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Man Jumps Off Bridge to Save Dog Who’d Plunged Into Water Below

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An Alabama man risked his own life to save his best friend when he jumped off a bridge to save the dog who had plunged into the water below.

Al Trovinger and his dog, River, were stuck in standstill traffic on the Bayway following an auto accident further up the street. After about half an hour of not moving, he decided to get out of the car and let River stretch her legs for a few minutes.

Trovinger leashed River and stepped out of the car. Almost immediately, the dog jumped over the railing.

“We’d been on the Bayway for about 30 minutes and decided that we need to get out and let the dog walk around. As soon as we did, we put her on a leash, she jumped over,” Trovinger told WKRN.

When she jumped, her collar snapped in half and she plunged into the water below. Trovinger and several witnesses tried guiding River toward the shore, but after about 10 minutes, she began to struggle.

So, Trovinger climbed over the rail and jumped into the water to help the furry friend that’s been a member of the family for the last three years.

“For the first couple minutes it was tough but once I kind of got the right stroke and she was getting a little calmer it was fine,” Trovinger said.

Bystanders threw a dog vest into the water to help. Although the vest didn’t fit River, it did provide some buoyancy for the exhausted and waterlogged duo.

When they finally reached a nearby boat ramp, the pair were greeted by paramedics and police to make sure they were ok.

When asked if he would do it again, Trovinger didn’t hesitate to say yes. Would you have done the same for your own furry family?

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Terry

    Jul 24, 2018 at 1:51 pm

    In less than a heartbeat. The same I’d do for a human child. My life would not be worth living otherwise anyway.

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