Canine Rights

Dogs Left Out in the Cold Will Be Confiscated by St. Louis Police

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Police, along with animal control and rescue groups in St. Louis, Missouri are taking extra steps to prevent dogs from being left out in the cold this winter. In extremely cold weather, pets are at risk for frostbite, hypothermia, even death.

So, extra officers will be on the lookout, ready to rescue dogs (and other pets) left outside. If a dog is found to be in distress or without proper shelter, the owners will face hefty fines and their dog will likely be confiscated.

Residents who notice a dog left out in the cold are urged to call police or animal control.



  1. joann

    Dec 26, 2017 at 7:38 pm

    the people next to me moved in about two weeks ago and they have a pit and they leave him outside everyday with no food or water all day long and it is tied up to a table and has no shelter we live in the county i hope they see this and stop doing this to they dog he is a pretty dog and need to be treat better than this

    • Brandy Arnold

      Dec 26, 2017 at 8:50 pm

      Joann – I’d call the county officials and let them know. You can report it anonymously if you don’t want to have any trouble with the new neighbors. It’s only going to get colder over the next couple of months!

      • joann barrett

        Feb 8, 2018 at 10:46 pm

        you know i call on these people and so has the guy across the street over this dog and they came out but the people wouldn’t anwser the door to them and on the same day they turn this dog loose to go pee and shit in our yard so we have call them about that and they just told me to call again if they do it again well the next time came and we call and we call again and still same thing again but this time the dog jump my boxer for a fight and my little guy was by the fence and that dog got a hold of his upper lip and wouldn’t turn my dog loose and he was trying to pull my dog thru the fence and these people couldn’t get they dog to turn loose right away and the kid said go get some warm water to dump on him that the only way to get him to turn my dog loose and needless to say i had to take my dog to the vet and it cost me 117.00 that day so i call animal control again and told them what happen now they said i have to write them this in a letter and mail it to them so i’m going to do that cause these people don’t care about they dog doing this to my dog

  2. Meghan Finnegan

    Jan 14, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    Good, this is how it should be! I hate seeing animals left out in freezing temperatures (of course we’re talking leave a dog out for hours on hours, not a quick bathroom break).

  3. Anna Crochet

    Jan 14, 2015 at 2:20 am

    The First Concern Here Should Be the for the Welfare of the Animal!! It IS That Just THAT SIMPLE!! Animal Welfare FIRST !!!!!!! V=NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!End Of Story!! Thank You!

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