“If 40% of humans died because of cancer, the government would make it a top priority. There would be money for research and treatments would automatically be covered by insurance. But since it’s 40% of dogs who die of cancer, there is no money for research. Dog owners have to reach deep into their pockets to pay for treatment. The Cancer Cure features a proven technique to reverse the effects or stop cancer in its tracks. This is a topic that should concern every dog owner.” – Harlan Kilstein Ed.D. – Publisher of The Dogington Post
Cancer is the main killer of dogs in America. With this simple step-by-step guide, we present the latest research and treatment technique to naturally cure your dog’s cancer.

“My beautiful, sweet, heart-dog, Molly, lost her battle with cancer almost 7 years ago. I still feel the pain of her loss every day, wishing I’d known then what I know now. But, I find comfort in knowing that Dogington Post readers, who send me heartwrenching stories every day of their own dogs’ battles with this dreadful disease can, and will, improve their dogs’ lives using the information in this book.” – Brandy Arnold – Editor of The Dogington Post
”If I can help just one dog live a healthier, happier, longer life then I will be one step closer to my mission.“ – Lori R. Taylor – Founder, TruPet LLC