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MUST READ: CANINES OF NEW YORK is a Celebration of Dogs in the Big City!

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For people who love dogs and New York, this visual celebration of the vibrant dog community of New York City, CANINES OF NEW YORK collects more than 500 photographs taken by acclaimed Brooklyn-based photographer Heather Weston in every borough of the dog-loving big city.

canines of new york

Celebrating the dog community of New York City, this visual collection of more than 500 photographs captures the essence of a dog”™s life in the city.

From canine commuters riding the Staten Island Ferry to regulars meeting at a SoHo dog park, Brooklyn-based photographer Heather Weston conveys a true glimpse into what it means to be a dog in the City that Never Sleeps!

canines of new york

Each dog is presented in one or more photographic portraits, with name, breed, and occasional comments from the dog”™s human companion.

From the greenways of the Bronx and Queens to the canyons of Manhattan, this eclectic and adorable pack of metropolitan mutts will please fans of both dogs and New York City!

canines of new york
canines of new york
canines of new york
canines of new york

CANINES OF NEW YORK, published by Bluestreak Books, is available NOW on Amazon!

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