Animal Advocates

Desperate Rescuers Using Pizza to Capture Elusive Lost Dog

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In a desperate attempt to find a lost dog, rescuers are taking unique measures to trap the elusive girl with a little help from Little Caesars.

Desperate Rescuers Using Pizza to Capture Elusive Lost Dog - The Dogington Post

Six weeks ago, Harper, a 110-pound Great Dane, escaped from home. While she’s been spotted several times in a Michigan agriculture field, the dog bolts whenever she’s approached. To make matters worse, a local hunter has vocalized threats to shoot the dog if given the chance.

So, Harper’s owner hired professional dog tracker, Lindsay Sturgeon to help. Armed with a volunteer squad, three latching cages, four trail cameras and several Little Caesar’s pizzas, rescuers are hoping to find the Great Dane before the hunter does.

Harper is a female Harlequin Great Dane, weighs about 110-pounds, is microchipped, and has been on the run for 4 weeks now. She was last seen in Wyoming, Michigan, between 52nd & 56th streets and Ivanrest & Byron Center with possible (uncomfirmed) sighting in the area.

Please keep your eyes out for Harper. If you spot her, please do not attempt to catch her. She is a fearful dog and will run. If spotted please contact Lost Paws, LLC at 616-745-2478.

Image via Lost Paws LLC/Facebook
Image via Lost Paws LLC/Facebook

There is a cash reward offered for Harper’s return.

Image via Harper's Angels/Facebook
Image via Harper’s Angels/Facebook
Image via Harper's Angels/Facebook
Image via Harper’s Angels/Facebook


  1. Sharon Harris

    Nov 22, 2016 at 9:39 am

    Why ever in the world would a hunter state he would shoot the dog if sees it?

  2. Lisa

    Nov 22, 2016 at 9:23 am

    Why would anyone threaten to shoot this beautiful dog?

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