A 10-year-old schnauzer-poodle mix, named Oreo, was left abandoned on a corner of the street, with a heartbreaking letter pinned around his...
Our dogs may appear to have selective hearing when it comes to commands, but research suggests they can understand us better than...
After being separated from her owner for nearly three weeks, an American bulldog puppy kidnapped from her Toronto home earlier this month...
Losing a dog is much more than just losing a pet. A dog’s connection with its owner is extremely strong. Dogs accept...
A dog’s love is practically unmatched. They not only provide us with amazing friendship and loyalty, but studies demonstrate that they go...
Police shot a Perth family’s new dog to stop it from attacking its three owners on July 10. The family was rushed...
Did you grow up with a dog in your home? A new study from the journal PLOS One shows that spending time...
A senior golden retriever’s owners gave up hope after the dog wandered three weeks ago from their house. Thankfully, a construction team...
Are you thinking of getting a dog? You may prefer to get a particular breed based on your preference. But compatibility matters...
Seeing your dog jump for joy seems like a happy sight to behold, but it’s not the safest. This is especially true...
A noble yet gentle dog with a long, fascinating history – Greyhounds are a...
Smart, brave, determined, and a hunter through and through – the Treeing Walker Coonhound...
Dating back into the 1920s and 1930s, the intelligent and gentle Collie has been...
A dog abandoned in a kennel with a note "Free Dog, Free Kennel" next...
A dog handler in Singapore was charged with animal cruelty on Wednesday, November 29....
TFP Nutrition is expanding their voluntary recall from October to include all the dry...
From toys to cozy beds to accessories to dog treats, there are plenty of...
Each year sees new popular names that dog parents select for their dogs. And...
Kupata, is a very good boi from the town of Batumi in Georgia. He...
Looking for a reason to show your dog some extra love this 2024? Here's...