Dog Abuse

Missouri State Quarterback Suspended Over Allegations of Horrific Dog Abuse

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On Friday night, just hours after a Facebook post detailed allegations that Missouri State football quarterback, Breck Ruddick brutally attacked a friend’s dog, the Bears coach indefinitely suspended the sophomore from all team activities, citing “conduct detrimental to the team.”

Ruddick is accused of attacking his friend’s dog, a 42-pound Australian shepherd named Luca whom he was supposed to be dogsitting.

Shelby Filbeck described the attack on Facebook:

“Earlier this week one of my close friends left her adorable sweet loving dog with Breck Ruddick. This was someone she trusted, this was a guy who has watched her dog before and who she has spent a good amount of time with as friends. She never thought leaving her 42 pound Australian Shepherd with Breck, a 200+ pound MSU football player, would lead to this. Never once did she, nor anyone else for that matter, believe that Breck could get so upset with this sweet dog that he would hit him in the jaw, not just once but three times. After “losing his cool” and hitting poor Luca he led him outside and let him run off, all alone and bleeding profusely. Breck told Katie that “Luca had ran off” leaving out the part about him beating the crap out of Luca. 

She spent the whole night looking for her dog. The next day a girl saw Katie’s post on Facebook and explained that she had found Luca in a parking lot covered in blood. The girl was nice enough to take him home and attempted to clean him up. When he was returned to Katie, the next day, he was STILL bleeding. He was then rushed over to the vet where they found that his jaw had been broken and he would need surgery.

The next day Luca went in for surgery where it was found that his jaw bones were shattered (not just broken), he had to have 6 teeth pulled, which will be permanently gone forever and they had to keep him at the vets for two days instead of one. 

He can no longer eat solid food and will have to be on an oatmeal based diet. That’s when the vet explained to Katie that Luca had to have been hit more than once, with literally all of Breck’s force or with some other object, because the trauma was so extensive it could not have been from one single punch.”

Breck responded on Facebook, saying, “The story that’s getting told is way out of proportion. I didn’t break the dogs the jaw nor did I let him run away. I was dog sitting him and he was on my bed, I wanted him off the bed so I gave him like a tap to try and get him off but he didn’t move so I gave him a little push and he bit my hand not extremely hard but enough to shock me. I’ve apologised to her and paid all the bills because I felt so bad. I don’t hurt animals that’s not who I am. If you don’t believe about what happened to the dog I have proof of the bill that I didn’t break its jaw.”

Police and Missouri State’s Office of Student Conduct are investigating the allegations.

On Monday, Springfield Animal Control issued Ruddick two tickets – one for animal cruelty, one for allowing a dog to run at large. Both are municipal ordinance violations. As the investigation continues, additional charges may be filed.

A petition to permanently remove Ruddick from the football team has already gotten more than 30,000 signatures.



  1. Pingback: College QB suspended, cited for animal cruelty after allegedly hitting dog | dog-gonnit ! com

  2. Veronica jones

    Sep 27, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    Abusing a animal is like abusing a child. Neither can fight back, a animal can bite but if it’s a timid dog they will cower in fear..

  3. Kim

    Sep 27, 2016 at 12:48 pm

    Until they stop making these little PUSSIES out to be so great and untouchable, it will never stop!! It is absolutely ridiculous what football has become, rather it college or pro!! I hope the sweet fur baby will be ok!!

    • John

      Sep 27, 2016 at 7:13 pm

      I would beat the living hell out of him damn puss

  4. Jill Smith

    Sep 26, 2016 at 10:49 pm

    What is wrong with people! What was this jackoff thinking!!! Trying to lie and minimize his actions for abusing a poor defenseless dog!!! There needs to be severe consequences against him and not just suspending him off a football team!!! People that display actions such as this have a anger control issue and have all the tendencies of a serial killer and need to be locked away! Karma is a bitch you piece of shit and not only will it run over you but it will back up over you again and again!!! Good luck!

    • Mary Goldston

      Sep 27, 2016 at 12:26 pm

      Jail time!! Low life jerk, hitting an animal who can’t possible defend himself against this subhuman being

    • annette

      Sep 27, 2016 at 1:13 pm

      The guy would have a bullet between his eyes if he did this to one of my dogs…What a piece of shit!!!

  5. Liz Preston

    Sep 26, 2016 at 9:18 pm

    Ditto. On what Janet said!
    Your mother must be soooooo proud. Let the punishment fit the crime. Please Coward. Go up against someone your own size

  6. Libiajohnson

    Sep 26, 2016 at 8:59 pm

    He is criminal sadistic and he probably do before and he will doing again, jail with him

  7. melanie malema

    Sep 26, 2016 at 8:36 pm

    if he has enuf road rage to beat a defenseless dog, what would he do to a girlfriend or child. he needs to be taught a lesson he won’t fluff off. he needs to be held accountable,and his employers need to learn to take it seriously.

  8. Mike Collier

    Sep 26, 2016 at 6:39 pm

    POS….real men don’t abuse helpless animals…you are disgraced

  9. Lisa Goodman

    Sep 26, 2016 at 3:28 pm

    He needs jail time !! Never to allowed near anything innocent like animals and children!!
    Hope he gets what her really deserves!! POS!

  10. TJ

    Sep 26, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    Some one take a 2×4 and hit him in the jaw several times.

  11. Judy Richardson

    Sep 26, 2016 at 2:26 pm

    What a jerkass.!!!!! This boy should not only get kicked completely off of the football team but he should be kicked out of college he should also go to jail. What happened to abuse of a dog being a felony? what he did was a felony if the dogs Jaws bones were shattered and yes he hit the dog way too hard you don’t hit like that and he put the dog out trying to hide what he done.He was hopeing the dog would get run over or be lost forever. Personally if it was my dog and he had done that to my dog if the law didn’t take care of it I’m sure she has friends that could and I would have them shattered his damn jaw bones or if they could hold him Iwould do it .justice is justice and this jackass won’t get any because he is a jock.

    • Ruth Bond

      Sep 27, 2016 at 12:57 pm

      He is one nasty B****** and I would make sure he was never left with any animal again , god help him if he ever has children … women beware !

  12. Carole

    Sep 26, 2016 at 2:03 pm

    What a pie e of s—t! He needs to be put in jail for animal abuse and lose his job! There is no excuse for animal abus and he has done this before. Fire the bastard!,

  13. Andrea

    Sep 26, 2016 at 1:47 pm

    Get rid of him from football and he needs jail time!!!!

  14. Carol mcclelland

    Sep 26, 2016 at 1:45 pm

    He should be jailed for picking on a poor dog he’s is a scumbag to do that to the dog

  15. Terry Golz

    Sep 26, 2016 at 1:37 pm

    Your an animal abuser. What comes around goes around in due time. You should do
    some time in jail and have those guys in there do to you what you did to that innocent dog you coward

  16. Elise Lach

    Sep 26, 2016 at 1:28 pm

    The MOTHERFUCKING as Sholes should be hung up by his BALLS!!!!!!!

  17. Shelley Hollick

    Sep 26, 2016 at 1:23 pm

    Id like to break his jaw in 6 places…he’s a loser n should never be allowed another right to own a precious animal.

  18. Bev Rohling

    Sep 26, 2016 at 1:11 pm

    to hell with suspension … fire him then jail him

  19. Christine tapia

    Sep 26, 2016 at 12:47 pm

    Fucken coward why didn’t he just admit it, poor dog has to pay the price for his anger and live the rest of his life eating his food right now, that guy needs someone to bust his dame jaw and leave him to never eat solid foods again see if he can live like that but karmas a bitch he’ll get his one day soon!! Hope it’s sooner than we hope!! Bastard!!

  20. Janet

    Sep 26, 2016 at 12:31 pm

    He should be prosecuted criminally AND be banned from ever having contact with or owning an animal on his own. The team should permanently remove him from the roster and suspended from the university for conduct violations. SMHD.

  21. Lesley Campbell

    Sep 26, 2016 at 12:25 pm

    What a coward

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