Dog Law

Dog-Kicking CEO Resigns After Abuse Video Goes Viral

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Desmond Hague, CEO of Centerplate, has been ordered by his employer to pay $100,000 and serve 1,000 hours of community service.

Desmond Hague, the now-infamous “dog-kicking CEO,” has resigned from his position at the multi-billion dollar catering company, Centerplate.

When elevator surveillance video surfaced in August of Hague viciously kicking a 10-month old Doberman Pinscher puppy, yanking her leash so hard that it pulled the dog off the floor by her neck, and then dragging her out of the elevator, animal lovers from around the world spoke up.

After initial reports, Centerplate, who provides concession and food services to major sporting arenas and stadiums around North American and Europe, took a backseat, saying that the incident was a personal matter for Mr. Hague and didn’t reflect upon the company.

Their position did not sit well with their customers, who demanded action be taken against Hague.

A few days later, Centerplate announced that their CEO would retain his position, but that he would donate $100,000 to a Toronto animal charity, attend anger management counseling, and perform 1,000 hours of community service specifically assisting with animal abuse cases.

While it was a good start, Centerplate’s customers will still not happy. Over Labor Day weekend a petition to fire the CEO gained nearly 200,000 signatures. And, it worked!

Today, Centerplate announced the resignation of Desmond Hague as CEO of the corporation as a result of his “personal misconduct involving the mistreatment of an animal in his care.”

Centerplate’s Board chairman, Joe O’Donnell said in a statement:

“We want to reiterate that we do not condone nor would we ever overlook the abuse of animals. Following an extended review of the incident involving Mr. Hague, I’d like to apologize for the distress that this situation has caused to so many; but also thank our employees, clients and guests who expressed their feelings about this incident. Their voices helped us to frame our deliberations during this very unusual and unfortunate set of circumstances.”

Hague may still face animal abuse charges in Vancouver.

The dog, Sade, belonged to a friend of Hague’s. After an investigation, the ASPCA seized Sade and is caring for the dog – who did not require any immediate veterinary attention after the incident. Sade’s owner has come forward, petitioning for the return of the dog.

The video below includes some footage of the elevator surveillance video and may be disturbing to some viewers.



  1. BH

    Jul 29, 2015 at 11:02 pm

    I would be happy to kick his ass!

  2. windy

    Sep 2, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    He needs to be kicked real hard like he kicked that baby..He is a piece of shit..

  3. maria

    Sep 2, 2014 at 8:35 pm

    The man needs to go to jail,for attacking the poor puppy,idon,t care how much money he had,he broke the law,put him away for a very long time

  4. Holly Young

    Sep 2, 2014 at 7:41 pm

    Wonderful to hear that this worthless human being no longer has the dog and will now be looking for a new job. Good luck with that one.

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