Awesome Stories

Houdini Dog Escapes the Shelter and Finds a New Family

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Apparently for Houdini the Dog, waiting for a new family to come find him at the shelter wasn’t working. So, the sly dog took matters into his own paws!

At around 1am on Tuesday, the Australian Shepherd, aptly named Houdini, wriggled out of his kennel at the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, worked his magic on two different exit doors, and left the building.

“He had to actually push down the handle, push the door open and walk out in both cases,” Gretchen Pressley with HSPPR said.

And, it was all caught on tape!

Pressley explained that when volunteers came to check on Houdini in the morning, he wasn’t in his kennel. That’s when they saw his greatest magic trick on the shelter’s surveillance tapes.

The best part of Houdini’s great escape? The pup walked about a mile away and found himself a new forever home!

Ashley Heister found Houdini wandering around the Lower Gold Camp Road area, and knew immediately that she wanted to give him a home.

“We think he’s a wonderful dog…I can’t wait to welcome him into my family,” she told KKTV.



  1. Sandi

    Oct 15, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    Interesting, in the photo at the top there is no way he could have pushed down the handle and pushed the door open. That door opens in, so he has to be really smart and strong to push down the handle, pull the door inward and get out.
    Look at the hinges on the door and the latch opening…all indicate the door opens in, not out.

    • Carrol

      Oct 19, 2013 at 1:42 am

      Maybe that’s not the door he went out. He just checked out the situation.

  2. Paula

    Oct 14, 2013 at 9:22 pm

    Was he named Houdini /before/ this?


  3. Gail

    Oct 14, 2013 at 8:56 pm

    I rolled up on some people laughing and using a tiny pup for BB Gun target practice. I informed them that I would be taking her, along with some other information about their morals and my estimation of their futures. She went to sleep immediately in the truck. Her first noises were little cries as we picked off the ticks which were making her anemic.
    I did not want her and I intended to take her to a shelter, but then I didn’t.
    The vet informed me that she was an Aussie Shepard mix and that her wild behavior was, “just her.” I still could not give her up.
    She is a complete goofball. Every day is a wonderful gift for her and she wishes me to share it with her, so she will employ various tactics to get me up when she has slept enough, the most used tactic is “licky face”.
    They are very, very smart dogs and she honestly seems intuitive to me. She is one of the best friends I have ever had and I am so, so grateful she tumbled into my life that day.

  4. Barbara

    Oct 14, 2013 at 6:23 pm

    My childhood dog could open doors, too. She could turn the knob.

  5. Brenda Roth

    Oct 14, 2013 at 5:26 pm

    I have a German Shepherd who can also open the doors with the handles versus the knobs. My vet office found that out when he was in for a procedure. If I don’t want him to get out, I have to make sure the dead bolt is locked or he is out. Very smart dogs!

  6. Kelly

    Oct 14, 2013 at 4:57 pm

    My dog can open doors too! At first it was creepy but then it was nice because she could let herself in from the backyard when she was done sniffing everything. 🙂

  7. Leona

    Oct 14, 2013 at 3:29 pm

    I wish they would have posted the whole video. He is adorable. His new forever family will have their hands full with these two puppies seeing both are little Houdinis.

  8. JoEllen

    Oct 14, 2013 at 2:33 pm

    No wonder Ashley wants such an intelligent dog. Kudos to Hudini and glad he found his forever home now.

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