A Massachusetts family is heartbroken and desperate for answers after their beloved dog died suddenly and unexplainably during a routine rabies vaccination...
An Ogden, Utah family is devastated by a judge’s ruling that their neighbor, a man who confessed to shooting their dog with...
Dave’s Pet Food of Agawam, MA is recalling a single lot of Dave’s Dog Food 95% premium beef cans because the products...
Police in Bridgeport, Connecticut are on the hunt for a dognapper who’s snatched up 11 Yorkshire Terriers from 11 different families over...
A California family is holding their hero – an 8-month old Pit Bull puppy – a little closer today after the brave...
Catch up on all the dog news, stories, training, and lifestyle tips, tricks and advice you might have missed in this dog...
A Massachusetts dog daycare, grooming, and boarding facility has been shut down, its license suspended after a dog was found dead in...
When a van carrying 14 show dogs on their way to a dog show was stolen outside a Redding fast food restaurant,...
Blindness in dogs is more prevalent than you may think, affecting more than 300,000 dogs in the US alone. Now, an innovative...
by Natalie Aylett The ears are such an important part of a dog’s anatomy. Right behind their sense of smell, their sense of...
A noble yet gentle dog with a long, fascinating history – Greyhounds are a...
Smart, brave, determined, and a hunter through and through – the Treeing Walker Coonhound...
Dating back into the 1920s and 1930s, the intelligent and gentle Collie has been...
Kupata, is a very good boi from the town of Batumi in Georgia. He...
Guinness World Records suspends Bobi's titles and launches and investigation after professionals questioned the...
A deep chested dog has a chest that is taller than it is wide....
An Iowa cop who was found fatally shooting a family dog on August 21...
Looking for a reason to show your dog some extra love this 2024? Here's...
On May of this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued...
If you’ve been on the Internet long enough, you know who Clark G The...