Lifestyle with Dog

Dogs and YOUR Healthy Heart

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Those individuals who have suffered a heart attack can expect a longer life expectancy if they own a dog. Because the dog is present, the men who had a heart attack and lived, were found to be six times more likely to still be living one year later, compared to those men who suffered a heart attack and did not own a dog. This study was conducted by the American Journal of Cardiology. They also found that the presence of a dog was more conducive to living longer than a year after the heart attack than the presence of friends, family, or a spouse!!

A dog promotes a healthier lifestyle because of the increased exercise the owner receives. The dog owners walking increases by a factor of five which lowers blood pressure and results in weight loss. Play time with the dog also increases the individual’s activity level. These two factors combined have the same major health benefits as if you quit smoking cigarettes.

I think there is little doubt owning dogs and your heart health go hand in hand. Bring a dog into your life and reap the health benefits!

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. M. Heflin

    Nov 8, 2013 at 6:50 pm

    Dogs keep you going if you live by yourself. You love them and know that you are the one that they depend upon. Sometimes I worry what will happen to my Isa in the event a long term illness or death takes me from her. She needs someone she loves to be there for her as she is with me. I pray that my son or close friend would insure she was loved and her needs provided for. Never the way I have, but sufficiently.

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