As animal lovers, it’s unfathomable that someone would witness an animal in distress and, instead of reaching to help, reach for the...
In a most adorable display of love and affection, this sweet rescue pup offers his most prized possession, his cookie, to his...
Mr. Stewart’s high school students are learning a valuable trade and an even more valuable lesson in compassion in his shop class...
In the past 24 hours, Fresno County Humane Animal Services have picked up 5 dogs, four that were already deceased and one...
Here we go again… Police and Animal Control officers in Volusia County, Florida are investigating after yet another dog owner wrapped their dog’s...
When a North Carolina woman called police for help after a frightening encounter with a strange man on her property, Cumberland County...
Thurston County, Washington police are investigating what appears to be an unintentional, but fatal shooting of Mozart, the 9-year old Belgian Malinois belonging...
Whenever possible, we always prefer a natural alternative to harsh chemicals or dangerous ingredients when treating our dogs. That’s why we love...
Despite a widespread understanding of the importance of neutering to prevent unwanted litters and overpopulation, low-cost spay/neuter clinics available in nearly every...
Curious of what’s in store for you and your four-legged friend this week? Read on to learn more about the opportunities that...
A noble yet gentle dog with a long, fascinating history – Greyhounds are a...
Smart, brave, determined, and a hunter through and through – the Treeing Walker Coonhound...
Dating back into the 1920s and 1930s, the intelligent and gentle Collie has been...
Kupata, is a very good boi from the town of Batumi in Georgia. He...
A deep chested dog has a chest that is taller than it is wide....
Guinness World Records suspends Bobi's titles and launches and investigation after professionals questioned the...
An Iowa cop who was found fatally shooting a family dog on August 21...
Looking for a reason to show your dog some extra love this 2024? Here's...
On May of this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued...
If you’ve been on the Internet long enough, you know who Clark G The...