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Responsible pet owners understand the importance of neutering their dogs. But, given the choice, would your male dog react to the idea the way a male human would – with sheer embarrassment and terror? We may never know the answer to that question, but with Neuticles implants for neutered dogs, we don’t have to! In this article from Sandy Robins for msnbc.com, we learn of the reasons that dog owners opt for the implants when neutering their dogs.
Neuticles Implants, Yep They’re For Real.
While most cosmetic procedures performed on pets are medically necessary, there are some that aren’t. Take “Neuticles,” for instance. Invented nearly 10 years ago by Gregg Miller, an innovator in cosmetic devices for pets, Neuticles are testicular implants designed to give neutered pets a more “masculine,” unneutered look.
To date, about 148,000 implants have been fitted worldwide. The recipients are mainly dogs, but Miller now has three implants available that range in softness and size to fit cats as well as horses and bulls. Prices range from $79 to $400 a pair.
“The implants are FDA approved and are inserted at the time of neutering. It’s like changing a light bulb; it takes less than three minutes,” says Miller. Veterinarians usually charge around $60 in addition to the neutering operation, he adds.
“The animal doesn’t know anything is missing or changed and the owner has a pet that retains his identity and self-esteem in the dog park. … Every day I get e-mails … from people claiming they would not have neutered their pet if not for Neuticles. Consequently, I feel I am helping control the pet population,” says Miller.
Other cosmetic implants designed by Miller include a silicone eye implant for animals that have lost an eye and would otherwise have a sunken or lopsided face, and his latest development, a micro-thin silicone ear implant for pets with drooping or sagging ears.
“I take my cues from consumer demand,” he adds.
And there does appear to be demand, at least for Neuticles. Wendy Ryan of Annapolis, Md., wanted to neuter her Italian greyhound named Pony so that she could get a female puppy. But her husband, John, would only agree if the dog had Neuticles implanted.
“He licks them like they’re real, and I can tell he would rather have them than nothing,” says Ryan. “I would have removed them if the dog was in pain. But it’s like nothing changed.”
And is her husband pleased with the results? “Yes. Definitely. But he would have preferred a bigger size,” says Ryan.
Many veterinarians like Schulman are skeptical of the need for such implants and urge owners to consider whether they’re projecting their own anthropomorphic concerns onto their pet at the animal’s expense.
Often when we see what appears to be an unneutered dog at the end of his owner’s leash, we want to tap the owner’s shoulder and remind him of the importance of neutering – but maybe he already has! What do you think? Would you give your neutered dog Neuticles Implants? Do you think your dog feels insecure without them? Give us your opinions below! And, feel free to read the rest of Sandy’s msnbc article, here.