Celebrity Pets

Help Mariah Carey Name Her New Puppies!

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Mariah Carey’s 2-year old daughter, Monroe, holds up one of the family’s newest members, one of three Jack Russell Terrier pups that remain un-named. Photo courtesy of Mariah Carey.

It’s no secret that Mariah Carey loves dogs – the superstar and American Idol judge has – or rather, had – 5 Jack Russell Terriers. That is until Squeak E. Beans, one of her brood, gave birth to 3 puppies, 2 boys and a girl, bringing the total to 8!

With names like Squeak E. Beans, Cha Cha, Jackie Lambchops, Jill E. Beans and JJ, it’s clear that Mariah has no shortage of creativity in the naming department. Yet, the singer Tweeted to her nearly 11 million fans, “Ms Monroe and Squeak E Beans baby boy as yet unnamed! help name dem puppies!! 2 boys 1 girl use #namedempuppies,” along with an adorable photo of 2-year old daughter, Monroe holding one of the tiny pups.

So what would a diva name her puppies? One fan suggested Macaroon, Bon Bon And Meringue, 3 names which seem to fit nicely with the rest of the pack. Another recommended “Hash” – “Tag” and “Pow,” after the singer’s now-famous quote, and a common remark she gave Idol contestants that performed well on stage.

Whichever names she chooses, we know these puppies were born into the life of luxury and will be wonderfully cared for. And, with a Twitter-saavy mama, we’ll get to watch them grow up.



  1. Mary

    May 24, 2013 at 12:02 am

    How about she name the new pups Spay and Neuter to remind people of all the innocent healthy adoptable dogs that are put to sleep each day due to over pet population.

    • Eka

      Nov 15, 2013 at 8:22 pm

      Seriously, people like this need to get over themselves. Look, people can breed their dogs if they want to. Stop shoving your “religion” down everyone’s throat.

  2. Aleksandra S.

    May 23, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    Bam Bam

  3. LISA

    May 22, 2013 at 2:48 pm

    1 baby boy-JACK/2nd baby boy-RUSSELL/1 baby girl-TERRI

  4. Patee

    May 22, 2013 at 1:08 pm

    Joe DiMaggio
    Arthur Miller
    Norma Jean

  5. priscilla

    May 22, 2013 at 12:05 pm

    sassy!! is a good name for jack russell. they are truly a hand full

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