Dogington University

Pill Problems? Here’s How To Get Your Dog To Take Their Medicine

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While some canine pets ingest their tablets with dinner as needed, the majority usually require some encouragement. You are not alone in this predicament. A time will come when you have to feed your dog a pill, and they’re not going to like it. Here are some tips to help you solve this problem! Try it out and let us know what you think!

Mix With Foods

Hiding a medicine in a tasty food is one of the best methods to convince a dog to take the pill. The secret is to get your pet so excited about the food that he consumes it rapidly, along with the medicine. If all goes according to plan, your dog won’t be able to chew on the tablet or taste its bitterness when he swallows it. Here are a few of the best foods that you can use:

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is an excellent option when it comes to canines’ favorite snacks. Because it’s sticky, you can conceal a pill inside a ball or dollop of delicious peanut butter. Put a pill in a gooey dollop of peanut butter on a spoon and give it to your pet to lick off. Alternatively, you might shape some peanut butter into a tiny ball, add the pill, and give it to your pet as a treat. Before you give peanut butter, check to see if it contains xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is poisonous to dogs.


Many dogs find the flavor of liverwurst to be appealing. Its soft meat also makes it simple to roll into a ball and place the pill in the center. Many dog owners attest that their pet will gladly eat any recommended medication that is concealed inside the liverwurst. Additionally, liverwurst was considered by vets as a high-quality canine treat.


To reduce calories and sodium for your pet, choose part-skim, soft, low-sodium mozzarella string cheese. You may roll some cheese into a ball and place the pill in the middle. The majority of capsules and pills fit easily inside a tiny piece of this cheese. Alternatively, if it does not slide easily, warm the cheese in your hands and shape it around the medication. You may roll some cheese into a ball and place the pill in the middle.

Pill Pockets

Along with food, there are also readily accessible easy-to-use snacks called pill pockets that come with a hole that is ideal for concealing medication. Pill pockets, which come in a variety of tastes, are frequently more nutritionally balanced and contain less sugar and sodium than regular food. Before purchasing, read the label carefully. Some products are intended specifically for dogs while others are made only for cats. If your pet is obese, look for a calorie-conserving brand. Remember that this approach functions best with dogs who take treats without chewing. The components in pill pockets may cause problems for dogs with food sensitivities or allergies, so if your canine companion has had trouble with food in the past, talk to your veterinarian.

Use A Yummy Tasting Pill

Ask your veterinarian if it is possible to compound your pet’s medicine so that it has a more appetizing flavor. Ask them to recommend you to an animal-focused compounding pharmacy in your area if your vet is unable to complete the request.  For example, ask for tuna flavored in the liquid antibiotic for your cat. Your pet might believe that the medicine he is being given is a special treat because of its delicious tuna flavor.

There you have it! What do you think of all these?

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