Canine Rights

Dog Dies of Heat Stroke at Petco Grooming Salon

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A family is devastated, a healthy Golden Retriever is dead, and a Petco grooming salon is to blame.

When Allison Marks took Colby, her 2-year old Golden Retriever to Petco for a routine grooming at a Virginia Petco store, she expected to pick up a freshly pampered, healthy and happy pup just a couple of hours later.

When she had not heard back from the store in a few hours, she called to check on her boy.

Instead of being told that Colby could come home, she was told to meet the store’s assistant manager at a nearby animal hospital where he was pronounced dead from heat stroke.

Marks was told that the groomer had accidentally left Colby in a drying cage when she left work early to attend a graduation party.

While the family are in complete shock over what happened and the loss of their four-legged family member, Petco released the following statement:

“All of us at Petco are heartbroken by Colby’s passing. The health and safety of pets is always our top priority and we take full responsibility for all animals under our care. We are taking immediate action to investigate and understand the situation. Our thoughts are with Colby’s family at this difficult time.”

A similar incident at an Ohio Petsmart resulted in the death of a 6-year old Newfoundland last year.



  1. Dyan

    Sep 20, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    Shame on the person who put their own personal interests before the well being of that beautiful an innocent animal that they were suppose to care for. There is no forgiving for something like that and I’m so sorry for the grieving family and especially that beautiful dog who had to endure that pain and suffering. Unforgivable!!!!

  2. Courtney

    Aug 14, 2016 at 9:39 pm

    Okay, before everyone who knows nothing about grooming and bathing dogs on a job level pipe down.
    Okay what this dog was put in is what we call a “HEATED DRYING KENNEL” which uses warm air to dry the dog, petco has DISCONTINUED this type of dryer, and most grooming facilities.
    The only type of cage driers anyone uses anymore are ones that blow room temp air in crates. THIS WILL NOT KILL YOUR DOG.

  3. Marie

    Apr 26, 2016 at 4:05 pm

    I believe a drying cage is a small cage with a commercial air blower directed at the wet pet. Obviously carelessly left the dog unattended resulting in a cruel and horrifying death . I pity the dogs owners for the grief and horror they have suffered as well as the never ending pain of missing their golden boy!

  4. Trina

    Jun 1, 2015 at 11:46 pm

    what is a drying cage? And why in the hell didn’t they just let the dog dry normally or blow dry it? I don’t get it. I always shampoo my own dog and let them dry naturally after I towel dry them. Come on people. I worked 2 jobs and I am a single parent. Please shampoo and naturally air dry your dog. COME ON! REALLY!

  5. tina switzer

    Jun 1, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    This seems like a classic animal abuse. Away with the drying cage, it is not worth the lives of pets just to save a few minutes and to earn more money.
    Grooming is a bonding of pets & groomers that take responsibility to make them feel secure while in their care.

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