Behavior Mod.

How To Stop Your Dogs From Barking At Night

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Does your dog keep waking you up at night due to his barking? Well, you’re not the only one! It’s a common problem experienced by pet parents. If your dog is barking at night, there are several possible causes. It could be because your dog is unwell, has to go potty, is bored or anxious, or it could just be that your dog is reacting to noises in the environment.

A dog barking all night can be incredibly unpleasant for everyone. Don’t worry! There are steps you can take to reduce this. Although not effortless, the result is extremely satisfactory.

Regular Potty Breaks

A regular nighttime toilet routine will be very helpful. Take your dog right to his designated potty area if he starts to cry in the middle of the night. As soon as he is done with his business, take him back to his box without playing or any other distractions. 

Keep The Bed Cozy

The cozier their bed is, the better. For your pup’s comfort, pack plenty of warm, cozy blankets and a few soft toys. You can also cover the crate to turn it into a den. They’ll have a much easier time falling asleep if they’re relaxed.

Feed Them Early

It is recommended that you feed them at least an hour and a half before going to bed. Additionally, it’s advised to stop giving him water an hour and a half before bedtime so he won’t need to go potty in the middle of the night.

Calm But Tiring Evening Routine

A great technique to encourage your dog to fall asleep through the night is to exhaust them in the evening. A nice, calm game or playtime or letting them chew on a toy are already good ways to accomplish that. Just make sure to keep it pretty calm and avoid doing anything too intense right before bedtime.

Do Not Respond

Your dog needs to be taught that barking and whining will not get them anywhere. In other words, you need to ignore them in order to solve it. If your dog is not rewarded with attention for barking and whining at night, they will have little reason to do so. Eventually, they will stop the behavior because it does not draw your attention anymore.

Backup Plan

One of the best tips to stop them from barking is to have something for your puppy to do in the crate if they wake up in the middle of the night. It’s a good idea to keep a dog chew nearby so they can unwind and fall asleep once more.

So there you have it! Those are the top tips on how you can make your dog stop barking at night. Have you tried doing any of these?

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