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Craigslist Ad Promises Owner Will Shoot Dog if Not Taken by End of Day

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Animal lover and veterinary student, Liz Pendleton, of University City, Missouri, came to the rescue of of dog whose owners threatened to shoot him before the end of the day if someone didn’t take him.

The dog’s owner had placed an ad on Craigslist with the headline, “Dog needs gone or shot.” Pendleton told St. Louis’ Fox2Now, “It brought me to tears. In the description it said they had no use for the dog and if no one came and got it they would shoot.”

Disturbed by the Craigslist ad, Pendleton jumped in her car and drove for an hour and a half to Morrisonville, Illinois to save the German Shepherd mix, who she estimates is about 4 years old.

When she picked up the dog, the owner, a woman, didn’t say much at all, not even revealing the dog’s name. So, Pendleton named him ‘Buck.’

It was immediately clear that Buck had not been well cared for and had not received any training. She described his body as brittle, his ribs showing. But, Liz says, “He’s a good boy, though. He just wants to be loved.”

Pendleton contacted police regarding the Craigslist ad. It is not known what, if any, legal action will be taken.

Today, Buck is doing well and finally getting the love he deserves, but Pendleton cannot keep him permanently. She is hoping to find a loving forever home for the very deserving dog.

Anyone interested in adopting Buck can email Liz Pendleton at [email protected].



  1. Janet Sue

    Aug 22, 2013 at 2:39 am

    What ever you do make sure you advertise him with a nominal fee at least $30. Really bad people scan craigslist, facebook and other advertising media for free animals that the can in turn sell to puppy mills,for laboratory experimentation , bait for dog fighting rings, the some are sold or taken to do unthinkable things!
    These people show up to view the animals , and seen very friendly and often bring children to put up a better front. these illegal rings are searching for “FREE” animal.

  2. Christina

    Aug 20, 2013 at 9:18 pm

    Way to go Liz! How can some people be so cruel? Thank you for being the great person you are and saving the life of an innocent animal. He is a beautiful dog. I hope you find him the furever family he deserves!

  3. Ann

    Aug 20, 2013 at 6:19 pm

    Liz, I just want to say to you that you are truly a beautiful, caring, and loving person. I dont know you but after watching this video, it made me cry. You went out of your way to rescue Buck and I thank you and God blesses you for that. You are truly a HERO for Buck. I cant believe that monster that wrote that ad, thank God you found that ad. It was meant to be for you both. I just want to say thank you for caring and going to get Buck. I pray they bring charges on that evil person, there’s no doubt Buck loves you. I’m just in awww and in shock that a so called person could write such a thing and get away with it. I’m an animal lover, activist and rescuer so you see how this hits my heart. I posted the ad on facebook with you email address. I hope some one adopts him soon but I think he belongs with you :). I hope you read this and reply to me, if not its ok. God bless you and Buck, Sincerely, Ann

  4. Beth Greenlee

    Aug 20, 2013 at 4:27 pm

    Those are the kind of people that should never be allowed to own animals. and I hope that the Dog gets adopted by an awesome family that will show him love, and take good care of him, hopefully he will have a better life then the idiot people who were gonna kill him!

  5. T McLeod

    Aug 20, 2013 at 4:01 pm

    I think the previous owner’s name should be published so that we animal lovers could contact him and let him know what a piece of s— he is. Not fit for the human race.

  6. Diane Marie Molinari

    Aug 20, 2013 at 12:17 pm

    Wow ! He looks alot like my Lexi,we rescued her and her sissy from a monster threatening to shoot them too !! Your a lifesaver ! Buck will LOVE you forever ! Why can’t you keep him??

  7. Karen O. Gwinner

    Aug 20, 2013 at 11:52 am

    Before KARMA, then legal action is definitely in order. God help them if I lived nearby. Pure, unadulterated EVIL 🙁

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