Mixed Breeds

Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America

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If you’ve ever wondered about all the non-purebred pooches left out by the American Kennel Club, you’ll be happy to learn about the Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of Americafounded in 1978.  Obedience and companionship are emphasized over confirmation, although there is a mixed breed confirmation standard.  The Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America sponsors an annual National Specialty show.

What is the Mixed Breed Dog Club of America (MBDCA)?

The Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America (MBDCA), founded in 1978, is a non-profit corporation for owners and supporters of mixed breed dogs. Members elect directors and officers for the national organization just as local clubs elect their leaders for the local club. All members, upon approval of their membership application, must agree to abide by the MBDCA Code of Ethics and Club Rules and Regulations.

How does MBDCA differ from other mixed breed registries?

MBDCA is a dog club, not just a registry. As a club, it elects its officers and directors and maintains a membership roster. Members in good standing are entitled to full privileges of membership in the corporation.

Perhaps what most distinguishes MBDCA is that we certify our own judges based on training, showing and judging experience. This assures both quality and consistency in judging. In fact, many MBDCA judges are also AKC, UKC, and ASCA-approved judges.

Can any dog be registered with the MBDCA?

No. Only neutered or spayed mixed breed dogs and some purebred dogs. The MBDCA welcomes handicapped purebreds that are not allowed to compete in AKC or other registry competitions, and purebreds whose owners would like to earn titles in non-traditional  titles for those breeds (non-sighthounds can earn coursing titles, non-retrievers can earn retrieving titles, etc.). While these purebreds do not need to be altered, there is a Code of Ethics that registering owners must agree to abide by when they register their dogs with MBDCA.

Have you attended a Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America sponsored event?  What did you think?

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Kooldog

    Mar 14, 2012 at 9:28 pm

    Thanks for the article; I didn’t even know about MBDCA and also surprising to know that they have been around for so long. I’m going to check it out. Thanks.

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