In Rapid City, South Dakota, a West Highland Terrier named Taffy has been barking continuously for six straight years. Electrician David Richards...
Maple, a gorgeously gifted Border Collie/Golden Retriever mix and her human, Trench, an equally talented musician make beautiful music together! Ok, so...
One very special dog is getting a new leash on life, thanks to a complete set of four prosthetic limbs that are...
April 3rd begins the observation of Passover, an 8-day Spring celebration of the freedom of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Through...
He may only be the size of a pear, but this tiny dog is becoming a big sensation, potentially busting previous world...
Houseplants generally serve a number of favorable functions. They not only give visual interest to our home, but also serve as air...
There are generally three parts of your pooch’s body for which stretching becomes particularly useful – the shoulders, hips, and back. As...
Dognapping is on the rise worldwide. Although every breed is a target, some breeds are more commonly stolen than others, for a...
It wasn’t a lifeguard that came to the rescue when two swimmers at a Ventura, California beach were caught in the dangerous current, but...
Dear Kevin, How do I keep my dog, Rocky from barking and jumping up on people? Thanks, Rodney Hi Rodney, It sounds...
A noble yet gentle dog with a long, fascinating history – Greyhounds are a...
Smart, brave, determined, and a hunter through and through – the Treeing Walker Coonhound...
Dating back into the 1920s and 1930s, the intelligent and gentle Collie has been...
Kupata, is a very good boi from the town of Batumi in Georgia. He...
A deep chested dog has a chest that is taller than it is wide....
Guinness World Records suspends Bobi's titles and launches and investigation after professionals questioned the...
An Iowa cop who was found fatally shooting a family dog on August 21...
Looking for a reason to show your dog some extra love this 2024? Here's...
On May of this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued...
If you’ve been on the Internet long enough, you know who Clark G The...