Behavior Mod.

‘Dog Whisperer’ Cesar Millan Sued After Dog Attack

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A critical care nurse from Florida is suing dog trainer, author, and star of TV’s “The Dog Whisperer,” Cesar Millan after a dog that was trained at, and released from, his Dog Psychology Center attacked and permanently disfigured her.

Alison Bitney was allegedly attacked by Gus the dog just 6 days after he was released from the Center. Claiming she suffered “disfiguring open wounds, deep muscle and tendon lacerations” and bone fractures from the September 23 attack, Bitney is seeking punitive damages from Millan and his Dog Psychology Center, claiming they negligently released a dangerous dog back to his owner.

Bitney claims the dog had an “extensive history of vicious and unprovoked attacks on individuals and animals,” and that in 2013 the dog was impounded in Texas after attacking a trainer. Before brutally attacking Texas trainer, Amber Rickles, the dog had been surrendered to a shelter by a woman claiming he was “nervous, growling and doesn’t like children.”

After the attack in Texas, the dog was ordered to be put down, but Millan’s Dog Psychology Center agreed, instead, to “rehabilitate” the dog, according to the 27-page lawsuit.

The dog’s life was spared under the strict condition that any future owner be informed of the dog’s history of biting. But, when the dog’s owner fell behind on payments to the boarding and training facility, he was released.

“The center prematurely released the known vicious and dangerous dog back into the public domain and entrusted it to someone with no training or experience in the handling of vicious and dangerous dogs,” the complaint states.

The dog has now been returned to the Center and is placed under quarantine.

In a case like this, it is important for the victim to seek a professional legal advice from a reputable dog bite attorney so that he/she can claim the right compensation against the dog owner.

Millan and the Dog Psychology Center, however, are asserting that the attack was beyond their control.

Jen Woodward, Vice President and Head of the Dog Psychology Center said, “Cesar Millan did not have any contact with Gus during his time at the Dog Psychology Center, nor was he asked to directly train Gus. Gus was removed from the DPC against the strong advice and objection of his trainer, before his rehabilitation was completed. Because the DPC is not the legal owner of Gus, we were unable to prevent the premature removal by his owner. After the dog bite incident, the owner returned Gus to the DPC and we followed dog bite protocol placing Gus in quarantine.”

This isn’t the first time Millan and his Dog Psychology Center have been at the center of a lawsuit involving their judgement or their care and treatment of animals. In 2006, Millan was sued after a dog suffocated while being forced to wear a choke collar and run on a treadmill at the Center.

While Millan and his training methods are widely accepted by the general public as effective, scientific research on canine behavior suggests the aversive methods he famously uses, including choke chains, physical force, and scare tactics, can actually make certain problem behaviors much worse.

Trainer Kevin Duggan explains, “Working with a dog that has issues with people or other dogs takes a lot of time. There are different ways that people approach how to do this, and scientifically speaking Counter Conditioning and Desensitization are the best known ways to make the most progress. These techniques focus on getting the dog to associate the thing it dislikes, with things it loves. The result of this is that in the future the dog tolerates or even likes when that thing is present.”

In the video below, Millan is using his “pack leader” training style in an attempt to rehabilitate a dog who dangerously guards his food, to the point that it frightens his family. Ultimately, this dog was surrendered by the family when Milan’s methods forced the dog from growling and snarling to actually biting. (this is not the dog involved in the lawsuit above)



  1. Sandra Lemerand

    Apr 21, 2021 at 3:51 pm

    First of all, why can I not see/read the 120-ush comments? The other is does nanyone understand that magic is not inw of Caesars methdods? People are too lazy but want a pet they have no time for. Trading a dog TAKES TIME!! Tf people.. Do you really think you can get an animal(most any) and never have time to train it!?? Cuz it’s cute and cuddly . No-one should EVER GER ANY ANIMAL!THEY HAVE LITTLE TIME FOR!!!! INCLUDDING but not limited to gerbels! I think that’s the bigger issue! I see way too many that get a puppy just to give it away when it’s passed that stage.. It’s terrible overwhelmingly sad!!! That should be forbidden!!!!!!!!!! If someone wants a pet (at first beginning stages!) there should also then be a contract to admit liability to them, mainly to use if they give the pet up afterwards, so they are still responsible. Tooo many do this and too often sadly they were abused or neglected and become a variable that’s unfaur to tge animal mostly but also to the new/next owner! This should be A LAW!!!

  2. Claire

    Jan 20, 2019 at 8:39 pm

    We live in an odd society where extremes get attention but injustice receives little press. So, a homeless immigrant man gets fame and earns a decent living from exploiting animals (dogs in this case) – nobody has mentioned people using animals used for consumption (dogs too).

    On another level, people die because they can’t earn a living – living on the the streets kills (~584 in the UK last year, 200,000 people on the streets and 120,000 people dead since welfare benefits changes took place).

    A world of mis-matches and everyone wanting to point fingers at everyone else with nobody wanting to consider the really important stuff. Have we lost our perspective on the important things in life?

    A man shouting out of his car window, after putting the lives of other road users in danger to get six cars further along before lights change in near stationary traffic he’ll enjoy sitting in for at least another 30 minutes “nobody cares”.

    I feel inclined to agree.

  3. Lynn

    Mar 24, 2017 at 12:45 am

    Cesar Millan has single handedly saved millions of dogs'lives worldwide. He is the guru. He puts himself out there very humbly, and with the grandest and greatest skill moves both dogs and people forward. Any detractors he invites to talk to him personally. He is the most important person on this planet as far as I am concerned. – Austin Dog Whisperer

  4. Monica

    Oct 23, 2016 at 7:07 pm

    This article needs to be corrected! He did NOT force the dog into biting, Holly was ALREADY A KNOWN BITER! SHE BIT HER OWNER, THE MALE, SEVERAL TIMES AND HAD STARTED BITING HIS WIFE BEFORE THEY CALLED HIM AND THEY SURRENDERED HER BECAUSE THEY HAD AN 18 MONTH OLD SON THEY DIDN’T WANT TO GET BIT!!!! Why don’t you correct your article instead of trying to sell false news!

    • Jen

      Jun 28, 2017 at 2:42 am

      Yes, so he can choke them.
      Actually, people like to think they're good, very dangerous, you end up with a borderline fringe holier smarter better human, that's why "good" people scare me most.

      You're argument that he has saved lived is not valod. He abuses them. There is zero science to back up this sort of dog training. Alpha dog, dominance theory all debunked.
      Husky is a working animal, he deserves respect.

      • Omar Morales Luna

        Jan 14, 2018 at 12:36 am

        You misinterpret the evidence. Do you know how science works? Dominance, Alpha, Pack mentality are NOT debunked they simple have been modified as theory goes. Theories are never debunked, they simply change to accept a wider body of evidence. Dogs have male and female alpha mating pairs that dictate where and what the “family” of wolves or in this case dogs do. Dogs come and go as they please into a pack but theres usually a few top dogs with the most experience. “Dominance” still exists however not in the way we USED TO THINK it existed, it is not a forced dominance like lion prides but more a matriarchy/patriarchy such as in a family.
        Cesar is wonderful, stop trying to find little loopholes in him.

    • Jennifer

      Jun 28, 2017 at 2:49 am

      Aggressive dogs are fearful, you shouldn't have kids around or that choking cuz I whisperer. Wow now I know why canines are in so much trouble. Misunderstood.
      Did you know they came to us 15,000 years ago and have been guarding, working, herding, protect us

    • Sylvan Donruss

      Mar 15, 2020 at 11:20 pm

      This shows the litigious nature of our country at its worst. CM is neither a magician nor a miracle maker. This dog owner had a bad dog, most likely because the owner is a bad pack leader. The dog rehabilitation was not fully funded by its owner and the dog was released back to the owner (against the DPC’s recommendations) when payment stopped. This would be like me hiring someone to build me a house, stopping payment in the middle, and then suing the builder because I have nowhere to live. Furthermore, training a dog is not a one-and-done thing. Training a dog occurs by the owner throughout the dog’s life. When the DPC gave the dog back, it’s the owner’s responsibility to manage that dog’s behavior through exercise, discipline, and affection (in that order). She had a vicious dog, she gave a half-hearted underfunded effort to change the behavior, she got the dog back, and then she got bit. It’s her fault entirely. This is typical of today’s society when people don’t take responsibility for their actions and they look to blame others because of their own shortcomings. I have no respect for this lady at all. She should read “Extreme Ownership” by Willink and Leif. She’d probably think the book is BS because to think otherwise would mean she would have to stop acting like a victim.

  5. Merril Benner

    Oct 8, 2016 at 1:38 am

    Why don’t you give the same amount of time and attention to the good outcome with the dogs.

  6. Dean

    Sep 20, 2016 at 9:16 am

    Cesar makes mistakes like every other human I’m sure. I’ve watched all his shows at least once and I’ve seen a couple things I would call mistakes. He probably sees them also later. Holly was a failure on his part. He acknowledged that. Holly had been challenged and hit by her owner and Cesar didn’t take that into account. The main issue is how much time can people with a miss behaving dog pay for. A dog trainer is expensive and retraining an aggressive dog is very expensive. Any method that doesn’t act quickly enough to be within budget is not going to be accepted by most people. They will have the dog put down. Caesar’s methods are quick enough and economical enough that he hasn’t had to put a dog down yet.

    • Shouting Dog - Hidden Fear

      Nov 8, 2016 at 4:22 pm

      The only mistake he made was interacting with the owner while trying to impose his authority. Breaking stance in front of the dog gave Holly the upper hand in their brief encounter and was purely because of the necessity to communicate to the owner and project to the audience. With no cameras or owners to distract Ceaser, I am positive he would not have been bitten and Holly would have stayed put and backed down.


    Jun 20, 2016 at 10:19 am

    Has anything become of claim? Ceaser than you fr you do, some people just think about money money money all the time!!

    • Gao Chee lee

      Apr 1, 2020 at 6:57 am

      What’s wrong with thinking about money? We all need money. Everything isn’t free. We need money to survive and feed our family or use on things we want or need. So what, if he thinks about money. That’s on him and he’s making money by doing this show and helping people out. School isn’t free, unless you’re one of those low people, who aren’t rich. Most schools are fucking poor and expects you to pay hundreds dollars, just for a class or textbooks or lunch. @Wisconsin (Most)

  8. Elizabeth W

    May 4, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    Sounds like this lady took the dog out against the trainer’s recommendation. She should be punished for bringing a frivolous lawsuit. And I’m curious… Why is this web site so blatantly biased against Cesar Millan? Is it because it draws people to your site? I would guess ‘yes.’ Is it because he is a horrible abuser of dogs? Only if you equate punching someone in the face with tapping them on the shoulder to get their attention. What about all the people doing heinous things to dogs, like the person in Florida who dragged that pitbull behind a truck until her feet were gone? Or people who fight dogs? Or the irresponsible pet owners who were responsible for the euthanization of 91,000 pets last year in my state alone? Why do you waste so much energy quibbling about training philosophies when there are so many truly evil people and life and death problems to be solved. Shame on you.

    • Deborah Kreinen

      Nov 17, 2018 at 9:07 am

      Agreed on that comment.
      I believe he went about the food issue WRONG. In his previous episodes his approach was different. Controlling the dish of food to get the dog to fight is not reconditioning the behaviour. Training the dog to move away from the dish as needed without a issue and trusting in the pack leader that the food will be there again is what the exercise is about.

    • Greg Farrell

      Nov 26, 2019 at 4:31 pm

      I agree! The Huffington post hates Cesar and if this site has anything to do with it, then they are put to get him. I would love detractors to get the vicious dogs who have been ordered to be put down, and Cesar has saved, get vicious dogs and show us how they do it. I guarantee they would fail and the dogs would be out down. It’s amazing how people who have something in common, love for dogs, can’t see how many dogs Cesar has saved. The detractors would prefer dogs be out down than agree Cesar does good work. I defy detractors to get the same aggressive dogs and see how they go.. I also find the claims of abuse absolutely moronic and unqualified. Cesar has never chocked dogs or hurt them and if these idiots had any sense, would know that.

  9. Linda

    Apr 16, 2016 at 1:48 pm

    I have watched so many of Cesar’s shows and not once have I seen him abuse a dog! he doesn’t use those choke collars and he does not recommend those either , but if an owner is using one on their dog, then Cesar has to continue doing the same because the dog is used to these, He doesn’t train dogs He trains People to be the leader, all he does to the dog is get him/her back from a psycho freaked state, they are just relaxed when he finishes with them!

    • deb tyler

      Sep 10, 2016 at 2:30 am

      I have been watching Caesar for many years,tonight i watched an episode with an aggressive dog named leon. Caesar placed the dog in an area at his psychology center with another dog yellow lab the lab was attacked by leon. Minutes later leon is placed with same dog again and same result he was attacked again.I’ve never felt so sorry for an animal the lab was crying out each time how could he put an animal in a situation where it would be attacked twice , i was horrified . That will be the last time my family will watch the show.

  10. Emilia

    Mar 11, 2016 at 11:36 am

    Rehab for an agressive dog take a lot of time and money most owners don’t realize it. They don’t want to spend the money or become impatient. Often times the dog is rehabbed but the owner places the dog back in the environment from which the dog started the problem in the first place. Treating dogs as humans as if the have all these feelings or humanizing the dogs is the most common cause of making a dog agressive. Also the handler or owner not giving the dog training in the first place. It is like placing a toddler in a room of breakables and not telling them what not to touch. I don’t believe it is the trainer. Some claim to be great but are not as great as they claim. There are trainers Like Ceaser who have the natural talent and know what it takes. Dogs in the wild don’t have Conversations they settle things by showing dominance.

    • Jennifer

      Jun 28, 2017 at 2:51 am

      It really doesn't. It takes focus and kindness.

      • aaa

        Aug 7, 2017 at 12:57 am

        i hope you try to sweet talk a dog and it bites your face off for being a dumb cunt

  11. Harry Furball

    Mar 11, 2016 at 8:24 am

    First off you have to understand the natural instincts of a dog. They are pack animals, there as to be a dominate figure. Cesar has that understanding and has the ability to become that dominate figure. And that is what happened while the dog was in his care. When the dog was returned to the owner, the dog no longer had that dominate leader and went back to trying to be the dominate one, thus the attack. Depending on the dog, and it’s own personality, instincts depends on what kind of dominance, leadership, control is needed to maintain a dog. In this case the dog needed strong leadership, in which the woman was unable to provide. Dogs need leadership, and just like humans, have their own personalities, as that dogs owner, leader you have to learn that personality and learn to adjust in how you train and become that dogs dominate leader.

    • Jennifer

      Jun 28, 2017 at 2:58 am

      Google what you just wrote. The science doesn't back that technique up. Canine means domestic dog. ey have a familial structure. The wolf theory is from some long ago extinct European wolf.

      Or, think of it this way, we know very little about the elusive wolf.

      Please people do not get a dog. The other types that call them fur babies are just as ignorant. Walt Disney didn't do us any favors by anthromorphising andto vilify the woman, the kid whoever is shortsighted, Milan is the expert, right?

  12. Evelyn Haskins

    Mar 7, 2016 at 4:21 am

    OMG! CM (not mentioning any names) should be prosecuted and banned for ever having access to any dog in the future. A man who did such things to ‘recalcitrant children’ would be jailed.
    What is the USA’s legislation on “prevention of cruelty to animals”?

  13. Jenn

    Mar 7, 2016 at 12:33 am

    Labradors don’t usually act like that. There is no such thing as Alpha. Why do you want her to submit? For what? She didn’t do anything. He doesn’t know what the hell he is doing.

    It was Cesars fault! You don’t push a dog into a corner, hit a dog, make her afraid and then go after her again. He caused that bite. He is an idiot. He is no trainer. There is no such thing as “red zone”. That is meaningless jargon.

    A dog that is that frightened needs gentle training, patience and love. Not that idiot.

    Positive Reinforcement training is SCIENCE BASED training. That is the ONLY acceptable way to train any animal. Not only does it work, it is kind, effective and works on every species. Wake up people, this monster set dog training back 40 years.

    Do you really think hurting animals is the way to train? Think again.

    • mss

      Apr 13, 2016 at 3:02 pm

      I agree with you. I’ve watched the entire “Holly” episode several times, and also a follow-up episode in Spanish, with the dog Holly climbing all over Cesar and kissing him. The only problem with Holly was around feeding. Early in the episode, they showed her owner poking towards her with a broomstick or similar object while she was eating. Then Cesar approached her while she was eating, several times, closer and closer, and punched her in the neck or chest. The bite came after these things. I think the owners probably messed up badly with Holly, whom they had had since she was a puppy. If she had received gentle “rehabilitative” training, from her owners or someone else, to teach her that food does not have to be associated with fear of having the food taken away and her being punished, she might have made someone a nice housepet. Instead, she apparently has been made to live at Cesar’s facility for the rest of her life. I’ve watched a number of other episodes of the show, hoping for some insight, and he talks about energy and transferring energy in ways that seem mystical or magical almost, and not helpful to me at all

    • Elizabeth W

      May 4, 2016 at 8:55 pm

      So you’re equating submission with punishment? That just shows you know nothing about… Much of anything. Giving way to the authority of one more qualified to lead is a good thing, not a bad thing.

  14. Camille Protti

    Feb 24, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    I have owned many dogs in my life time, from St. Bernards – Samoyed Husky, even a lab/retriever mix. Now I have a German Shepherd mix and a Aussie Shepherd. Yes, some have been shelter dogs. I have never had any problems as I have seen/read that some owners have. I train my dogs from day one to “wait” for their food. When I say Ok then the dog can eat. I have never taken their food away but I have knelt beside them as they ate and none of my dogs have showed food aggression. If you’re going to own a dog you have to step up to the plate from that first day. If you get a shelter dog, ask lots of questions about the dog. If you’re in doubt about the answers, don’t get the dog. Be consistent with training, walking the dog every single day.

  15. Alicia

    Sep 4, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    I read all of your conversations and I actually understand why Caesar Milian training this dog and I been training my dogs on my own and learn my own ways to training them. It actually work. Anyway he is doing fine but the dog need to accept the person around the dog if she or he eat and not bother . My dogs actually have that issues because no one training dogs that why owners have dog issues get worse. But I train my dogs and doing fine after accept me as sharing space so they can eat during sit next by me. You guys judge how he training or why owners issues.. Well it alway owners not responsible to training dogs all years with no experiences. I learn lot since I was young because I have good reasons to training my family and my dogs to keep no bites or attack or else cause huge problems. I been a kid and been in dog attack situation because my close buddy dog signal to me that’s how I knew how to get my family away from her mother dog for my safety. That’s how people become dog trainers for many different reasons. My goal to be dog trainer too. I admire his work and other dog trainers. I don’t think That’s issues toward Cesar Milian is not big deal. Owners responsible for not have experiences to training however they try to learn right way or not. Maybe teach them wrong ways to treat like that.
    The reason they need to accept this risk or figure out the best.

    • Sandy

      Mar 6, 2016 at 11:41 am

      If you don;t think what CM did here is a “bid deal” and you still choose to pursue being a trainer, you will end up with the same bloodied apendages.

    • Dee

      Mar 8, 2016 at 6:35 am

      You clearly do not understand canine psychology if you agree with Cesar’s adverse training methods, therefore have no business trying to become a trainer.

    • Gao Chee lee

      Apr 1, 2020 at 7:10 am

      Sandy, I would like you to try it out. And let me know how it goes. You better not try to put down a dog too. Cesar, is brave enough to do these type of things. That we all can’t. (Most)

      That dog has no respect at all. It’s insecure.
      It’s aggressive. It bites!

      I bet, if you guys were to get bit by a dog. You would’ve hit it or kick it as well too. That’s what cesar did. Sometimes you gotta discipline dogs to learn what to do and not to do.

  16. Sue

    Aug 4, 2015 at 12:13 pm

    Dominance training suppresses rage and aggression in dogs prone to these things making it look like they are now submissive when in reality the dog has simply shut down. Now they are a ticking time bomb. Milan should be sued for doing far more damage than good to these poor dogs but owners are to blame too. Positive reinforcement training is the way to go and owners need to educate themselves about this. They need to stop going to dominance trainers who all too often are ultimately harming their pets with this type of training. Every owner should be required to research positive reinforcement training. It deals with the root of the problem it doesn’t put a bandaid on it and hope for the best the way dominance training does.

  17. kiah

    Jun 15, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    Yeah i think this one is the owners fault not ceasars fault as the owner had asked the dog back against the advice of the trainers as they couldnt afford to keep the dog there any more. And it states in the article that the dog is still owned by the original person so they dont get the say in wether or not the dog goes they can only advuse against it. If the original owner had taken the dog back after it not being rehabilitated 100 % well than its the persons fault as if it wasnt being worked with the owner the owner could have become the trigger to the dog like in most of ceasars videos when the owners show up and the dogs react. And if the original owner had released the dog to a different person than it is the original owners fault and the new persons fault for purchasing a dog with behavioural history that was not 100 percent cured and nowing that they dont have the experience to handle the dog it works both ways but you dont know the hole story as the purchaser or who ever the person was that ended up with the dog could have lied about there experience with the dog etc. And a dog with such a bad or develooed behaviour is going to take more than 11 months to be cured 100 percent but thats even if it can be as it can only take a trigger for it to revert back to old behaviours and it could take years or even a life time before the dog can be really cleared of such tendancies, as to rehabilitating i dont see why all dogs must be a bad dog and imediately but down because of their behaviour which is basically a result of owners neglect as they cant be bothered to fix the behaviour until it turns ugly and i think they should get a chance at rehabilitation. My dogs just got declared menacing after 1 fight at the dog park which was their first fight ever and not their fault as the other ladies reaction triggeed them and the group of people there are clicky and its alright for their dogs to act up but not mine and they are not full out triggered they dont react to every dog and are still managable and friendly to other dogs. As to his training methods i dont hundred percent agree with them myself but im not against them, positive dog trainers such as victoria stillwell has also had failures where the dogs had to get put down because the dog still reverted to behaviour. And even though ceasar got bitten in this video doesnt mean his lost as he didnt back down and still stood his ground, which not mentioned in this sectiin of video but more than likely this dog had bitten the owners as well or the owners havent been game enough to correct the dog which is where the dogs get worse as they get no guidance or rules from the owners as they get scared of being bitten by the dog so the dog thinks that the behaviour works to get what they want so they will keep doing it, as it works the same with grooming as im a dog groomer and get some really bad dogs that people dont want to touch because they are scared of being bitten come in and we are abke to just give them a bit of hard love and they come good. Ceasars got the confidence to continue through with his discipline even after being bitten which challenges the dog as he would be use to getting his way with such display. And i think to be a good trainer you need to be open minded to the different techniques there are out there and knowing when to use different ones and where it will be sucessful or even how to combine the different techniques together. There is alot of controversey about what training is better or is updated the same now ith what is best to feed the dogs. As to which ones right or is effective 100 percent of the time who can say as positive rewards good but than what about responding to a dog with what he would recognise w8th another dog, we as humans are actually not responding to them via their language we are humanfing? them, as in the wild dogs wouldnt meet knew dogs and regard them as friends unless they are looking for a mate a wild dog would kill inturders, and we invite dogs to sleep in our beds which is also against the dogs language as non alpha members arent allowed inside the den.

  18. Sue Bell

    Jun 15, 2015 at 3:12 pm

    This is clearly just a money grab. The article above clearly states that the dogs owner stopped paying the facility for their services and therefore the dog was returned to her. She knew full well the training was not complete. If I was Cesars lawyer I would pursue charges against this dog owner for entrapment. Knowing Cesar was a famous person of means this woman purposely stopped payment of her dogs treatment forcing Cesar to return her dog before the treatment was complete. In doing this she set up the attack herself. Cesar did nothing wrong in returning the dog after the payments stopped and never claimed that the dog was rehabilitated. Cesar is running a business with his dog training and is perfectly within his rights to refuse service without compensation. The dog owner is clearly at fault here.

    • Mary

      Sep 29, 2015 at 7:05 pm

      Well said, I totally agree.

    • Michelle Moyers

      Mar 7, 2016 at 10:39 pm

      Maybe you should do more research on the subject before claiming that it is just a money grab. The woman who was attacked was NOT the owner. She is a nurse in Florida who was visiting a friend in California, who the dog was released to. It doesn’t specify who the “owner” is that stopped paying the center, but being in rescue, generally if a dog is on death row for aggressive actions/biting, then generally the owner has to surrender the dog in order to allow a rescue, or in this situation, Cesar’s dog center, to take responsibility and give them a second chance. This woman has permanent damage and loss of feeling to her hand because of the bite. Prior to going to Cesar’s center, and before the original order to be put down, this dog viciously attacked the original trainer, repeatedly attacked her, breaking through a door and attacking her for a 3rd time, breaking her arm in two places and requiring her to have extensive surgery…..this was far more that “just a dog bite.”

      Ultimately it is the responsibility of whoever was the primary caregiver of the dog at the time he was released from death row, in this case, the dog psychology center, to ensure that he did not end up back in a situation where he could attack again. Read more of the story before putting the blame on the one who was attacked by no fault of her own, and having nothing to do with the animal other than visiting a friend where the dog ended up being released.

  19. Gary

    Jun 14, 2015 at 2:40 am

    It’s a simple legal issue. You cannot transfer a dog with a history of biting and relieve yourself of liability. It doesn’t matter that Cesar never saw this dog unless he can prove that it was released without his knowledge or the knowledge of his employees, or that it was against his policy. Even then he’s liable if there is evidence of any aspect of the policy that transfers dogs known to bite people. It would seem that they took the dog specifically because it attacked someone – and since they promote themselves as experts, they have a higher standard they must uphold than a private citizen. As you defend Cesar, consider that this nurse was seriously injured based on trusting the claims and statements of employees of his business. I find it interesting that there is so little sympathy for the victim of vicious attack.

    • Joan

      Jun 15, 2015 at 3:07 am

      If the owner took the dog prematurely – this is just a money grab.

  20. joan hodgson

    Jun 13, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    You have to admit This man has guts.

    • Susan

      Jun 14, 2015 at 1:54 pm

      Guts and arrogance go hand in hand. Look at how he is challenging this dog. He becomes the threat here. Not good at all.

      His ‘guts’ have gotten him bitten quite a few times and then they blame it on the dog.

      • Sharon

        Jun 15, 2015 at 3:18 pm

        Susan you are right!!! He was the threat here.

      • Diane

        Jul 10, 2015 at 5:19 pm

        I have NEVER seen a Labrador retriever act this way in my life. Something tragic happened to her. I have faith in what Cesar does, no one here can dismiss the fact that this man has many more yrs experience dealing with red zone dogs than any of us! So to tell him he’s wrong is just ignorant! There is something seriously wrong with this dog. She doesn’t seem to submit at all, which is so uncharacteristic of the Lab breed. That is why i hate backyard breeders! I feel horrible for Cesar, you could tell that bite was painful. You know if one dog out of hundreds end up not getting any better after Cesar’s working with him, then it is not his fault! People just want to sue him because they know how much he is worth! Some dogs are just in worst case scenarios, bad dogs and have to be put down. I know if Cesar can’t fix him, then no one can!

        • Eilidh Somerville

          Oct 21, 2015 at 7:26 am

          Well actually there are other people who have to pick up the pieces of his failures. Look at Shadow the dog he strung up. It was because of CM’s methods that the woman who had him got bitten. She had attempted to correct the dog using one of CM’s techniques and Shadow bit her. The original rescue the dog came from saw the episode and was appalled at his treatment. After much wrangling they managed to get Shadow back. They have used positive reinforcement on him and he is doing so much better than he was after CM worked with him. A Viszla named Ruby (who appeared on TDW) got worse after appearing on the show and bit a child in the family. They wanted her killed after that, but a vet intervened and tried to get help from the show’s producers. Nothing else in known after that.

    • Sandy

      Mar 6, 2016 at 11:45 am

      There are no “guts” when you training anything, including children, only knowledge, sensitivity, and common sense. This is a great demo of how CM is actually NOT a whisperer, but rather, prefers correction and intimidation over positive reinforcement. As you can see, antiquated techniques prove to be a giant FAIL in this case, rather than working with the dog OVER TIME, and counterconditioning him/her. But hey! They needed an episode, right? So lets push the dog Way Over Threshold for the shoot. You lost CM. Just as all your viewers do when they watch your program.

  21. Zdenek

    Jun 13, 2015 at 1:34 pm

    ´..when Milan’s methods forced the dog from growling and snarling to actually biting.´ Please, stop writing nonsenses. That dog was biting that family many times before. That´s the picture, how media works – lies and negative posts all the way. 🙁

    • margie davis

      Jun 15, 2015 at 10:44 am

      Those of us who do not “train” dogs by use of dramatic, martial arts postures, staring them down, hitting them, or hanging them know that aggression breeds aggression. Most dogs, after subjected to Cesar’s displays of dominance, become more difficult and even dangerous. Many of them, after the cameras have gone, have had to be put down. Cesar conveniently doesn’t mention that part.

      • dan

        Jun 25, 2015 at 7:24 am


      • BP

        Aug 5, 2015 at 11:44 pm

        “Many of them, after the cameras have gone, have had to be put down.” Where did you get this information?

  22. Shadowed

    Jun 9, 2015 at 8:31 pm

    Yes something triggered the attack…. dogs with aggression issues have triggers. They’re not necessarily always looking for something to kill. The problem with this dog – regardless of who was handling or what was being done, regardless of who is the “pack leader” in this situation – is that once this dog is triggered to aggress, he takes it way too far. He was put into rehab for breaking a person’s arm and ripping open her flesh because his toe got stuck in a kennel door. He attacked this woman (a dog trainer) relentlessly for 20-30 minutes straight because his toe got stuck in a kennel door. Does that reaction not sound disproportionate in regards to what caused the reaction?

    He was at the Dog Psychology Center for somewhere around 11 months, and less than a week after being released he attacks another woman, leaving her with broken bones and massive tissue damage. He breaks bones and leaves deep, permanent tissue damage to his victims. This is not normal dog behaviour. There is genetically something wrong with him, and it doesn’t matter whose hands he is in. How many trainers does he have to go through? How much handling experience, how good of a “pack leader”, does a person have to be in order to ensure this dog does not break people’s bones and leave them with permanent damage? How many handlers have enough experience to deal with this kind of issue for the dog’s entire life, versus how many good adoptable dogs who have never bitten anyone need homes instead?

    The level of aggression this dog resorts to when faced with his triggers is clearly not safe or fixable, nor should it be acceptable. This dog had its second chance. How many people have to be massively injured by this dog before we just decide it’s not worth it? How long does it take for a dog to be rehabbed? How is it that after 11 months of rehab at the DPC this dog is still demonstrating the same level of violent aggression he started with when he is triggered? It doesn’t matter how long he can go without attacking anyone… we have to look at what he does when he DOES decide to attack someone.

  23. Mira

    Jun 5, 2015 at 3:44 pm

    LOOK. Cesar has not even been in contact with this dog. : ” Jen Woodward, Vice President and Head of the Dog Psychology Center said, “Cesar Millan did not have any contact with Gus during his time at the Dog Psychology Center, nor was he asked to directly train Gus. “

  24. Mira

    Jun 5, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    Something might have triggered the attack….how come the dog attacked after 6 DAYS…? If the dog remained ” vicious” he would have attacked her in the FIRST DAY…There is something MISSING here, and I guess she knows what is missing…something must have triggered the attack…My dogs never bit me…and when walking them I could take anything out of their months…BUT, when I gave them their meals, I never even tried to take their bowls away…just to impose my dominance…I respected they mealtime….many people TRY to do this, only to show the dog who is the “alpha”…This was justy un exemple, of what might have happened..

    • Shadowed

      Jun 9, 2015 at 8:27 pm

      Yes something triggered the attack…. dogs with aggression issues have triggers. They’re not necessarily always looking for something to kill. The problem with this dog – regardless of who was handling or what was being done, regardless of who is the “pack leader” in this situation – is that once this dog is triggered to aggress, he takes it way too far. He was put into rehab for breaking a person’s arm and ripping open her flesh because his toe got stuck in a kennel door. He attacked this woman (a dog trainer) relentlessly for 20-30 minutes straight because his toe got stuck in a kennel door. Does that reaction not sound disproportionate in regards to what caused the reaction?

      He was at the Dog Psychology Center for somewhere around 11 months, and less than a week after being released he attacks another woman, leaving her with broken bones and massive tissue damage. He breaks bones and leaves deep, permanent tissue damage to his victims. This is not normal dog behaviour. There is genetically something wrong with him, and it doesn’t matter whose hands he is in. How many trainers does he have to go through? How much handling experience, how good of a “pack leader”, does a person have to be in order to ensure this dog does not break people’s bones and leave them with permanent damage? How many handlers have enough experience to deal with this kind of issue for the dog’s entire life, versus how many good adoptable dogs who have never bitten anyone need homes instead?

      The level of aggression this dog resorts to when faced with his triggers is clearly not safe or fixable, nor should it be acceptable. This dog had its second chance. How many people have to be massively injured by this dog before we just decide it’s not worth it? How long does it take for a dog to be rehabbed? How is it that after 11 months of rehab at the DPC this dog is still demonstrating the same level of violent aggression he started with when he is triggered? It doesn’t matter how long he can go without attacking anyone… we have to look at what he does when he DOES decide to attack someone.

      • Jennifer

        Jun 28, 2017 at 3:17 am

        The word "trigger" belongs back in those AA meetings.

        When a dog is aggressive it's actually terrified, everyone, everything is alien to this dog his dog whisperer trainer is there with his leash, weak skills I've been feeling "triggers"because most comments are blaming everyone but THE EXPERT! a dog in that trainers hands is like a 2 year old with PTSD. Which the dog has already. This man claimed special skill, he lied, he's a bully and a liar. Glad you like the show.

  25. Susie

    May 26, 2015 at 12:19 pm

    I have had a few GREAT DOGS in my life. I realize now, just how very lucky and just plain Grateful that they understood ME. Watching Cesar and his DOG BEHAVIOR MOVIES has mad me take another look at my two dogs and there little Quirks. And I now know just what I have to do so they can have a happy rest of there life too. In ONE DAY our male Dog has made friends with my sons Dog , And both of my Dogs have stopped there excessive barking and jumping on the windows. We are looking forward to having our other family members and friends Dogs included in the fun. Just think if I had known MORE than what I STUMBLED ALONG WITH all these years. We could of had a nice QUITE time with family members IN and OUT of doors. Some of what I had used on my other Dogs was just common sense. But I’m GLAD that it was things that Cesar would have said to do. When I was growing up we did not have this type of resource. I am looking forward to watching all of his movies using what fits my situation and seek help for my self and friends when it is needing more. AND YES THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE WAY TO HANDLE SOME THINGS, just like there are several ways to open a door and tie your shoes, You just have to keep in mind WHAT WORKS FOR YOU AND YOUR DOG. GOD BLESS YOU CESAR and YOUR PACK of HUMANS & DOGS

    • kelly hancock

      Jun 7, 2015 at 10:56 pm

      Yes so true – there are different ways of doing things. There are certainly more then one way to abuse an animal and make his behavior worse – and following Cesar is definitely one of them. I would strongly urge anyone that needs help with their dogs to go to (certified professional dog trainers) and find a local trainer that has an EDUCATION & has passed testing to ensure that they know what they are talking about (I am sure you know that Ceasar has no credentials what so ever- other then being a bad actor) Science (you know that little thing that proves the earth circles the sun among many other things) has PROVEN that POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT TRAINING is the best way to train dogs. There are thousands of books and articles on the benefits of using positive training methods – of coarse that does require that people actually READ and I know that is not as “flashy” and “fun” as watching Ceasar “alpha roll” a dog .. but considering the above article that highlights just SOME of his many FAILURES and DANGEROUS practices .. maybe, just maybe you would consider getting a “real” dog trainer = CPDT .

      • BP

        Aug 6, 2015 at 12:01 am

        The CCPDT is nothing more than a private business that sales a certification process to dog trainers that agree with this “all positive” training nonsense. I am a dog trainer with many years of experience working with some of the highest trained dogs in this nation. I am talking about working dogs that protect our country. I now offer my services to the general public as well as animal rescue and shelters. I receive calls everyday of the week from people that have used a “positive reinforcement trainer” with little results in the real world. I DO NOT hit, kick, choke, or strangle dogs. I also NEVER train a dog with treats. I offer a challenge to any “all positive” trainer out there. You train a dog in advanced off leash obedience, and I will do the same. Then, we will take both dogs into a very high distraction environment and I guarantee mine will come on command every single time with no hesitation. My dog will also heel, sit and down from a long distance and do a perfect place command. I would accept this challenge from any “all positive” trainer to do the same.

        • Linda

          Aug 16, 2015 at 9:44 am

          Woop ti do

        • chris

          Jan 30, 2016 at 2:41 pm

          Are you seriously saying that trainers who forgo the corrections you use can never achieve off leash or distance reliabilities? Sorry, but there are tons of force free trainers who win in obedience, hunting trials, police dogs, service dogs, search and rescue, et cetera, and have won awards for their services and accomplishments.
          By the way we aren’t “all positive”. We simply refrain from using punishments which intimidate or hurt the animal, but there are effective ways of “correcting” negative behaviors without using intimidating or uncomfortable tactics.

  26. connie Tucker

    May 4, 2015 at 12:06 pm

    I need help I dont know what to do I really hope you can help me and my family if its not to much to ask my male pit bull had bitten my neighbor three weeks ago and me and my husband placed him in quarantine for 10 days without being asked to he has never been aggressive towards anyone ever even in quarantine he did great but now the person he bit wants him put to sleep he’s been in my family ever since he was a pup he is as sweet as he can be I don’t know what to do can you help me and my family please
    Thank you,

    • Dawn

      Jun 6, 2015 at 5:53 pm

      What was the situation in which your dog bit the neighbor? Was your dog roaming at large? Was your dog at home and defending his territory? Were you walking your dog and the neighbor approached you in a way that made your dog want to protect you? If it was one of the later two reasons, you need to make this clear when you make your defense. If your dog is normally good with people, he probably bit because he felt threatened or because he was protecting his family. It’s what dogs do. But if your dog was at large when this happened, whether he got out on accident or you let him out, you need to take full responsibility no matter what his reason for biting was, and pay for any damages and make sure he doesn’t get out again. If you do this, your good faith should be noticeable when you make your defense.

  27. Trained Trainer

    Apr 20, 2015 at 3:32 pm

    A bit confused – the article said that when the original owner fell behind on payments the dog was released to an owner with no experience”, yet DPC says that the dog was released against their advice. So – was the dog released to the ORIGNAL owner, or to someone else? And, the DPC knowingly release a dangerous dog NOT because they were asked to, but because of money? Seems to me that if they truly cared about what they were doing that they’d have kept that dog money or no…

    • DEBB

      Jun 6, 2015 at 10:50 am

      Hear, hear!

    • Gail

      Jun 7, 2015 at 5:15 am

      Yes it does read strangely and it sounds as though the owner asked for the dog back, it bit her and she is looking to blame someone. They always like to make it sound bad for Cesar. When I make a pro Cesar remark some sites ban me from making comments so we will see if this is an open forum or a biassed one. The article is a little misleading for sure.

    • Gail

      Jun 7, 2015 at 6:33 pm

      I’m confused too. The way it reads the owner took the dog back before the DPC released it, and before Cesar even saw it so it’s hard to see how the owner has a claim over their own poor decision. Also if the dog came back into your environment and exhibited the same aggressive nature then maybe it is time to let the dog go to someone who is able to give the dog a more balanced existence.

    • Julie

      Jun 7, 2015 at 8:06 pm

      They dont own the dog, as it says they didnt want to release it but as they dont own the dog they are unable to keep it if the owners wanted it back.

    • Ryan

      Jun 8, 2015 at 9:37 am

      No, that’s not how it works. As much as we would like to take in all the dogs free of charge, the reality is to run places like the DPC, you need revenue. You can’t make exceptions for anybody. It is a business. I should also point out that there is quite a long waiting list for people that want to put their dogs there, so if someone’s falling behind on payment, they need to free up the space.

      Now, from what I understand the owners of this dog were falling back on payments, and the DPC strongly recommended that the dog stayed. However, they couldn’t afford it, so they took the dog back. Cesar had nothing to do with this.

  28. Dan Sutton

    Feb 26, 2015 at 5:55 am

    The problem with training the dog is the OWNERS are the ones who need the training on how to handle a dog correctly. I had a client who wanted me to take his Great Dane and “train” it because it was barking at his daughter. I wanted to work with the family instead but he said he “didn’t have the time” to do it.

    I turned down doing it because no matter what I could do for the dog it would still be returning to a household where they didn’t know what to do.
    If something happened and the dog bit the child not only would I feel bad but I could also possibly be sued.

    Dogs CAN be “rehabilitated” somewhat, but it takes the owner’s time and effort to learn how to be a responsible leader of the dog. People forget that even though dogs live in our homes they are still an animal, and they look at things differently than humans do.

    • Iris

      Apr 13, 2015 at 2:54 pm

      Well said! The owners need to be trained!

  29. Pamela Lopez

    Feb 25, 2015 at 8:52 am

    Is it just me or do I sense that Dogs take on the personalities of their owners? Mine is a fat old lady who loves to eat and watch tv…

  30. Angie Parker

    Feb 24, 2015 at 4:16 pm

    Interesting ….. Dogs are just like people, they behave impeccably with one person and bite or injure another. What’s all the fuss about anyway, some,of his training methods work some don’t! They obviously work for Sr. Millan and that’s what counts. It is stated quite clearly that none of the techniques used should be tried without consulting a specialist and there are several “specialists” who each thinks their system is the right one, there are several studies by well respected Universities on dog behaviour who actually contradict each other ….if in doubt believe in what you know works best for you, I’m a believer in Konrad Lorenz but not all of his statements work for me, so…….

  31. Rivka

    Feb 21, 2015 at 7:32 pm

    Cesar Millan has been moving away from aversive techniques. However, when you’re famous, people don’t notice when you change. They just keep playing the same video clips over and over again, clips from years ago.

    Millan adopted the lab in the video. There’s a cute video on youtube of her licking his face.

    • Rivka

      Feb 21, 2015 at 7:33 pm

      PS. Previous to meeting Millan, the lab had bitten her owners. She has since become gentle and has lost her food aggression.

  32. dogperson

    Feb 21, 2015 at 1:51 am

    Sometimes an animal has to be put down – period.
    Too bad CM’s bravado got in the way of social responsibility.

    • Kiabia9

      Feb 24, 2015 at 1:32 am

      Too bad humans at every level got in the way of giving this dog what he needed. The owner failed his dog, first by enabling the behaviour to get to the level it did, then by removing him from the rehabilitation centre against the advice of the people working directly with the dog to try and help him, then by allowing the dog to get into the situation where it harmed that woman so seriously. Too bad people can’t take responsibility for their own actions or lack thereof, their own failings. And too bad the owner doesn’t have nearly as much money as CM and his holdings, making Cesar and his DPC a far more attractive target for a lawsuit.

  33. Hilary Wharton

    Feb 11, 2015 at 11:56 pm

    I am not a dog a professional dog trainer but I have trained many dogs during my life. I have 2 at home right now. Both are rescue dogs. The first one we had coward, won’t let you stroke anywhere near the tail or on its back. If it is cornered or you hold your hand up to it it jumps at you sometimes taking a nip. This dog came from a young couple. who openly admitted that they would put it in a room with cats and they would get into a fight. They thought it was funny. It was tied up all day outside winter and summer. We were given the name of the dogs vet. and found out the dog had had a paracite and was very sick but owners wouldn’t leave it to get the medication it needed. This dog now does not nip you, it does not cowar it is quite obedient , and extremely happy. Thks to Mr. Milan’s dog training. The other dog, would not bark, it was very scared, if you spoke loud, Our vet. seem to think it had escaped from one of those dog fighting places as its nose had been split, its chip was altered also. This dog didn’t even know what a toy or a ball was. Now she carries them around in her mouth all the time. She never leaves our side. and it also is because of Mr. Milan. My brother in England, was the one that told me to watch him. My brother has been training dogs all his life. There is not one he couldn’t train. He like Mr. Milan says you have to let them know who is Alfa. I believe in Mr. Milans training. Most the time when dogs bite is because of some stupid human that has no clue how to handle a pet. Talk quietly, one word commands or hand gestors, lots of love, well fed and lots of exercise and you will have a good dog. Mr.Milan is not cruel, in anyway. but you need a lot of patience, and understanding. to have a pet.

  34. tndogtrainer

    Feb 10, 2015 at 10:02 am

    Like lemmings to a cliff.

    • Lynda

      Feb 17, 2015 at 3:44 am

      “It turns out that there is no proof that an assemblage of wild lemmings would actually drive themselves off of a cliff at all, but rather the myth was perpetuated by a 1958 Disney documentary called White Wilderness, in which the filmmakers manually ran a pack of lemmings off of a cliff to make for good television. ”

      Appropriate response.

      • Iris

        Apr 13, 2015 at 3:00 pm

        Wow, can’t believe it! Think I hate Disney.

  35. D Dailey

    Feb 7, 2015 at 2:33 am

    Perhaps Ms. Arnold should have done a little more research on Cesar Milan’s methods before she comments about their “aversive” nature in her article. Had she read his books, watched his videos or worked with a trainer who uses his methods she’d discover that he DOES NOT advocate harmful treatment or scare tactics. His methods are derived from years of observations about how packs operate and make sense. His training and rehab has been responsible for saving the lives of countless dogs who were, before his involvement, considered aggressive or otherwise unadoptable. And he has enabled families to keep dogs they loved but thought they’d have to give up because of difficulties managing them. Observe the dogs he’s worked with – they are not cowering or fearful, they are happy and engaging. As other comments have suggested, perhaps this woman who is suing Cesar is out to blame someone else and try to cash in on something that SHE brought about by not paying her bill and removing the dog from the DPC against their recommendations. Many dogs that are labeled aggressive are actually fearful which I’ll bet she had been told by the DPC. Who knows whether she might have done something to further frighten or provoke the poor dog to defend himself. Sounds like she is not the person who is best suited to be this dog’s guardian.

    • M. Byrne

      Feb 10, 2015 at 4:38 am

      Hi D. Daily I agree with every word you have written. I have trained many dogs including my own worked with countless trainers, read Cesar’s books and watched many videos. It’s perfectly true his methods are not at all cruel but people don’t seem to understand that with dogs although we love them we must learn to be their pack leader, it’s the all important thing.Where I live i take my dogs our for a walk let them free they run on ahead of me but when i call them they run back immediately because I AM THEIR PACK LEADER!! I can never stress this enough when people ask me how to train their dogs!!

  36. Jeanette

    Feb 6, 2015 at 11:01 pm

    I would like to mention some things. I am totally against negative training of any kind. I use positive techniques. The thing is there is a difference between different behaviors. If a dog is dangerous it takes years to rehabilitate. Plus with some dogs the only way they will learn is by negative methods. It’s not a puppy or a dog that has only some behavior issues.

    Yes negative training does cause problems to animals. The dangerous ones actually learn from this method and can help. I think maybe using both. I know what this article says. In the real world the suing party really doesn’t let you know full extent of what truly happens.

    My mom has gotten feral cats spayed and neutured in her town and she had to put the last 2 in a shelter. 1 had gotten adopted and the other didn’t. Someone who owns a cat rescue and rehabilitates cats said the last cat was very dangerous and to let him out with the feral cats. I knew a little bit about this cat and I said I will take him in. I know more about dogs than I do cats. This is the first time I rehabilitated a cat.

    I realized this cat wasn’t dangerous. He ran to hide but if he was cornered he would attack. Any wild animal will do that. So I called some rescue places to explain a moron who rehabilitates cats shouldn’t be in the profession and why. Well the person I called happened to be that rescue. I asked did you chase him around trying to pick him up? Yes. I need to explain something if an animal is afraid you can feed them but leave them alone they will come to you. He actually came to me after 2 weeks and while he ate he allowed me to pet him but when he was done he ran away. Now he hangs out with me upstairs. So the moral of this story is there has to be more to this story than what they are saying and the center that is suing probably most likely did something stupid knowing to be careful. If you fear the animal feels it. They will attack. If you don’t fear and stay calm they leave you alone and walk near you. Probably why My dog and I didn’t get attacked by the hybrid wolves that we came across that was about 5 feet away.

    I have met many people and some are great and do great things but then you have that other hand full that are idiots and as a professional and they take care of these type of animals how could they sue someone and they take care of animals. It comes with the territory. You work with dangerous animals you should know better and if something happens and you want to sue someone for that then you don’t belong in the field. I have been bitten many times. I expect it working in this field. The difference is I can choose with who I want to work with.

  37. Donna

    Feb 6, 2015 at 9:18 pm

    After reading two different articles about this unfortunate incident, I tend to think that there were things that happened that should not have happened and the fault is not with the Dog Psychology Center. Some dogs are dangerous and are better off just being euthanized. I have even heard Cesar Millan say as much on his show. The majority of dogs are able to be rehabilitated; but, what the staff at the DPC identify as red zone dogs, probably would never be.

    I see no problem with pack leader concept of dog training if you will. The pack leader is not a bully and from what I have seen on the TV shows, neither is Cesar Millan.

    Not all training tools are appropriate for all dogs. In the right hands, a prong collar can be an effective training tool. But, no everybody should use one. I tried it with my dog and while it did not make him worse; it just wasn’t all that effective. He just learned to ignore the prongs. The best training aid for our purposes was the Canny Collar.

  38. Angela

    Feb 6, 2015 at 8:08 pm

    I don’t understand the concept that Cesar’s method is “to punish the dog”. Anyone who has watched Cesar/The Dog Whisperer knows that his training techniques are based on teaching dog parents/families to be “pack leaders” and to provide structure, routine, discipline, and affection to promote and nurture a positive and stable state of mind. We have learned so much from his show, and without a doubt, are better dog owners because of it. Cesar educates and trains dog owners to become better pack leaders. Many concepts are similar to those used in child rearing. Of course, if you combine an owner with poor parenting skills with a “red zone” dog, it’s never going to being a good combination.

  39. Kathy

    Feb 6, 2015 at 4:24 pm

    How awful it was to watch even a part of this video. His brutal attacking of this dog is reprehensible: kicking, chopping blow to the throat, aggressive attitude. I feel so very sorry for that poor dog. He should have been arrested for animal abuse! Why do people keep supporting him and his cruel methods? I look forward to the day when the public no longer supports his damaging and abusive training methods. And, no dog should ever be subject to his cruelty – no dog. It is no wonder that, after being subjected to that kind of “training” the dog in the video is forced to defend itself – it is heartbreaking…

    • Angela Blansett

      Feb 11, 2015 at 10:46 pm

      Watch the whole video before passing judgment. His methods are not cruel and they work. She removed the dog. Babying animals does work. They need to have structure and boundaries, without them they can develop issues and become a problem.

      • Angela Blansett

        Feb 11, 2015 at 10:47 pm

        Doesn’t work not does.

    • Naomi

      Apr 6, 2015 at 12:40 pm

      I think you should try and watch a few others. Some of them he does seem cruel, but honestly, after watching many of his shows I think he is a great man who loves dogs and works with them in a way which helps them. Yes, I wouldn’t use his methods on every dog- but these are dogs who no one else has been able to get through too. Try watching a few and then make a judgement. But then again, everyone has there own opinions, and I’m sure any dogs you have benefit from your approach perfectly well. With respect,


    Feb 6, 2015 at 4:18 pm

    Cesar Millan is the best thing to happen for “Man’s Best Friend”. His techniques are NOT inhumane at all. He uses common sense and thinks the way a dog thinks. I have heard dog trainers who said they didn’t like Mr. Millan’s methods suggest that you hold up a dog biscuit and yell “Cookies” when two dogs get into a fight.
    Cesar Millan has done more for homeless dogs and dogs that have been given up on than any human in the history of man. He truly loves dogs and his approach to helping people to understand how to help their dogs is a Godsend. He has saved many hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives, because he truly cares.
    He also started a non-profit organization to help homeless dogs.
    Accidents can happen to anyone, although he was not involved in any way with this particular dog or the situation that happened to the woman. I do not know the circumstances in which she was attacked, and I am sorry to hear of anyone getting hurt, but to sue Cesar Millan, I would say was an idea of some lawyer who smelled a lot of money coming his way, knowing that the dog had been to the DPC owned by Mr. Millan.
    There has been too many positive things that Cesar has accomplished over the years, saving relationships with dogs and their owners, and saving dogs that had been given up on, their lives.
    I have been involved in animal rescue for over 16 years now, and I cannot tell you how much Cesar Millan’s advice has helped me with hundreds of dogs over the years and to be able to re-home them to good forever homes. I love dogs, Cesar loves dogs, and there is in NO WAY anything inhumane ever used in his
    rehabilitation methods. I think some of these so-called new techniques are ridiculous and I can bet there have been many an accident that has happened after trying those methods too.
    Cesar Millan is a compassionate, sensitive, caring man and he is “Dogs’ Best Friend”.

  41. Jen

    Feb 6, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    Aversive training methods are over. Science has proven positive reinforcement works. All punishment-based training does is cause fear and mistrust and can make bad behavior worse. The age of Ceasar is coming to an end.

    • Denise Kastner

      Feb 6, 2015 at 7:32 pm

      I don’t think that Cesar Milan is any more responsible for that dog attack then a Psychiatrist is responsible for a seemingly stable patient, commits suicide. Concerning training methods he is gentle compared to the “old” days. I bought a black Lab from a breeder/ trainer and his methods were so brutal I fired him. I don’t agree with all of the criticism he receives. I have seen him work miracles with dogs that were close to being euthanized. It is so easy to sit back in the recliner and judge someone else.

      • Lynda

        Feb 17, 2015 at 3:38 am

        Denise Kastner, how dare you insert such a calm and reasonable response to accusations of Mr. Milan’s ignorance and cruelty? Just because you’ve actually studied his methods and probably utilized them doesn’t give you the right to contradict how awful we prefer to believe he is! By gosh he’s an IMMIGRANT without the benefit of being educated in America! Clearly, you’re just a troublemaker.

        • Gwen

          May 13, 2015 at 2:18 am

          And what is so special about being educated in America? Half of America is made up of immigrants. Your response is so nonsensical I think you must have said it tongue in cheek:-) Am I right?

    • Joyce Braun

      Feb 6, 2015 at 8:59 pm

      Sorry, you’re nuts

  42. Diane Purcell

    Feb 6, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    It’s a shame that Cesar Milan dismisses and rejects scientific evidence of the harm aversive tools (such as prong collars, choke collars and shock collars) can do, particularly with fearful and aggressive dogs. Punishment techniques in training can have long-term effects, which clearly are not shown on a heavily edited tv show. Instead of waiting (or provoking) incorrect and often dangerous behavior and correcting it with discomfort, pain, and confusion…dogs can be trained using rewards, praise and re-direction. Dogs are smart – we know this. Anyone who lives with a dog, works with dogs etc knows they are sensitive, want to please and enjoy repeating things that reap reward for them. Why choose to hurt an animal when you can take a bit more time and patience to train them? Such a shame.

  43. K Adsit

    Feb 6, 2015 at 2:09 pm

    As much as I dislike this man’s training techniques I don’t believe that he is the main person responsible for this woman being attacked. I think that the responsibility for the attack should fall where the blame lies and that is with the rescue person JR who rescued the dog, the lawyers TLP who got the dog off death row the first time, and the judge that gave the dog a second chance to be rehabilitated as long as he went to Cesar’s DPC. These people are the main reason that this dog is still alive and the main reason that the dog ended up back in public so that the dog could harm someone else. If anyone should be sued I believe these people are more at fault than Cesar himself. They should be held responsible! To me this is more about the money that she might be able to get from Cesar than holding the people at fault responsible.

    • Sheryl

      Feb 6, 2015 at 6:47 pm

      If you click through to the linked story you would see that Milan and his center are not the only defendants. She is also suing the dog’s owners as well. Of course you were too eager to defend someone who is famous and blame the victim to bother with clicking a single link.
      “Named as defendants are Dog Psychology Center, Millan, Vazzoler and Romano (the owners of the dog).
      Bitney seeks medical expenses, costs, and punitive damages for negligence, professional negligence, violation of the Dog Bite statute, strict liability for an animal with vicious propensities, and premises liability.”

    • Jackie

      Feb 7, 2015 at 3:25 pm

      I agree, it’s all about the money. She is obviously a Democrat. They can’t accept responsibility for anything!! Everything that happens is always someone else’s fault!!

      • jerry

        Feb 26, 2015 at 10:36 pm

        That comment is just ludicrous now go back to Fox news

      • Gwen

        May 13, 2015 at 2:20 am

        Nice one!

    • Katie

      Feb 8, 2015 at 10:25 am

      I agree that the law suit is primarily about money, but it is not the dog’s fault or the people who got him off death row, it’s those who first treated the dog in such a way that he now is dangerous who are responsible. It’s easy to condemn a dog which is only reacting to certain treatment and scream kill him when it is far more difficult to find a ‘humane’solution, which exists for a mistreated animal, is appearently the ultimate solution. Dogs are more like young children which never grow up and should be treated like children from the spychological perspective. Child spychology and dog spycology are very similar. Adverse dog therapy is a show of violance against a sensitive animal which has more to do with the inferiority display of the ‘person’ who is using this type f treatment.

      • Katie

        Feb 8, 2015 at 10:27 am

        sorry, it’s actually psychology, I sometimes type without thinking,

  44. andie mehl

    Feb 6, 2015 at 2:08 pm

    I fully agree with comment re: that Mr.Milan’s statistics prove that is rare compared with all the positive effects his training methods really work.He has allowed for families and their dogs to live harmonisly and a gift of giving and receiving love for years to come.

  45. anita

    Feb 6, 2015 at 2:06 pm

    no one, not Cesar, NO ONE, can guarantee how another living creature will react in every single situation. Cesar has been a God-send to thousands of animals and humans alike. unless he was standing there saying “sick her” he, nor anyone associated with his Center, should be held responsible. what the heck ever became of people accepting responsibility for their own actions…..this woman did something and got attacked. period. sad, yes, horrible, yes, but hey, like they say “shit happens”.

    • K Adsit

      Feb 6, 2015 at 5:16 pm

      This woman got attacked by a vicious dog that should have been put down by the courts in the first place instead of being sent to the DPC. If the correct actions had taken place in the beginning none of this would have happened. IMO this woman is only after the money that she could get from a lawsuit against Cesar. It has nothing to do with holding the appropriate people accountable for the dog and their actions. Cesar could not help this dog, no one could help this dog. Sad he had to attack someone else before the correct thing was done!

  46. Ramona

    Feb 6, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    Cesar Milan’s training techniques have kept me and my pack from being attacked 3 times during our walks! He has taught me how to walk multiple dogs without pulling, how to be a good pack leader etc. . Don’t tear down what has proven itself as beneficial, because of occasional, unfortunate, unforeseeable incidents, that can and will happen to any trailer, that is long enough in the business! It states above, that the owner wanted her dog back, which was her legal right. She would’ve filed suit against the center, if they would not have released the dog to her as well, I think!I find the owner of the dog as vicious as her dog, with the difference being, that the poor dog, being pushed around, exposed to different training techniques is more confused and disturbed than ever, while the owner doesn’t want to be responsible for her own personal problem, but attempts to profit from the unfortunate incident that happened to her!

    • K Adsit

      Feb 6, 2015 at 5:29 pm

      There was a court order that stated the dog had to go to the DPC for rehabilitation. She did not abide by the court order.

  47. a

    Feb 6, 2015 at 12:59 pm

    This is just one dog. Any dog can bite or attack. We were not there to see what happened or what triggered this dog.
    I too, was attacked as a small child who loved dogs too much and would follow dogs around, get in their bed, even though I was warned to leave dogs alone and let the dogs come to me. I was bitten by a german shepherd that was not use to a small child getting in his bed with him. I received stitches, don’t remember being bitten, and love dogs more than ever.
    Cesar Milan has saved many lives, and no one is perfect or can know how a dog will react in the future or know what environment the dog may be in or how the dog was feeling.
    Cesar Milan has taught me greater confidence in dealing with strange dogs or attacking dogs. We have been able to turn dogs around and send them away from us. We feel more confident everywhere we go with our dog, to be able to stop a charging or attacking dog. We are prepared for a worse case, if the dog cannot be turned around. We carry a small bat on a wrist strap for dog walks in secluded or unfamiliar areas. We also will carry bear pepper spray clicked on our waist and wear glasses or sunglasses.
    No one can judge this case, as we don’t know what was going on with the dog or the surroundings at that time or building up to that time.
    Cesar Milan is not responsible. They tried to help this dog, as they have helped so many dogs. Occasionally things happen out of our control, even the most careful of us, can not control everything in the environment.

    • K Adsit

      Feb 6, 2015 at 5:27 pm

      This dog is a vicious dog that should have been put down by the courts two years ago instead of getting another chance to attack someone else. Since then he has attacked other dogs and other people. He should not have been placed anywhere near the general public. The owner that took him out of the DPC should be the one held responsible as she knew he was a dangerous dog and a menace to society.

  48. Lucy

    Feb 6, 2015 at 11:45 am

    If you look at the original LA Times article though the dog’s owner had removed the pit bull from the DPC “against the strong advice and objection of his trainer” (not CM who apparently never met the dog) and that they thought that the dog was “not ready to be released to a home environment” and needed an additional 18 months of rehabilitation. Tragic, but more to the story than this article suggests.

    So tired of the Holly video being used out of context again too. How about posting this one instead ( Dogington Post to give a far more comprehensive view of his work with her? Or this one a year later ? Or even this one, which will at least give your readers an analysis of what occurred

    • K Adsit

      Feb 6, 2015 at 5:18 pm

      That is correct and the right people need to be held responsible for the dogs actions not Cesar. Even though I don’t personally like him or his training techniques I don’t believe that he should be held solely responsible for this. I have followed this dog since the beginning and he should have been put down 2 years ago!

  49. Kerri Mackenzie

    Feb 5, 2015 at 8:59 pm

    While I feel sympathy for anyone who experiences an injury from a dog bite or attack, I frankly doubt Ms. Bitney’s allegations that Cesar Millan’s organization intentionally released a “…known vicious and dangerous dog” to her unless they were confident she could handle the dog. Dealing with a troubled animal can be risky and unpredictable, a fact that Mr. Millan’s organization is no doubt fully aware. It simply makes no sense for them to risk the life of Ms. Bitney, the dog or anyone else unless they were confident the outcome would be positive.

    Based on her own claims, Ms. Bitney knew that the dog had an “…extensive history of vicious and unprovoked attacks on individuals and animals”. This shows that she was aware of the dog’s history and yet it was her choice to adopt it nonetheless.

    I don’t know what caused the dog to attack Ms. Bitney. My heart goes out to her and I wish her a full recovery. But to try and assign blame to someone else does not seem right. Ms. Bitney freely made the choice to take this animal knowing its history. This entire situation is a tragedy but bringing a civil action only exacerbates the matter. Perhaps a face-to-face sit down to try and work this out would be a better option.

    • Victoria LoSchiavo

      Feb 6, 2015 at 12:59 pm

      Hello Kerri: I can tell that you are a person who truly appreciates dogs and the people who care for them; however, the fact that your “heart goes out to” Ms. Bitney, doesn’t do anything to lessen her physical suffering and financial burden. In law, the concept of strict liability is well established and is intended to deal with the situation in which she and the DPC find themselves. Blaming her for seeking recourse through a civil action is unfair and, given the circumstances, somewhat cruel. Whatever mistakes Alison might have made- and I’m not certain that she made any- she has certainly paid for them. Now, it’s up to the courts and, possibly, her fellow citizens, to decide who else was at fault.

    • K Adsit

      Feb 6, 2015 at 5:20 pm

      The dog did not belong to Cesar it belonged to a rescue organization or someone claiming to be one and she pulled the dog because she ran out of funds and could not afford to keep the dog there any longer. The dog was banned from being allowed back in the state of Texas so this person re-homed the dog somewhere else against court rulings and semi-professional advice. She is the one who should be sued and held responsible for the dogs actions.

  50. Sharnell

    Feb 5, 2015 at 8:03 pm

    Think of how many dogs this man trains and gives a second chance at life. I wouldn’t even begin to guess how many but I know it’s a lot. Accidents happen. Facts will come out and if Milan needs to pay then so be it. But don’t use one dog as a reason to say his training doesn’t work. That’s crazy and it’s not fair to the Dog Whisperer.

    • Eileen Kerrigan

      Feb 6, 2015 at 2:27 pm

      Did you miss this part in the story above? “… scientific research on canine behavior suggests the aversive methods he famously uses, including choke chains, physical force, and scare tactics, can actually make certain problem behaviors much worse.”

      Millan KNOWINGLY uses intimidation and physical punishment, including kicking, punching, jabbing, strangling, choking, hanging, pinning, choke collars, prong collars and electric-shock collars. He not only uses such techniques, but portrays such methods on shows televised worldwide as being quick fixes to serious behavior issues. I’ve seen more dogs than I can count damaged by being “Dog Whispered.” The lucky ones get a second chance with a behaviorist who might be able to undo the damage, but some are too far gone to be saved.

      In short, the man is a hazard, and I sincerely hope he’ll be sued often enough to finally be put out of business. As for all of the dogs he’s “saved,” where are the success stories? Where are all of the clients he’s worked with over so many years, singing his praises? Answer: THEY’RE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT. Don’t you find that a bit odd? Wouldn’t you think that any successful trainer would love to have his former clients telling the world about what a great job he did? Funny that we’re not permitted to hear from them, since they have to sign waivers promising not to talk about what happens during CM’s “training” sessions.

      If that’s not a huge red flag, I don’t know what is …

      • Fran Miller

        Feb 9, 2015 at 8:13 am

        Thanks Eileen for telling it like it is about CM. He should be arrested for animal abuse and the show terminated.

      • Lynda

        Feb 17, 2015 at 3:42 am

        “Millan KNOWINGLY uses intimidation and physical punishment, including kicking, punching, jabbing, strangling, choking, hanging, pinning, choke collars, prong collars and electric-shock collars. He not only uses such techniques, but portrays such methods on shows televised worldwide as being quick fixes to serious behavior issues. I’ve seen more dogs than I can count damaged by being “Dog Whispered.” The lucky ones get a second chance with a behaviorist who might be able to undo the damage, but some are too far gone to be saved.”

        Pure fiction.

      • K ko

        Apr 13, 2015 at 7:37 am

        “As for all of the dogs he’s “saved,” where are the success stories? Where are all of the clients he’s worked with over so many years, singing his praises? Answer: THEY’RE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT. Don’t you find that a bit odd? Wouldn’t you think that any successful trainer would love to have his former clients telling the world about what a great job he did? Funny that we’re not permitted to hear from them, since they have to sign waivers promising not to talk about what happens during CM’s “training” sessions.
        If that’s not a huge red flag, I don’t know what is …”

        There is no proof that any of cesar’s clients need to sign a waivers that prohibit them from coming out and saying that cesar’s methods didn’t/don’t work. And seeing as the 100th episode anniversary saw all the dogs and their owners come together for a big party thrown for cesar, it seems at least the first 100 dogs cesar helped were fine a few years later.

        My family and used Cesar’s methods with our Portuguese Water Dog. He was even on the news once. His name was Tiki.

        If Cesar’s methods traumatized our dog, he sure didn’t act like it. He was a playful, outgoing, and more importantly well-behaved dog for 9 years until cancer took him.

        I am currently employing he same methods with a Samoyed with the same results. People like you find problems that aren’t really there because you project your own emotional bias onto matters.

    • Diane Purcell

      Feb 6, 2015 at 3:04 pm

      I agree that he has done some good in getting people to realize they are part of why their dogs act up…and to take training as a responsibility to your dog…and yes, I DO believe the dog was released reluctantly to the custodian/owner, however, that being said, this is NOT the first time there have been issues with dogs he’s trained using out-dated methods based on some debunked alpha-wolf type of belief. We know better know yet he stubbornly hangs on to this bully-type training method, even when research and science shows us more and more every day that these methods are temporary and carry serious, often dangerous, repercussions for dogs and their owners. I don’t hate the man – I hate his methods of training.

      • K ko

        Apr 13, 2015 at 7:45 am

        There is almost as much science for cesar’s methods are there are against them, namely research done at Oxford University, Eötvös University, Budapest and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

        Your hatred of his “training” techniques is born from an emotional standpoint. A misguided one at that.

        I have lost much faith in humanity because of people like you.

        • christy

          Apr 20, 2015 at 3:33 pm

          there is NO science in favor of abusive methods over non-aversive ones. ZERO. The professionals who actually study and utilize science to permanently and humanely change animal behavior make this information available to everyone, yet CM refuses to utilize it and continues to rely on shock and prong collars and forcing dogs into learned helplessness (what he calls “calm submissive” as if it were a good thing). Modern, humane methods just aren’t very exciting and don’t make for sexy television, nor do they gratify the human ego with a burst of adrenalin when they overpower the dog. For these two reasons I don’t think he will ever change, even with the amazing Ian Dunbar offering knowledge to CM, and I think that is a real shame. I like the more positive image he has brought to pit bulls and the emphasis on shelter dogs. I just wish that these dogs were not being trained with his methods–they deserve so much better than that and they are the very dogs most likely to not have the necessary resilience to manage in spite of the outdated methods he promotes.

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