If my feet could reach the pedals of the car, I would drive to the grocery store myself and buy my own...
I live in a stereo-typical suburban neighborhood. Most homes in my neighborhood have two-to-three kids and one or two dogs. We have...
You have to live under a rock, WAY under, to not know that “The Artist” took best picture at the Oscar’s last...
Dogs are so much smarter than humans. It took weeks of campaigning. It took millions of dollars. But finally, people in two...
One simple tip for green living with a dog is to buy dog food in bulk. Most people think that buying in...
The Dalai Lama recently called me for a brief chat. When I answered the phone I said, “Hello Dalai.” He told me...
I’m really proud of Uggie. He was the real star of the movie The Artist. Not only did he steal the scenes...
Hey everyone, it’s Ralph reporting in from Orlando, Florida. It’s the NBA all star game and I’ve been hanging out with my...
Description The Dogo Argentino, also referred to as the Argentine Mastiff, is a breed of large, muscular dog that originated in Argentina....
Description The Cirneco Dell’Etna (plural Cinechi), also known as the Sicilian Hound, is a breed of medium-sized, slender dog that originated in...
A noble yet gentle dog with a long, fascinating history – Greyhounds are a...
Smart, brave, determined, and a hunter through and through – the Treeing Walker Coonhound...
Dating back into the 1920s and 1930s, the intelligent and gentle Collie has been...
A deep chested dog has a chest that is taller than it is wide....
An Iowa cop who was found fatally shooting a family dog on August 21...
On May of this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued...
If you’ve been on the Internet long enough, you know who Clark G The...
A dog who lost her leg due to a car accident found her forever...
A shelter dog with Norman Animal Welfare in Oklahoma that was set to be...
Much like us, our furry friends are also kept awake at night by their...