Green Living

Dog Poop Disposal Tips To Help With The Pungent Smell

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Is your dog’s poop incredibly smelly? There are a lot of reasons for this, but a poor diet can be the main reason. Sometimes a raw or kibble food diet takes more effort for your dog to digest. If you want to minimize the smell, a change in diet, like adding fresh food that improves your dog’s gut health, can help lessen the stinky odor of his poop. 

Generally, noticeably pungent dog poop is normal. But as a responsible dog owner, you’re constantly thinking about different disposal options to help with the smell. Here are some tips on disposing of dog poop to help you neutralize the odor!

Bag It Up

Combining bagging it up with other methods is very effective. It is fairly cheap, but you can go through a lot of single-use plastic bags every day. Regular plastic bags do not decompose and only break down into microplastics that continue to pollute the environment. Biodegradable bags are more eco-friendly compared to regular ones. Overall, bagging up dog poop may not be as powerful in eliminating all odors on its own, but it is easy to use. 

Bag It Up

Combining bagging it up with other methods is very effective. It is fairly cheap, but you can go through a lot of single-use plastic bags every day. Regular plastic bags do not decompose and only break down into microplastics that continue to pollute the environment. Biodegradable bags are more eco-friendly compared to regular ones. Overall, bagging up dog poop may not be as powerful in eliminating all odors on its own, but it is easy to use. 

Diaper Pails

If you’re living in an apartment, there are restrictions on what day you can take out the trash. And you would not want that strong poop smell stuck in your apartment for the whole time. Use diaper pails instead of trash cans. Diaper pails are designed to store poop without the gross smell inside the house. It is more expensive, but it is a great investment for fur parents living inside an apartment who need to keep their trash indoors. 

Activated Charcoal 

Charcoal is excellent at odor control. It is occasionally used to neutralize strong odors in refrigerators, and it can also be used in garbage cans. Charcoal breaks down stinky smells easily and is fairly easy to use. Throw one in the bottom of your bin and you’re good to go. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda is the holy grail of cleaning. It’s a natural deodorizer and uses a minimal amount of product to neutralize odor. Sprinkle baking soda over the area and let it sit for at least 15 minutes, or overnight for the best result. You can vacuum up the baking soda after it has sat. Baking soda is a moisture-absorbing starch that absorbs odors and stains. Combine it with a splash of vinegar to maximize the cleaning result.

What do you think of these tips? Do you have more ways to add?

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