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For nearly 6 months, residents of Brampton, a small town in England, have been victims of vandalism. The elusive criminal slashed more than two dozen tires over the course of months and police had no leads.
So, resident Ann Taylor took it upon herself to find the vandal and put an end to the crime spree. She installed a video camera, aimed it toward her car, and waited.
What happened next shocked everyone! Check out this BBC video:
Apparently this adorable criminal, a Border Collie named Jess, had a bone to pick with cars. She was hit by a car a few months prior to the crime spree – clearly an act of revenge!
We think Jess was just trying to prevent any other dogs from being hit by cars. For her punishment, Jess will be walked on a leash from now on.

Roseanne Coggan
Apr 18, 2014 at 10:21 pm
Never again will a car tire run over me! Not on my watch it won’t!
Doug Bittinger
Apr 18, 2014 at 4:44 pm
We had a border collie: Zadie, who once flattened a tire on our postal carriers car. In her defense, they were badly worn tires anyway.
Cyndy Groves
Apr 18, 2014 at 12:50 pm
She should have always been on a leash! If that was the case, she would never have been hit by the car to begin with! It’s called responsible pet ownership, people!
Apr 30, 2014 at 8:00 pm
its called.. um I don’t know… escape! Obviously you don’t know the breed boarder collie. They are super smart and when they want out they will get out!