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Launched in 2012, is the fresh, invigorating and only true online news source for all things dog. With entertainment and celebrity news to the latest in training, canine health, and a steady stream of current pup-related stories, the is quickly becoming the obvious destination for dog lovers’ daily dog fix.’s mission is to be the internet’s trusted authority on dogs through exceptional writing, cutting-edge reporting and “awww”-inspiring photography. The internet newspaper all about dogs.

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  1. Ally

    Sep 10, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    I am in the process of working with a website designer to create the Randolph SPCA website. I came across a picture on your website that said “We don’t always red advice sometimes all we need is a hand to hold…………It has a picture of a hound type dog in the image and it has your web address on the bottom. Would you allow me to use this small picture on our new website?
    We would be more than happy to link your website to ours if this is fine with you.
    Many good woofs,
    Ally Thomas

    • Brandy Arnold

      Oct 31, 2014 at 4:09 pm

      Hi Ally – yes, absolutely! Anything that helps homeless pets find homes!

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