Dogs & Laws

WATCH: Dog Caught on Tape Stealing Loaf of Bread from the Store

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It’s been said that Huskies are the comedians of the dog world. As it turns out, they may be the criminals of the dog world, too! Just watch what happened when one hungry Husky was caught on tape stealing a loaf of bread from a California Dollar General store!

Dog Caught on Tape Stealing Loaf of Bread

Shafter Police posted surveillance footage of the pilfering pup to Facebook:

“On May 17th, 2017, at approximately 9:20 p.m., the suspect in this video entered the Dollar General on Lerdo Hwy. and shoplifted a loaf of bread. The suspect was able to avoid apprehension and escaped on all fours out the front doors. The suspect is described as: a white and grey Husky last seen carrying a loaf of bread.
Any information is appreciated, as he looks hungry.”


When the thieving dog attempted to leave the store without paying for her haul, a Dollar General employee began chase and played a quick (losing) game of tug-o-war with the bread before being left standing with just a bit of bread and plastic wrap in his hands while the suspect took off, the rest of the bread swinging from her mouth.

The following night, the ‘Husky Bread Bandit’, as she’s been dubbed by police, returned to the scene of the crime with an accomplice, presumably for seconds.

Both adorable suspects were apprehended by police and are being held at the Shafter Critters Shelter until they’re claimed by their humans.

It’s obvious by the looks on the thieves faces that they regret nothing!

No charges were filed.

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