BSL: Breed Law

Loyal Pit Bull That Stood Guard Over Injured Owner Removed From the Family She Loves

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Screenshot 2015-12-03 at 8.55.06 AM

A pit bull won the hearts of animal lovers around the country when photos of the loyal dog showed her refusing to leave her injured owner’s side after fire broke out in the home.

While her family who were injured in the fire are all expected to be OK, Princess’ fate remains unknown, simply because of her breed.

Breed specific legislation in Prince George’s County means that it’s illegal for Princess and her young puppy, Molly, to live with the family that she so clearly loves and is devoted to.

After the fire, Princess and Molly were removed from the home and taken to the Prince George’s County Animal Shelter where they are being held until either a family member or a rescue organization outside of the county can take them. They will not be returned to the family as long as they remain living in Prince George’s County.

Animal Control has announced that they will not euthanize the pair, but they cannot return to their family.

Despite overwhelming evidence that shows Breed Specific Legislation is ineffective at reducing or eliminating dog attacks, many counties around the nation keep these bans in place.

As a result, loyal and loving dogs like Princess and her puppy are removed from their homes and sentenced to life without the family they’re devoted to.



  1. Meghan

    Feb 7, 2016 at 7:29 am

    I would move and take my community spending power to a more dog-friendly county. BAM.

  2. Catherine Quinn

    Jan 25, 2016 at 5:57 pm

    How dare you make judgement on a dog purely because of false reputation there are No bad dogs only bad owners send some of your fucking time weeding out criminals and drug rings dog bait dog fights gang warfare all caused by humans .
    Spend your time in office proving what you were elected for leadership common sense justice,
    taking this poor dog from her loving family that she’s devoted and loyal to is another form of human cruelty
    Try leading by example for a change not leading from past mistakes and ignorance

  3. Rob

    Dec 31, 2015 at 8:07 pm

    I live in a town that outlawed the pitbull breed because of the old animal control officer. Once he retired they lifted the ban and now the town allows the PITBULL breed into the city again! Its gonna be 2016 change your laws its not the breeds fault or the good owners. Its the people that breed these dogs for money or fights that give these dogs a bad reputation! Give the dogs backs to the family the family DO NOT DESERVE THIS AT ALL!

  4. Tony Lilich

    Dec 9, 2015 at 9:45 pm

    How is it legal,in this country?To discriminate?No proof the breed I’d a danger.Only the owner is to blame.Now,is when that ACLU would be good for something.Go after ever city and county?Do some good for once.

  5. Jeanne Carroll

    Dec 6, 2015 at 7:37 pm

    Absolutely pathetic. Just another indicator of why BSL is not only morally wrong, it doesn’t even make sense! Shame on Prince George’s county.

  6. animama

    Dec 6, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    whatda? and michael vick still gets money and plays ball – where are the morals people in charge. There is no common sense in the world any more.
    I think this is bullshit you have the right to have a dog. Let’s eliminate forks next… they are just as dangerous.
    This just shows how idiotic … this dog is a hero and a protector and didn’t hurt anyone. my dogs do the same. hell, my horses have done the same.
    its a simple, reap what you sow. dogs have unconditional love. people ? you can answer that yourself.

  7. Jean Burrell

    Dec 3, 2015 at 6:45 pm

    It is blatent ignorance and profound unpresidented stupidity when local governmens make the decision to “protect” the public by banning breeds. It would be much wiser to arrest and imprison for life the animals that “own” vicious dogs instead because they are the ones that treated the dog so badly it became vicious( which means it can also be retrained, the dog, not the human, the human is too stupid.) These human animals are the real danger to society and should be put away for life. And people that run for office and think that breed banning works are also stupid, definitely too stupid to be in charge of anything.

  8. Myrna

    Dec 3, 2015 at 2:41 pm

    Time to move!!

  9. Pamela Rutherford

    Dec 3, 2015 at 12:17 pm


  10. Nicki

    Dec 3, 2015 at 10:46 am

    are you flipping kidding me??!! well, time to move folks. There is no way I would stay in a county like that, I don’t want to live in a place that is obviously run by the ignorant, that being said, maybe they should ban politicians from being there as well.

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