Dog Abuse

Dog Daycare Worker Captured on Video Repeatedly Kneeing Dog in the Face

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A Georgia dog daycare worker was fired, and may be facing charges, after a pet owner logged onto the center’s webcam and witnessed him repeatedly kneeing her dog in the face.

“I trusted these people to look after Ava only to check the webcams and see this happening to her,” pet owner Rachel Mundy said in a Facebook post.

Mundy had dropped off her dog Ava at the Bark and Board dog daycare and boarding facility in Brookhaven, Georgia on Thursday before heading out of town for a few days. When she logged into the daycare’s webcams, hoping to catch a glimpse of her dog playing, having fun, or being pampered, she witnessed a shocking display of abuse instead.

“He would kind of go up to her, back her up against the wall and push her into a corner,” Mundy told WSBTV.  Then, she saw something horrific – the employee repeatedly kneeing Ava in the face and throat, knocking her head into the wall. “I was like, ‘This is going too far, this is not OK.'”

Mundy immediately went to the dog daycare and picked up Ava. “I had to leave work to go pick her up because I couldn’t leave her there for a whole weekend to be treated like that.”

Stewart Wingate, co-owner of Bark and Board, was horrified by what Mundy had captured on video, too. He immediately fired the employee, saying, “no guest under our care is to receive any physical discipline,” he said. “That is not appropriate — never had been and never will be at all.”

Wingate  is helping police investigate the employee, who may face abuse charges after the incident.

“We just hope folks will understand one bad apple doesn’t mean that’s the whole crew. We care for the dogs as if they are our own,” he said. He added that all employees will receive a refresher course in animal care with focus on the no physical discipline rule.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Dahlia

    Oct 31, 2018 at 3:33 am

    I wish that dog had bit the out of him and then the rest finished the job!! Lol… Bet he wouldn’t have done it to a pitbull!

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