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Do You Know This Dog? Unknown Dog Found Clinging to Ice in Frozen Lake

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A Norton Shores Police officer rescued the dog from a near-frozen Mona Lake in Michigan. Police are still trying to locate the dog's owners.
A Norton Shores Police officer rescued the dog from a near-frozen Mona Lake in Michigan. Police are still trying to locate the dog’s owners. Photo credit Norton Shores Police Department

A Michigan police officer is to thank for saving the life of a dog he found desperately clinging to a chunk of ice in the freezing waters of Mona Lake last night. Now, police and rescuers are searching for the found dog’s owners.

Responding to reports of a barking dog in Norton Shores, Michigan around 11:30pm last night, a Norton Shores Police Officer found the dog, described as a Lab/Golden mix that appears to have been well cared for, with only it’s head and paws above the frigid water, clutching onto a sheet of ice about 3 feet away from a dock at the lake’s north shore, under a resident’s boat lift. In all, police estimate the dog had been in the water for close to an hour.

The officer that responded to the call found the unknown dog and managed to pull it to safety.

“I was able to reach the dog’s green collar with my fingertips after lying out on my stomach. After sliding the dog along the ice to the dock, I attempted to assist it onto the ice. The dog had no energy to help work its way out of the water. It was too heavy for me to simply lift out,” the officer explained in his police report.

Unable to pull the dog to safety by its collar, the officer then reached into the freezing water and wrapped his arm around the dog.

“The low lying dock allowed me to then roll away while holding onto the dog, lifting it out of the water and on top of me,” he said.

He carried the dog to shore where several neighbors offered jackets and blankets to wrap and dry the dog. Another officer on scene turned the heater in his cruiser onto full blast and allowed to pup to warm up on the backseat.

The dog was found wearing this green collar, but no identifying tags. Photo credit Norton Shores Police Department
The dog was found wearing this green collar, but no identifying tags. Photo credit Norton Shores Police Department

“Upon placing the dog into my cruiser’s backseat, it still had no energy to move,” the officer wrote in the report.

Police called rescuers from Pound Buddies, a local rescue organization, to the scene. After warming up, the dog began to show signs of improvement.

No one at the scene recognized the dog and it wasn’t wearing any ID tags on the dark green collar. However, police say it appears to be a Golden/Lab mix that is well fed and fairly old. Reports did not indicate whether the dog was male or female. The rescuer from Pound Buddies agreed to care for the dog until an owner is found.

Anyone that recognizes the dog, or has any information is asked to contact the Norton Shores Police Department at (231 )733-2691.



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  2. Carol Smalley

    Jan 23, 2014 at 5:11 pm

    Thank you and God bless to the police officer who saved that sweet old dog from certain death! He obviously couldn’t have lasted more than a very few more minutes. I certainly HOPE everyone in the dog’s family was thankful to get him back. It seems very unusual for an older dog like him to have been hanging out by the freezing, icy-cold river that late at night…

  3. Pat

    Jan 23, 2014 at 10:00 am

    Sir, your are a hero!! Thank you!

  4. Lori Dimaiuat

    Jan 22, 2014 at 11:13 pm

    I just want to thank anyone that heard the dog barking and didn’t just dismiss it. Your call for help and the awesome police that pulled this dog to safety needs to be commended. God bless you all for saving him and helping him find his family! God Bless You All!!!!!! What a lucky, blessed puppy!!!!

  5. Melissa Amatuccio

    Jan 22, 2014 at 10:57 pm

    Awesome Job Officer!!! So happy this beautiful boy was saved & the family was reuinited!

  6. Sue Gore

    Jan 22, 2014 at 9:00 pm

    Thank you so much Officer!

  7. Dawn Kreft

    Jan 22, 2014 at 6:58 pm Update from a commenter on the story “Happy update. the dog is safe and at home with his family! he is microchipped so his family was identified this morning and came right away to pick him up. the norton shores officers that took care of this dog last night were awesome! thank you so much guys!”
    Like · Reply · 24 · 5 hours ago

    • KJ Detjen

      Jan 30, 2014 at 4:55 am

      You are a true hero sir, thank you for saving the dog, that’s going above and beyond the call of duty. I hope people learn something from this miraculous outcome. Sending a hug your way from Minnesota 🙂

  8. Tracey Mclean

    Jan 22, 2014 at 6:47 pm

    I pray they find the owners for this dog my concern is if the dog was found on a frozen lake through the ice. I pray the owners were not with the dog and fell in the ice to. Many dogs will stay with the owners to try and help them. This dog has a guardian angel the ones whom came to rescue this little sweetie. I am from Canada and will hope and pray for a good outcome.

  9. Cindy H

    Jan 22, 2014 at 5:27 pm

    Thank you to that Officer who saved this fur baby =)
    I’m in NC but I’ll share the FB post because you just never know.
    I hope this baby is I’D’d very soon and the human responsible
    Made to take responsibility.

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