Awesome Stories

Dog Lost in Tahoe National Forest for 2 Years Finally Found

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This 'Lost Dog' poster was instrumental in Murphy's return nearly two years after she disappeared. Via Facebook.
This ‘Lost Dog’ poster was instrumental in Murphy’s return nearly two years after she disappeared. Via Facebook.

Murphy, a 5-year old Golden Retriever, disappeared during his family’s camping trip in 2012. After missing for 20 months, the thin, frail dog was finally found and returned to her family.

Nathan and Erin Braun were camping in the Tahoe National Forest in October of 2012 when they became separated from their dog. Despite an extensive search, posting fliers, and creating a Facebook page to help in the search, Murphy remained missing.

Then – a miracle. Earlier this month, the Watkins family, along with their own dog, Trip, were camping about 5 miles from where Murphy had disappeared. That’s when Murphy emerged from the woods to pay a visit to Trip. The Watkins recognized Murphy from the notices posted in the area and immediately called the Brauns.

Hearing about her sighting, the Brauns headed straight to Tahoe in hopes of finding their missing girl. Unable to locate her after several days of searching, the couple left Murphy’s old bed and several articles of clothing at the campsite, hoping for her return.

A week later, the Watkins spotted Murphy curled up in her old bed, resting her head on the clothing left there. This time, they were able to catch her.

Murphy and her family were reunited on Father’s Day.

“She is on the road to recovery, very thin and frail but happy to be home with her family,” Erin Braun posted to Facebook. “Words can not describe how grateful we are.”



  1. Sherri

    Jun 23, 2014 at 12:35 am

    The last I read about this, the family was going to do dna testing to determine if, 100%, it was Murphy. I hope this story means that the outcome was a positive one for them!

  2. Kcxd

    Jun 22, 2014 at 8:54 pm

    Love this story. Remind me 8 years ago, drove 11hours to get my dalmatian back from other side of a mountain. His tag has my phone number on it, so that I can locate him.

  3. William Whitler

    Jun 20, 2014 at 1:15 pm

    What a wonderful Fathers day, Family Day ,Doggy Day, anyway what a GREAT DAY! Love this story.

  4. Teresa DiLenge

    Jun 20, 2014 at 10:44 am

    I love this story! It is great to hear a story like this with a happy ending! Yes, wouldn’t it be great if Murphy could talk & tell us what he encountered and how he survived so long in the wilderness. I enjoyed the interview with the family who ultimately rescued Murphy. I loved their dog, Trip, who may be the real hero of this story. Murphy sought out his company & overcame his timidness to play with Trip. Trip had a great smile when his family was talking about him, explaining his role in the rescue. Trip knew he did something really wonderful. They all did. Great job Watkins family! You’ve made the Braun family whole again!!

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