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Does President Obama Hate First Dog Bo?

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Does President Obama love Bo?

White House public relations officials are clamoring to change the public opinion that President Obama, in fact, can’t stand his own dog, a Portuguese Water Dog named Bo, given to the First Family after the President’s first term election.

While the President denies these allegations, 63% of Americans still firmly believe the President to dislike Bo. While Bo does have plenty of press and a huge fan following, it’s rare to see a photo of him being walked by or playing fetch with the President.

White House Deputy Press Secretary, Todd Grant, told reporters, “Of course the President loves Bo… very much. He scratches behind his ears, he rubs his belly, he calls him a good boy multiple times per day.”

However, analysts have reviewed over 700 interviews with White House officials, and not once has the President said he didn’t want Bo dead. Further, over 6 months of President Obama’s public speeches, he has only mentioned the First Dog a mere 14 times.

Do you believe President Obama loves his family’s dog, Bo? Decide for yourselves after watching the heated debate on the subject below:

Obama Denies Accusations He Does Not Love His Dog

The Dogington Post is serious about dogs, but we like to have a little fun, too! This article has been fabricated by the editors of this site. Happy April Fool’s Day! But, since we’ve got your attention:

Only a fool would buy a puppy from a pet store! It’s a known fact that 99% of all pet store puppies came from puppy mills. National Mill Dog Rescue rescues, rehabilitates and re-homes retired commercial breeding dogs from puppy mills. NMDR gives these dogs a new beginning and a final chance to find happiness and comfort in a loving home. Run almost solely by volunteers, NMDR has pledged to put an end to the cruelty of the puppy mill industry. Through widespread informative efforts, National Mill Dog Rescue hopes to educate the public to acquire their companion animals through reputable breeders or better yet, from shelters and rescue groups across the country. Please support the efforts on NMDR, by volunteering or making a donation at http://www.milldogrescue.org/



  1. Karen Bell

    Apr 1, 2013 at 7:03 am

    Get a brain people. Hitler loved his dogs. That made him a great guy, huh? There are many measures of a man but media spin isn’t one of them.

    • doglover138902

      Apr 1, 2013 at 8:49 am

      Um, Karen? Did you READ the article? Happy April Fool’s. Is it difficult being so angry about politics all the time? Geez Louise.

      • vickie williams

        Apr 2, 2013 at 11:05 am

        OMG this is ridiculous

    • Bob LaNinfa

      May 2, 2013 at 6:01 pm

      Obama throws everyone under the buss, after he has no more use for them. Hello BO, remember that!!! He eats Dogs.

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