Health & Wellness

If Your Dog Is Vomiting…

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So Max has been “shouting at his paws” recently. Is it time for a trip to the vet to see what is causing this? Maybe, and maybe not. Below we will look at a few of the reasons your dog is vomiting and when it is an indication of something more serious than eating something he should not have chowed down on, or maybe ate too fast.

There are many reasons behind the problem you face when your dog is vomiting, and the good news is most of these reasons are not life threatening or going to require an expensive visit to the vet. In most instances the fact Max is vomiting can be traced back to he has consumed anything from a play toy, one of the kid’s stuffed toys, or getting a bite of some road kill. These are all normal issues and the dog is going to be fine.

A change in brand of dog food is often enough to upset a dog’s tummy and cause him or her to expel the food. When you switch dog foods do so gradually over a period of two weeks to allow the dog a chance to adjust.

Or, it could simply be that the dog “wolfed it down” too fast.

If your dog is vomiting and then an hour or so later is back to their happy, playful self the problem is usually one of the above reasons. However, if the dog has been vomiting constantly for longer than one day a trip to your vet is needed immediately as this is an indication of more serious problems. Your vet will do a complete check-up including X-Rays if there is any indication something has become lodged in the stomach or digestive tract of the dog. Blood work will also be done to check for several potentially serious health issues resulting in the dog vomiting constantly.

Continued on page 2…

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  2. Beverly Thalman

    Jun 21, 2013 at 10:31 am

    My bulldog wasn’t feeling well last weekend. Took to vet Monday. Urinalysis showed nothing. Went home. She ate that night. Tuesday morning vomiting. Back to vet. Gave her a shot for nausea and did blood work that showed nothing. Went home she couldn’t hold water down. Back to vet and on IV for fluids. I go in Wed morning to see her before work. She sounded horrible. I told the tech I felt she had aspirated and had pneumonia. A vet came over listened to her lungs said no they were clear. Two hours later my regular vet calls and confirmed my suspicion of aspirated pneumonia. Started antibiotics. Went back in evening no good. Thursday morning worse. Added new antibiotic and oxygen. Started improving. Friday not good but better. Saturday they tried to ween off oxygen. Didn’t work. They let me sit with her morning an evening. Sunday morning met vet at office. Sat with her two hours. He said we just couldn’t save her and had to put her to sleep. My heart is broken. He ask if he could do autopsy. Showed she had a very very small opening in esophagus and if he would have had to do a tracheotomy he would have had to use a cat tube. There was no blockage, no disease anywhere else. Sometimes no matter how close we watch our babies we can’t save them. I keep going over what I might have done differently.

    • Joe

      Jun 21, 2013 at 10:54 am

      Seems like you did everything you could…dont beat yourself up about it…I know how heartbroken you must feel. I have an 8 year old Bully and she occasionally vomits…we think its from eating grass….Ive had many dogs in my lifetime but none were as loveable as an English Bulldog…So sorry for your loss…

      • Kathleen Jeffery

        Jun 21, 2013 at 6:39 pm

        God Bless you for doing everything you could. Poor baby, but know this, just by sitting with her and giving her all that love her last days, she knew you loved her. I lost my dog last July and I still treasure her love for me. She always stayed by me when i was ill, so i did the same for her! I still miss her and probably always will, and every once in awhile I get emotional about her! One thing I know for sure, my family and friends all were so kind and understanding of my sadness! That helps a lot! So enjoy all the good memories with someone who cares about you, it’s surprising how nice a trip down memory lane helps!!

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