your safety is paramount
Apr 16, 2014 at 4:58 pm
Remember kids – it used to be if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Now, with the internet, you can sound and be as stupid as you want for the whole word to see.
I’m just as much a dog lover as you all, but to equate an officer being shot in the line of duty with this unfortunate situation takes a special kind of stupid. I hope you never breed.
Dionne Ostrander
Apr 13, 2014 at 4:50 pm
I believe that the PD has policies. All I am seeing here are people who THINK they are animal activists. This is a perfect example of how we can not satisfy every one. Maybe the PD needs to carry forms relinquishing them of the responsibility at scenes such as this, then the person could sign the form and then take matters in to their own hands.
Carol thomas
Apr 13, 2014 at 10:11 pm
No.. this is not a case of animal activists.. it is a case of people who freakin care.. get off your high horse and think.. if it were your dog, cat.. whatever.. you would just stand there and say.. oh cool you have a policy.. lets just let fluffy suffer.. its okay.. your an ass if you say you agree… I live in Colorado Springs, and sorry but I would have took the dog, risked arrest.. and got it to a vet.. okay so you arrested me.. but Joe Public would have helped me.. or my family would have gotten me out… and if it showed up on my record.. please any place I would apply for ( I graduate with a degree in Zoo this may), would have understood.. set get off your high dying horse.. who if it had gotten hit.. would still be suffering in the road.. while I type this…
Brad Hansen
Apr 14, 2014 at 9:36 am
If you’ve ever worked in law enforcement you would know policies change all the time. Because some policies just don’t work. And this is one of them. Sometimes change comes from outside such as the Dog Protection Act, also known as “don’t shoot my dog’ and the police are forced to change their ways. The one good idea you have is having the police carry release forms so citizens who have compassion can help animals in need without police interfering.
Brad Hansen
Apr 14, 2014 at 9:41 am
If the cops are going to just stand around twiddling their thumbs and not help, they need to get the hell out of the way!
John Marks
May 5, 2014 at 2:31 pm
I’m betting you are one of those right-wing nut jobs who think the only thing/person who has a “right to life”, are those in the womb. The rest get the “it was god’s will” bs. It’s sad and pathetic there are people like you who value the wrong things. Make me want to vomit!
Apr 13, 2014 at 4:01 pm
Is a very Bastard Cop
Tammy Sheehan
Apr 13, 2014 at 3:49 pm
Maybe every police department should have one or two officers trained to deal with animals. There was absolutely no need to leave this dog suffering. If my dog was struck by a car and I knowingly allowed it to lay, suffer and die I would be charged with animal cruelty. Maybe if law enforcement was required to do this it would cut down on dogs shot by them as well. I do not care if I was not there and this is only one side of the story, it is just plain wrong!
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Brad Hansen
Apr 13, 2014 at 9:32 am
People with head injuries can also be unpredictable and dangerous. I guess we better nit help them anymore. Yes, injured animals can be dangerous. Yes, I’ve helped.both dogs and cats (and a raccoon once) that have been hit by cars. I’ve had to get stitches and the rabies vaccine. Big deal. It was well worth it and I will continue to help any animals I see in distress.
Apr 13, 2014 at 8:56 am
F*ck the police
Chris Galarza
Apr 13, 2014 at 3:01 am
Denver You Suck !!
Apr 12, 2014 at 10:07 pm
This is ridiculous. Injured animals can be dangerous. If the police had allowed anyone near the dog and that person had been bitten, the police would be held responsible. The real problem here is that Animal Control took so long to arrive. Where were they? If you want to petition, why not go to the source of the problem? Petition about lack of funding and almost complete unconcern of governmental bodies when it comes to funding animal resources. Don’t petition the police, who have an already very difficult job, to apologize for doing it correctly.
Anthony M
Apr 12, 2014 at 11:55 pm
Well said. This article is written to get people riled up. They don’t get that the police open themselves up to lawsuits on multiple fronts by permitting random bystanders access to an injured animal whose behavior cannot be ascertained.
Likewise, they are trying to protect people from becoming injured in this type of situation.
What if it was a bear that was injured, would people expect to be allowed to tend that wounded, suffering animal?
Police don’t have vet training, they may have limited training for animal care such as cpr. Moving an injured person or animal without the proper knowledge, skill and resources to immobilize them to prevent further injury could lead to a worse outcome in many cases (greater injury or death) and certainly opens them up to lawsuits as well.
Linda pasternak
Apr 13, 2014 at 12:30 am
why did the police wait 15 minutes to call animal control I agree it was wrong for animal control to take so long but when the cops got there I mean if it was one quarter with you cops if it was two cars or 4 cops one of them could have called animal control immediately seeing that it was an injured animal and I understand about the part to keep other people away from the animal yeah because they can become defensive and they could bite and hurt one of the bystanders but don’t stand there and do nothing call animal control as soon as you know there’s an injured animal on site don’t wait 15 minutes it was no reason for the 15 minute wait and absolutely no reason for the hour long wait until they got there.
Anthony M
Apr 13, 2014 at 6:56 am
Linda, we weren’t there, we don’t know what we’ve been told is 100% accurate. People are making assumptions based on a highly-charged article and video meant to inspire outrage and emotion.
We are only getting 1 side of the story. I’m not saying the police or animal control didn’t do anything wrong, I don’t know, I wasn’t there.
But playing devils advocate, I can see why a department would have policies in place to protect others from becoming injured (a hurt animal could lash out violently because it’s frightened, it doesn’t know the cop or the random bystander approaching it, and neither is likely to be highly trained in dealing with injured animals of this magnitude)
And of course lawsuits, no matter what the cops do they’re screwed. If they don’t let a bystander administer aid, they get yelled at.
If the bystander administers aid and the animal doesn’t recover “correctly” or winds up dying they could get sued for letting “non-authorized” and “untrained” people access to the injured animal
Same goes if the cop administers aid in a situation they aren’t trained to deal with (they can likely do CPR for animals, but this animal was breathing and likely had massive internal injuries. If the cop moves the animal without the ability to immobilize it they could cause further harm (bam, lawsuit again)
Not to mention everyone screaming in the comments they should have tossed the animal into their patrol car and driven it to a vet. Not only is moving the animal potentially dangerous given internal injuries, but it’s late at night, vets likely aren’t open and they’d have to initiate an emergency response, which isn’t going to be immediate either.
Perhaps there are ways to improve the policies in this situation, I don’t have the full story. But people wishing for cops to lie in the street injured and uncared for is just ridiculous.
Apr 13, 2014 at 8:36 am
what you don’t seem to understand is that his is not a stray dog, this is a family pet. What if the owner was in the crowd but couldn’t get to it because the police said no?. As for approaching a injured animal being dangerous, that is just bogus, there is proper safety to take without hurting yourself and the injured animal. That dog could have been taken to the vet and there is a good chance that dog would have been saved and returned to it’s owner. I have saved a dog that has been hit by a car before and never got bitten why? because i was careful about it and i knew what to do.
Apr 13, 2014 at 9:31 am
“Police may have limited training for animal care such as CPR”. I’m sorry but that is a bullshit excuse for defending this inhumane behavior. The American Red Cross offers Pet First Aid courses that teach basic emergency care such as CPR. It’s a few hours and it’s not expensive. They may even offer it to cops for free. I have taken it, I would know how to make a makeshift muzzle so as to not get bitten. Your argument is invalid. Are you telling us that police don’t get this basic training? If they do, and stand around while a dog suffers is WRONG. If they don’t, well hey, that’s WRONG. This is pure and simple animal cruelty yet they hide behind their shiny badge and threats. Clearly they see a collar and leash, clearly it is someone’s dog, and they are devastated when they see this, and I hope they seek justice. I would.
How someone treats animals is a direct reflection of how we we treat people. This makes me so sick. For all you cops know, the owner was forced to stand there and watch this. You would have to shoot me to keep me away from the dog, especially if it were my own.
How can one call themselves human when they do not have to wherewithal to be humane?? This pup could potentially have been saved. And if not, released from pain. Not laying on the pavement suffering while a crowd looks on and does nothing because of the cops’ uncaring.
Anthony M
Apr 13, 2014 at 12:41 pm
The dog was breathing, the cops can’t, or shouldn’t, be performing CPR on an animal that is breathing. The animal likely has serious internal injuries (broken bones and bleeding). What training or resources do you expect that the police have to provide treatment to correct injuries of that magnitude????
Brad Hansen
Apr 13, 2014 at 1:31 pm
All police officers should be required to take pet 1st aid/cpr where they would also be trained how to transport injured animals. The animal control officer is not a vet either yet he would have been qualified to move the dog. The Aurora Police transported many theater shooting victims to the hospital so the Denver Police can do the same for the dog. Even if he had been helped by someone who has no knowledge of animal care this dog would have had a greater chance at survival than just being left in the street. At the least he wouldn’t have suffered so long.
Apr 12, 2014 at 9:26 pm
Robyn Ferland
Apr 12, 2014 at 8:06 pm
Give me a DOG anyday!!!!! Any of those cops have a dog they love at home? Or maybe a POLICE DOG???
Brad Hansen
Apr 12, 2014 at 6:42 pm
So this cop cared more about his job and following policy than helping a living creatrure in distress. He would have made a great Nazi.
Apr 12, 2014 at 6:08 pm
Suzanne Wehrly
Apr 12, 2014 at 5:33 pm
And we have the nerve to call ourselves human…hardly :'(
marie lewis
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:36 pm
this was just plain wrong and inhumane. the police should of allowed anyone there who wanted to help that poor dying animal do so, if i had been there i would of made sure i went to help the animal and called a vet to come try and take care of it, if a vet couldn’t come i would of taken it to a vet emergency place. the police had no right what so ever to stop people from helping it was not their decision to make, shame on them for being so heartless, as other people have stated the police are supposed to be there to protect and serve the people not allow cruelty and use being bullies to stop people from doing the right thing.
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:46 pm
THIS IS THE DUMBEST POST AND COMMENTS!!! If the police shot the dog to keep it from suffering the Denver Post would have ANOTHER petition and YOU ALL would have comments saying the same thing against the police for shooting the dog. NO ONE CAN WIN in the PC stupid society…
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:09 pm
How many children did your mother have who lived?
Chris Galarza
Apr 13, 2014 at 3:12 am
Chad ur stupid,get over yourself.Do u even know what u r talking about??
Apr 12, 2014 at 11:28 am
Cops are so stupid.
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:45 pm
THIS IS THE DUMBEST POST AND COMMENTS!!! If the police shot the dog to keep it from suffering the Denver Post would have ANOTHER petition and YOU ALL would have comments saying the same thing against the police for shooting the dog. NO ONE CAN WIN in the PC stupid society…
Apr 12, 2014 at 6:11 pm
Chad i would suggest that you get a freakin’ life. What if the owner was there and he/she tried to get to it but couldn’t because the cop said no? there are so many cops out there that think they can abuse the crap out of people and or animals just because they have a badge.
Chris Galarza
Apr 13, 2014 at 3:03 am
Get over your self
Apr 12, 2014 at 1:05 pm
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:07 pm
“COPS are stupid”? How about you contain that to stupid cops moron. I’m a retired cop and spent THOUSANDS of dollars during my career to save injured or sick animals and rehome them. And now we do rescue work and to the jerk with the first comment “PC” what is PC about being humane you idiot.
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:26 pm
I have to agree with Pawneebill47 one does not represent the whole … so tired of people bashing anyone. Country has gone to hell and everyone jumps on every band wagon. If you don’t like policy … change it … that’s the beauty of being American, however it requires being united not divided. I have met some amazing cops throughout my life as well as some not so amazing ones, but until you walk in there shoes judge them you can not.
Apr 12, 2014 at 8:07 pm
yea and i bet you’re one of those cops that beats people to the ground too just because of your damn badge. Yea i’m not buying your antics you sh*tty piece of sh*t of a cop
Apr 13, 2014 at 12:16 am
There really isn’t much hope for people
Apr 12, 2014 at 11:19 am
a pig by any other name is still a fucking pp ii gg
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:07 pm
See my post stupid, you need to be aborted.
Jan Harkema
Apr 12, 2014 at 8:29 am
If I could and lived in Denver, I would torture and kill that bloody assholes!!!
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:48 pm
that’s educated….
Mary Knight
Apr 12, 2014 at 7:25 am
When someone is suffering, and something can be done that is not harmful or dangerous to others, screw policy.
Apr 12, 2014 at 4:06 am
This just brakes my heart. I will never this, why didn’t someone go get a vet or done something!! That was animal cruelty! But of course nothing will happen to the police, they are above all of that!!!
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:34 am
This absolutely breaks my heart– in the town where I live in Iowa isn’t like that at all! As soon as our police come onto the scene they dispatch a veterinarian right away– our animal control is mainly there if needed for backup– they are very humane and would never allow anything like this to happen! I hope the Denver cops have nightmares about this for the rest of their lives!!
Lou Kingman
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:11 am
They would have to shoot me if they did this to my dog, Wilson. We would both lie in the street.
Indifferent, ignorant assholes. Plain and simple.
But according to the DP, they’re always right, right? When are they ever wrong?
Lou Kingman
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:44 am
I’m 64 now. So if that’s what’s needed to support my statement, so be it. I will lie beside Wilson if a DP joker puts me in that situation. But I’ve always felt that way. The way you treat a dog reflects how you treat humans and all creatures.
Disregard for the life of this dog reflects indifferent disregard for life in general.
Security is essential to any civilized enterprise. But can we not PLEASE raise pay enough to hire professional police officers, rather than these unthinking, indifferent thugs?
Apr 12, 2014 at 1:05 am
Another case of Police Playin God !!Who the Hell are They to Refuse a citizen the right to render aide to a dieing animal !! Sick of All the Bullshit They Get Away With BaSTARDS !!!!
Margaret Hood
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:55 am
Karma will come back to bite those cops (or someone they care about), in the butt. Karma is like that. And I hope when it does, they remember that poor dog. It sounds though, like these cops make a habit out of being arrogant and abusing their “power”. Fools.
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:48 am
I agree with just about everyone here that the dog should have been helped regardless of policy or anything else. To let that animal lay there and suffer is just wrong. If anything they could have at the very least shot it and put it out of it’s misery. DENVER POLICE again. Last time it was a pitbull. Time to change your laws and get with the program. There is NO excuse for leaving that animal to die the way that it did. NONE!!!
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:35 am
Change the fn policy!
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:08 am
There were choices to be made and this officer choose wrong. He is a disgrace to the badge and I say that coming from a law enforcement family background. Would your K9 units have stood there?
Denver you should be ashamed. My convention dollars will not be booked in your city, ever.
Sherrie B. Sachs
Mary Capaccio
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:08 am
God Bless that animal…God’s creature. They didn’t pass His test. They didn’t show any compassion or love for this dying soul. This is the society we live in today. God Bless all the animals neglected, abandoned and abused at the hand of those that were meant to protect them. That little one is one of God’s angels now, never to suffer again.
Courtney Glimmen
Apr 11, 2014 at 11:56 pm
Absolutely disgusting… Ashamed to be from denver! No living creature deserves to die alone in pain and scared! If people want to take the chance and get hurt let them… People are trying to do good and the Denver police did the wrong thing!!!! Letting something suffer is absolutely unacceptable! I would have went to jail and hope if my dog was in that situation someone would have helped rather than looking the other way!
Apr 11, 2014 at 11:38 pm
It’s a very unfortunate situation. Just another reason for people to lose respect for law enforcement. I would be locked up if I was there. I wouldn’t let a dumb cop stop me from helping that poor baby. Such a sad sad situation:-(
Barry Conrad
Apr 11, 2014 at 11:12 pm
its a good thing i wasnt there, i would be locked up tonight, all they wanted to do was comfort that animal in its final moments, you as police should have taken it to the vet, or left someone do it for you!!!! for you to tell people they would be arrested for helping an innocent animal who was dying is atroscious!! you have no heart and shouldnt be serving as police or anything else, ill bet you never found out who hit the dog, did ya huh!!!! in lamans terms, DUMB WAY TO HANDLE IT!!! STUPID!!!
Apr 11, 2014 at 10:56 pm
Policy my ass!!! Those men are a disgrace to the uniform. May karma drive that bus right up their asses 10 fold
Apr 11, 2014 at 10:39 pm
So I suppose these fucking morons who are employed by the Denver Police department leave human beings who are dying at the scene of a so called “criminal investigation” to suffer until the proper agency gets there to take over? BULLSHIT, they do no such thing! So why leave a poor innocent dog laying in pain? Because they’re fucking pricks abusing their power at what couldn’t be the worse time. All piles of shit should be fired & held accountable for their LACK of actions!!!
Sara-Anne Koontz
Apr 11, 2014 at 10:39 pm
I was always taught that the police are our friends, and there to help serve and protect, RIGHT. As I see it they have no regards to life wether it be human or animal, how would they feel and what would they do if it were their family pet or their canine partner? Oh but wait if it was a canine partner they would rush to do all they could do to get help.So what investigation was so important that they would let a life suffer? Well I say S H A M E ON THE DENVER POLICE DEPT!!!!! I say change your way of thinking.
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:55 pm
I AM SO thankful I live in a community where this would never happen. What are Denver’s 24 hr. emergency vet clinics for. sad story…this dog did not deserve to die this way.
Maria Chapman
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:41 pm
Citizens should always be cautious when attempting to help anyone involved in an accident. Many people are injured every year trying to help others. However, if the police were on the scene, there was no reason for them to prevent others from helping the animal or doing so themselves. Denver may want to think about changing their policies.
Joey Pitt
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:57 pm
Loo at the asshole smiling as he is loading the dead body , they really care don’t they .
Brenda Henness
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:31 pm
This is a sad situation and really doesn’t protray the Denver police in a good light. This dog needlessly suffered. If that was a human they would have tended the victim until an ambulance arrived not leave them in excruciating pain. This dog was also one of God’s creatures. If this is how they are trained then something needs not change. The police are servants who are suppose to serve and protect. Considering that the vast majority of citizens view their pets as extended family the police should be compassionate, especially if they want support and respect from those they serve. This was a horrible example of police work. Shame on them. They don’t have the morals for the kind of person that should wear this uniform.
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:29 pm
Utter B.S. !!!! Wait for “Animal Control” my backside !!
Animal Control personnel are NOT Vets. Rarely you “might” find one that has even completed a Canine CPR course. They have little to NO MEDICAL Training. Most have a High School education, or GED. I am not disparaging them—only pointing out that the Cops saying to wait for them is BOGUS !! As a Paramedic and a Wildlife Rehabber–I have have many dealings with Animal Control–and they have NO Authority for medical intervention. Granted, an injured animal can, and often will attempt to bite–trying to protect itself–it only knows it’s hurt (weakened), and easy prey…. basic survival. But is someone is willing to HELP this dog, securing it’s mouth was all that was required in that shape.
ALL that prevented comfort, or even someone taking the poor thing to an emergency Vet should be held RESPONSIBLE—and disciplined HARSHLY !!
The Cops need to HAVE to attend a class on Animals. A little education goes a long way…. if it can get past the “Machismo” !!
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:22 pm
The officer should be dismissed. Immediately.
Linda Dodge
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:15 pm
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:13 pm
When it was clear animal control was taking too long, one of the police officers should have driven the dog to the nearest emergency vet themselves. They could also have called an additional officer over do that if needed.
There is no excuse for this at all.
Every day we see amazing stories of police officers saving animals and doing heroic things..but clearly, these officers decided not to be the heroes they could have been for this poor dog that night.
They should all be ashamed of themselves, and policies be hanged.
Dena Fitzgerald
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:12 pm
This is absolutely disgraceful. I have worked in animal care and control in several states (PA, VA, MD, CO, WY) and on the national level for American Humane Association (for 3 years) and The Humane Society of the United States as a contract expert. I am also a Certified Animal Welfare Administrator. I have NEVER heard of police officers leaving a dog to lie in the road suffering for 90 minutes. NEVER. Normal procedure for most police departments across the country is to immediately transport an animal to a contracted veterinary clinic (most municipalities have contracts with a local emergency vet clinic) if the animal appears to have life-threatening injuries. Most jurisdictions have far fewer animal control officers (ACOs) than police officers, which means it can take an hour or more for an ACO to arrive on scene, especially at night. Police officers make a tremendous amount more money than ACOs – typically double to triple the salary. Police officers should be appropriately cross-trained to handle animal emergencies, including injured and aggressive animals. No excuse for a police officer to stand and watch a dog suffer for 90 minutes because “policy” says he isn’t supposed to handle animals. The Denver PD is a national disgrace today, as it should be for this disgraceful incident.
Mary Ward-Eaton
Apr 12, 2014 at 1:50 am
Thank you for speaking up. The Denver Police Dept. may not listen to a lot of comments, especially obscene ones, although my heart understands every bit as much why people are suffering. for this poor neglected German Shepherd whoo never should have died alone, suffering and in such excruciating pain. Since you have held the positions you have, I hope they will listen to you, change policy, become like police officers I have heard about who rescue dogs and become humane. I have one other thought – many people are afraid of dogs due to incidents from childhood. I feel it is incumbent upon police officers to receive
sensitivity training so they can respect animals and be reconditioned from previous behavior.
Carol Minkus
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:11 pm
IMO it was unconscionable for the police to NOT let anyone help this poor dog who was in obvious pain. I have come upon dogs and cats having been hit by a vehicle and I have always stopped and helped the animal. I have put them in my car and gone to the nearest vet and requested they be PTS – if the animal was in such shape that warranted that. If you take the proper precautions, you are not likely to get bitten.
This dog apparently had a leash attached to the collar so it would appear he/she got away from the owner. They never even had the curtsey to state if this dog is a male or female.
I pray that MAJOR BAD Karma happens to the Officer involved here.
Apr 11, 2014 at 9:04 pm
That’s just wrong on so many levels. I’m thankful for the police in Richmond, Henrico, Hanover and Chesterfield Virginia who have been known to show compassion to the sick and injured animals they come across.
Lita long
Apr 11, 2014 at 8:57 pm
First off they are not vets. So who is to say the dog might have been saved if it took 90 mons. Then vet care given in 15 might have saved the dogs life. Secondly the need a bit of training
To move an injured dog secure the mouth with anything grab dog from nap of neck in one hand and over the hips in the other and lift. That is a no brainer.
Did Denver cops graduate from high school
. I would be ashamed of them and Denver people should be.. sorry for the dog.
M. Cook
Apr 11, 2014 at 8:45 pm
This is so wrong on so many levels. What were the police trying to teach and do? I am left totally confused.
Kathy Smith
Apr 11, 2014 at 8:36 pm
They should have kept calling the pound.they are heart less to watch him suffer.
Apr 11, 2014 at 8:00 pm
What rotten bastards.
william Huard
Apr 11, 2014 at 8:19 pm
What a disaster……First of all- how did this dog get loose? As a dog owner it is my responsibility that these situations do not happen…..I do not let my dog out of my sight…ever…..second…..the Denver police dept looks like insensitive idiots…..no training in handling these situations? Considering the fact that it tool animal control over an hour to respond…….it’s called training……isn’t that better than if you come closer I’ll arrest you for obstruction…Really?
Vanessa Rousseau
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:56 pm
If it was a person they sure would have rendered aid. I’m here to tell you that if it was my dog I would sue there rear ends. My dogs are our children. I guess there policy is let’s leave the animal in pain and suffering and then die. Oh then we will let the city pick the dog and throw it away like its nothing. Shame on you Denver pd. Karma is a bitch. I will pray for this dogs family.
Darlene Martinez
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:50 pm
WTF…The police say, let the experts (animal control) take care of it because of the DPD policy. My question is, is why when Animal Control was there to help remove a dog, (Chloe) The police decided to take matters in their own hands and shoot the dog, when Chole was already being removed by AC….I guess they (the police) pick and choose which dogs to kill and which ones to help. This poor dog lying in the road obviously needed help,,,,,Who can be so unkind and watch a animal die right in front of them without trying to help it….God bless the bystander at the scene that tried to help the dog….Shame on anyone who shows no compassion for animals
Linda Burns
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:26 pm
I know i will get flack for this and i don’t agree that they left the dog alone and suffering at all but the difference between humans and dogs is dogs have rabies and if police let them near the dog and it was rabid they would be held responsible for the person getting bit. Injured dogs do react differently than uninjured dogs and this dog didn’t have any tags so in the end it is the fault of the owner for not having tags on maybe if there was proof of a rabies vaccine the police would have let someone near, and again he should not have been left alone someone could have been near him and talked to the dog with out touching just sad all around.
Crystal Griffieth
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:37 pm
Sorry but that policy is lame and stupid and if that dog had a leash and collar, then RABIES is not anywhere in that equation. What they did was ignore the dogs pain and get on with the “accident” investigation. What THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE, is allow some one to move that animal, after they marked where it was, and tkae care of it until the animal control gets there. Or call a vet, since animal control probably just would put the dog down anyway, as they are not a shelter in any way shape or form. They are mostly heartless too, like those police officers. If that truly was policy for the officers, THEN THEY NEED TO CHANGE THAT POLICY! THAT was abuse letting that poor dog die without helping it at all, and calling for animal control IS NOT HELPING THE ANIMAL! Also, why did it take them over an hour to get there? They have another dog lying in the street dying, that hadn’t died yet? What heartless people make these policies anyway?
Crystal Griffieth
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:38 pm
Sorry but that policy is lame and stupid and if that dog had a leash and collar, then RABIES is not anywhere in that equation. What they did was ignore the dogs pain and get on with the “accident” investigation. What THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE, is allow some one to move that animal, after they marked where it was, and take care of it until the animal control gets there. Or call a vet, since animal control probably just would put the dog down anyway, as they are not a shelter in any way shape or form. They are mostly heartless too, like those police officers. If that truly was policy for the officers, THEN THEY NEED TO CHANGE THAT POLICY! THAT was abuse letting that poor dog die without helping it at all, and calling for animal control IS NOT HELPING THE ANIMAL! Also, why did it take them over an hour to get there? They have another dog lying in the street dying, that hadn’t died yet? What heartless people make these policies anyway?
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:38 pm
The dog had a collar and leash. Obviously the dog had an owner and likely was cared for. There has NOT been a case of rabies in a dog in DECADES! DECADES! So that being a reason for not helping a badly injured animal if beyond ridiculous. In some places this is illegal: to hit and NOT help an animal. You can get a fine for hit and run of a dog (sadly not for a cat) in California.
Apr 11, 2014 at 10:01 pm
There is a vaccination for rabies and many people are vaccinated and a simple homemade muzzle prevents that reaction you are speaking of. I am rabies vaccinated, first aid certified for dogs and CPR certified for humans and dogs. If I was there then there should have been no reason for me to be denied access to providing first aid for the dog.
Roxanna Stieber
Apr 12, 2014 at 2:09 pm
Rabies? SERIOUSLY???
Are you kidding me? This was someone’s dog that had a collar and was well cared for. Probably got loose somehow. It happens. You sound as insensitive as those cops
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:22 pm
Police are the must heart less Pigs in this world,
annette ibbertson
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:38 pm
i think it is disgusting that they could leave an innocent animal to suffer like that
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:41 pm
I would have gotten that dog to the nearest emergency animal hospital as fast as hospital, asshole cops be damned. They should be imprisoned for life. Would they have behaved differently if it was a human hit by a car? A dog’s life is worth no less.
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:36 pm
they should lose there fucking job that was someone dog and yes take those MOTHER FUCKERS to court that is just PURE HEARTLESS I hope you have a good excuse when you answer to Jesus your heaart is full of HATE cant stand you f cop like you. end there job now….
Apr 12, 2014 at 8:16 pm
I hope the owners SUES the denver Police’s ass. What a son of a B*tches they are
nicky p
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:33 pm
You can bet that I would of been by that dogs side. 100%. There is absolutely NO reason for that poor baby to have lay there in the amount of pain it was in and die alone. Impeding on investigation? What happens when a human is hit head on in a car because of some drunk idiot? Do we let the human lay there dying and tell bystanders or anyone trying to help, NOT to help? NO. What the F is wrong with people? I hope to god the owners care enough about their beloved pet and take action. If they don’t, then Ill rally the advocate groups I belong to and take action. I read this over an hour ago and it has really been bothering me. And whats worse?? Although blurred this looks like the face of an innocent, loving, senior dog who did his/her time in this cold world. She/he should never leave this world-ALONE with noone to comfort him/her. Shame on the god damn pd. Im tired of reading stories about these bastards with trigger happy fingers shooting family pets and denying treatment and care. Im not a mean or evil person, but I really shed my anger in stories such as this, that I hope to god one day that officer/s face a situation in their personal lives that truly hit them rock bottom. God willing, although a long and suffering end to life, may this beautiful dog fly free now.
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:23 pm
That is ABSOLUTLY horrible! Heartless Soulless Hallowed out people. How alone and scared that poor dog felt to have everyone right there an NOBODY help
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:35 pm
Waiting for animal control to come is the same as saying who cares about the animal. Once I waited a week for animal control to show up after me and my dog were attacked by 2 pit bulls. Our society has allowed organizations such as the police and animal control to tie our hands. When we unite together and act quickly things get done and lives are saved, these organizations only adhere to red tape and delay any action. Sorry to say I’ve lost all faith in such organizations to do the right thing.
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:21 pm
This is nothing short of animal abuse and the owner of this dog needs to file a lawsuit against the city and the officers involved. It is absolutely unacceptable to stand and watch an animal suffer in this way. And the citizens of this city need to band together and have this “policy”, if it really does exist, changed!! Individual citizens should be able to help without the police interfering, if they will do nothing. I would have been arrested, because I would have helped the dog anyways. (not condemning the man who did not by the way, he did what he felt he could)
Anthony M
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:19 pm
The problem is we live in a sue-happy society. If the police let some random person in to assist the dog rather than animal control, they open themselves up to lawsuits on two fronts:
1. The owner of the dog can sue them because non-authorized personnel treated their dog, and it died or didn’t recover fully despite being saved
2. The bystander(s) giving assistance can sue if they wind up bit or scratched by the scared animal because they police gave them permission to administer aid to a potentially wild animal, especially one that’s injured and may lash out because it’s in pain and fear
It’s unfortunate, for sure, but I can understand where the police are coming from on this one
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:10 am
You are delusional. You do not have a background in law enforcement nor do you have a law degree.
Leigh Dickens
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:11 pm
If the “Denver” police officer lying on the road being injured, I wouldn’t given a fuck’n’ shit to save him…cos he’s a ruthless and cruel human. In Australia, all Police Officers are always will go help and rescue precious animals who are involved in accidents or got hit by cars or otter traffic. They are marvelous!! What is wrong with bloody Denver Police Police?? Shame on ya, officers. Very sad…
Tevis Tumulty
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:10 pm
I hope every officer involved gets the same. In the street, on the ground, in pain, with everyone standing around watching, doing nothing.
Joyce Garrett
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:07 pm
Maybe they were too busy smoking pot. Shame. Kindness cost nothing.
Denver has murdered dogs for decades now
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:04 pm
I do not find this shocking at all that Denver, CO police would have such a “policy.” They have been murdering family pets for decades now. They have had BSL since the 80’s that allows them to remove pit bulls and dogs that look like pit bulls and they murder them. If you look online you can see pictures of piles of dead dogs, victims of Denver, CO’s BSL. This is horrifying but not surprising in a heartless and inhumane Denver, CO.
Renee Smith
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:00 pm
I said the same thing when I saw this story. It’s horrifying…..but it’s all encompassing of what Denver is capable of.
Apr 12, 2014 at 8:35 pm
You should see the amount killing these so called cops do to family pets. Ive seen videos. Where a cop would eneter a back yard and just shoot the dog there are many vids you can see on you tube. Cops are so trigger happy. There arent any good cops left at all if any. They have turned into killers rather thn protecting and serve like they should….i cannot imagine what the owners of tis dog is going through. I hope they sue.
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:03 pm
If this had been a police dog, the dog would have been immediately rushed to an emergency vet clinic. This is so inhumane. The Denver Police Department needs to review their policies!!
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:54 pm
Screw their ” policy” . Bastards.
Ruth Ann Burke
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:42 pm
All breathing and living things, whether human or animal deserve the chance to be helped and saved if at all possible. Just because to the police it happen to be animal and not a human is no excuse at all. I think that anyone that sees an animal that needs help, should stop and think “what would I want someone to do if that was my animal.” And certainly the police is hired to protect and serve and that means everyone and everything. What was worst than that, is they threaten to arrest honorable and caring citizens that wanted and were willing to help this poor animal. And if animal control was that slow about getting to the scene, then they need to hire more help or find out what they were doing that took so long.
I hope that poor animal is happy and healthy in heaven, and I hope that the police officer that did nothing and the police chief which I am sure is backing up the police officer has a hard time sleeping at night.
Apr 11, 2014 at 6:13 pm
linda day
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:39 pm
“I was only doing my job” – the same old story when it comes to a lack of compassion. The dog would have suffered less if they had shot it in the head. There’s something wrong and sick about people who would let an animal suffer to it’s DEATH…..
Alice Evans
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:39 pm
If any job requires policy to be followed that is inhumane it is wrong whether its on a fur farm or on the streets ans enforced by police. Forcing a dog to die slowly is inflicting animal cruelty and the officer should be prosrcuted for this. How hard is it to take an injured animal straight to a local vet? You wouldnt allow a person to die like this? As this story has gone global I think worldwide confidence in the police has dropped a lot. Not that I have any confidence in their ability when it comes to protecting animals anyway! If someone did this to my dog I would probably murder them
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:37 pm
How can that be procedure and no one can help hindering the investigation-firemen don’t have that “handcuff”. How many hero stories are heard of cops and pets? I hope they are held accountable, that someone has to answer for the senselessness of this situation, a simple apology won’t cut it…
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:35 pm
Humans rule. If a human was laying there dying it would be a different story.
Rebecca Russell
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:28 pm
Watching this dog suffer is not normal!!! A bunch of assholes is my comment!!!
Janet Smith
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:28 pm
nicky p
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:26 pm
Humanity is lost and gone. from the looks by this picture it looks like a senior dog. i am very disturbed by this story. what difference could animal control done than any other civilian off the street trying to save him/her couldnt have done? i empathize tremendously for the bystanders unable to help and the family. truly a sad story. karma truly does remarkable work when time comes. I.would of been there by that dofs side. take me to jail. for trying to save a life? god bless this dog, noone whether a human lifw or animal life should ever have to suffer. shame on the denver pd. shame shame shame. Get off your power stool and self righteous bullshit mentalities. society is one big mess.
Kitt Thomas
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:25 pm
I am really ashamed at the police officer or officers of the Denver PD involved. How crappy of them to not allow anyone to help this poor dog and to let it suffer so much! A big F U to those who kept saying “it would hinder their investigation” or “they would arrest anyone trying to help”. What the hell is wrong with the officers involved! I think the POS or POS’s should have their badges revoked and never be allowed to work as an officer, security officer or anything to do with the law ever again!!!! I thought as an officer you should show compassion and do the right thing. This was the totally wrong thing for them to do and screw their so-called procedure! My heart is saddened that this poor creature had to suffer such an agonizing death! All I can say to those officer(s) involved is: Karma is a bitch!
Lynne Bowbeer
Apr 11, 2014 at 5:05 pm
This is one of the most horrific incidents I have read in a long time. How could these police be allowed to do something this inhumane? They absolutely must be removed from the force and prosecuted for animal cruelty.
Jannina Archila
Apr 11, 2014 at 4:59 pm
WHAT AN ASS HOLE, I really wish from the bottom of my heart that his police officer when his time come for him to dye, he should dye in the same way this poor soul did, and I hope no one comes near to him to help him.. how can he be so cruel and did not help the dog at all or even worse did not allow anybody else to help him when it was obvious he need the help, if just some would help him or take him to the vet he might be alive now…. ASS HOLE PIECE OF SHIT… this officer deserve the worse in this life really…. I just hope that none of his relatives never pay the price of his evil act…. damn you bastard….
why did he let him suffer so long, why why, mother fucker…
Tracy Fred
Apr 11, 2014 at 4:57 pm
Shame on the Denver Police officers that did nothing to help that dog. They could have possibly saved the dog, and instead just let it die. Those officers do not deserve to be on the force. They took an oath and went against it by not trying to save a life. I’m soooo digusted by this! Thank you to the neighbor who tried and cared, because obviously those officers didn’t. What an injustice by police officers!!
Apr 11, 2014 at 4:52 pm
Pls someone start a petition to get those Moran Denver officers fired, I’m not sure how to. Do you believe they have the balls to say this—“It’s always about the personal safety of that individual. It’s not trying to be cruel to the animal or cruel to the individual. It’s best if we get the Animal Control people in there, let them do what they do as experts and let them take the actions,” said a police spokesman
Wayne Dale
Apr 11, 2014 at 4:39 pm
What assholes they were that was somebody’s pet and they just let it die apparently they have no compassion for animals.. Policy or no policy that dog should not have had to suffer that way while they stood by threatening people who try to help. What kind of investigation on who hit the dog people don’t care they have hit an animal they just drive away they should’ve helped that dog. I’ll say it again what big asshole they are.
Apr 12, 2014 at 12:47 pm
and if they shot the dog to keep it from suffering you would be calling hte assholes for shooting the dog…
Apr 12, 2014 at 8:21 pm
You are irrelevant Bitch shut your pie hole and go sit down.
Susan Harrison
Apr 11, 2014 at 4:33 pm
WHY ???????? EFFING SICK PIECES OF SHIT ! I hope everyone involved in not allowing anyone to help that dog suffers a long painful excruciating death. Absolutely fucking BULLSHIT to not help that dog. NO REASON .. NONE … plain sick cruel sadistic bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!